Index of /afs/sipb/project/phone-project/arch/i386_linux26/share/i18n/locales

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[ICO]NameLast modifiedSize

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -
[   ]POSIX2004-07-28 11:07 8.2K
[   ]af_ZA2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]am_ET2004-07-28 11:07 6.6K
[   ]ar_AE2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_BH2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_DZ2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_EG2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_IN2004-07-28 11:07 6.4K
[   ]ar_IQ2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_JO2004-07-28 11:07 6.8K
[   ]ar_KW2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_LB2004-07-28 11:07 6.8K
[   ]ar_LY2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_MA2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_OM2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_QA2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_SA2004-07-28 11:07 8.6K
[   ]ar_SD2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_SY2004-07-28 11:07 6.9K
[   ]ar_TN2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]ar_YE2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]az_AZ2004-07-28 11:07 6.9K
[   ]be_BY2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]bg_BG2004-07-28 11:07 8.4K
[   ]bn_BD2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]bn_IN2004-07-28 11:07 7.6K
[   ]br_FR2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]br_FR@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]bs_BA2004-07-28 11:07 6.1K
[   ]ca_ES2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]ca_ES@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]cs_CZ2004-07-28 11:07 89K
[   ]cy_GB2004-07-28 11:07 7.6K
[   ]da_DK2004-07-28 11:07 81K
[   ]de_AT2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]de_AT@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.6K
[   ]de_BE2004-07-28 11:07 4.6K
[   ]de_BE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]de_CH2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]de_DE2004-07-28 11:07 5.8K
[   ]de_DE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]de_LU2004-07-28 11:07 4.6K
[   ]de_LU@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]el_GR2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]el_GR@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.3K
[   ]en_AU2004-07-28 11:07 5.0K
[   ]en_BW2004-07-28 11:07 2.4K
[   ]en_CA2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]en_DK2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]en_GB2004-07-28 11:07 5.0K
[   ]en_HK2004-07-28 11:07 6.6K
[   ]en_IE2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]en_IE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]en_IN2004-07-28 11:07 6.5K
[   ]en_NZ2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]en_PH2004-07-28 11:07 6.7K
[   ]en_SG2004-07-28 11:07 6.6K
[   ]en_US2004-07-28 11:07 5.3K
[   ]en_ZA2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]en_ZW2004-07-28 11:07 2.4K
[   ]es_AR2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_BO2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_CL2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_CO2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_CR2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]es_DO2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]es_EC2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_ES2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]es_ES@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]es_GT2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_HN2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_MX2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_NI2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]es_PA2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_PE2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_PR2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]es_PY2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_SV2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_US2004-07-28 11:07 81K
[   ]es_UY2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]es_VE2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]et_EE2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]eu_ES2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]eu_ES@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.9K
[   ]fa_IR2004-07-28 11:07 12K
[   ]fi_FI2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]fi_FI@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]fo_FO2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]fr_BE2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]fr_BE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]fr_CA2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]fr_CH2004-07-28 11:07 4.3K
[   ]fr_FR2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]fr_FR@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]fr_LU2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]fr_LU@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]ga_IE2004-07-28 11:07 5.3K
[   ]ga_IE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]gd_GB2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]gl_ES2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]gl_ES@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]gv_GB2004-07-28 11:07 5.7K
[   ]he_IL2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]hi_IN2004-07-28 11:07 6.4K
[   ]hr_HR2004-07-28 11:07 81K
[   ]hu_HU2004-07-28 11:07 19K
[   ]hy_AM2004-07-28 11:07 9.1K
[   ]i18n2004-07-28 11:07 93K
[   ]id_ID2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]is_IS2004-07-28 11:07 82K
[   ]iso14651_t12004-07-28 11:07 47K
[   ]it_CH2004-07-28 11:07 4.2K
[   ]it_IT2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]it_IT@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]iw_IL2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]ja_JP2004-07-28 11:07 217K
[   ]ka_GE2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]kl_GL2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]ko_KR2004-07-28 11:07 53K
[   ]kw_GB2004-07-28 11:07 5.3K
[   ]lt_LT2004-07-28 11:07 81K
[   ]lug_UG2004-07-28 11:07 10K
[   ]lv_LV2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]mi_NZ2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]mk_MK2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]ml_IN2004-07-28 11:07 6.5K
[   ]mr_IN2004-07-28 11:07 7.2K
[   ]ms_MY2004-07-28 11:07 6.7K
[   ]mt_MT2004-07-28 11:07 8.7K
[   ]nl_BE2004-07-28 11:07 4.1K
[   ]nl_BE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]nl_NL2004-07-28 11:07 4.7K
[   ]nl_NL@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]nn_NO2004-07-28 11:07 5.7K
[   ]no_NO2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]oc_FR2004-07-28 11:07 3.9K
[   ]pl_PL2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]pt_BR2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]pt_PT2004-07-28 11:07 4.8K
[   ]pt_PT@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.5K
[   ]ro_RO2004-07-28 11:07 6.1K
[   ]ru_RU2004-07-28 11:07 5.1K
[   ]ru_UA2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]se_NO2004-07-28 11:07 9.0K
[   ]sk_SK2004-07-28 11:07 5.3K
[   ]sl_SI2004-07-28 11:07 80K
[   ]sq_AL2004-07-28 11:07 6.1K
[   ]sr_YU2004-07-28 11:07 8.3K
[   ]sr_YU@cyrillic2004-07-28 11:07 3.9K
[   ]sv_FI2004-07-28 11:07 4.2K
[   ]sv_FI@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]sv_SE2004-07-28 11:07 6.4K
[   ]ta_IN2004-07-28 11:07 7.1K
[   ]te_IN2004-07-28 11:07 7.2K
[   ]tg_TJ2004-07-28 11:07 5.8K
[   ]th_TH2004-07-28 11:07 45K
[   ]ti_ER2004-07-28 11:07 6.4K
[   ]ti_ET2004-07-28 11:07 6.5K
[   ]tl_PH2004-07-28 11:07 4.5K
[   ]tr_TR2004-07-28 11:07 160K
[   ]translit_circle2004-07-28 11:07 14K
[   ]translit_cjk_compat2004-07-28 11:07 58K
[   ]translit_cjk_variants2004-07-28 11:07 159K
[   ]translit_combining2004-07-28 11:07 59K
[   ]translit_compat2004-07-28 11:07 34K
[   ]translit_et2004-07-28 11:07 23K
[   ]translit_font2004-07-28 11:07 58K
[   ]translit_fraction2004-07-28 11:07 2.3K
[   ]translit_hangul2004-07-28 11:07 604K
[   ]translit_narrow2004-07-28 11:07 6.1K
[   ]translit_neutral2004-07-28 11:07 7.2K
[   ]translit_small2004-07-28 11:07 3.0K
[   ]translit_wide2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]tt_RU2004-07-28 11:07 7.6K
[   ]uk_UA2004-07-28 11:07 5.0K
[   ]ur_PK2004-07-28 11:07 4.9K
[   ]uz_UZ2004-07-28 11:07 6.1K
[   ]vi_VN2004-07-28 11:07 6.9K
[   ]wa_BE2004-07-28 11:07 5.3K
[   ]wa_BE@euro2004-07-28 11:07 1.4K
[   ]yi_US2004-07-28 11:07 6.0K
[   ]zh_CN2004-07-28 11:07 5.4K
[   ]zh_HK2004-07-28 11:07 5.6K
[   ]zh_SG2004-07-28 11:07 5.9K
[   ]zh_TW2004-07-28 11:07 5.5K

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