PilRC / PilRCUI v1.3 User Manual |
Cherry (wesc@ricochet.net) |
PilRC A resource compiler for the US Robotics Pilot PilRCUI A form previewer. It launches a window which previews a close approximation of forms as they would appear on the Pilot. Clicking in the content window of PilRCUI will cause it to reload the current script. Ideally, PilRC and PilRCUI would be the same program, but I don't know how to create a program which conditionally runs in a console window or as a Win32 windows window.
If anyone knows how to do this, let me know.
Table of Contents
Usage Understanding the Manual Resource Language Reference International Support Known Bugs
pilrc [-L LANGUAGE] [-I INCLUDE PATH] file.rcp [output path] pilrcui [-L LANGUAGE] file.rcp
-L LANGUAGE Generate resource files for target language, LANGUAGE. -I INCLUDE PATH Search INCLUDE PATH when looking for include or bitmap files.
Note: multiple paths to search may be specified by repeating the -I option.file.rcp Input file describing the resources to be emitted. Each resource is written as a seperate file in the [output path] directory. The output filename is constructed by appending the hexcode resource id to the four character resource type.
For example, a FORM (tFRM) with formid of 15 would be written as tfrm000f.bin.output path Directory where .bin files should be generated.
pilrc -I c:\resources -L french myprogram.rcp c:\output
Items in all CAPS appear as literals in the file.
Items enclosed in < and > are required fields.
Items enclosed in [ and ] are optional fields.Each field's required type is indicated by a suffix after the field name (see below for types).
.i = identifier example: kFoo.s = string (may contain the following character escapes: \t (tab) \n (cr) or \nnn where nnn is an octal character code) example: "Click Me" .ss = multi line string. PilRC will concatenate strings on seperate lines enclosed with quotes and terminated by the \ character example: "Now is the time for all good "\ "men to come to the aid of their country" .n = number, defined constant or simple arithmetic expression. Valid operators are + - * /. precedence is left to right. math is integer. examples: 23 12+3+1 12*4 14*3+5/2 .p = position coordinate. Which may be either a number, expression or one of the following keywords AUTO : Automatic width or height. The width/height of the item is computed based on the text in the item. valid only for widths or heights of items. CENTER : Centers the item either horizontally or vertically. Only valid for left or top coordinate of an item. PREVLEFT : Previous items left coordinate PREVRIGHT : Previous items right coordinate PREVWIDTH : Previous items width PREVTOP : Previous items top coordinate PREVBOTTOM : Previous items bottom coordinate PREVHEIGHT : Previous items height example: PREVRIGHT+2 NOTE: AUTO and CENTER must stand alone and are not valid in arithmetic expressions
Comments are single line and begin with //
Note that they are only allowed at the outer scope. Comments within a FORM or MENU or other command are treated as errors.
The .rcp file may contain #include directives. This allows a programmer to have one header file for their project containing resource IDs. Source code can reference the symbols as can PilRC.
PilRC understands three include file formats. Following is the fairly limited syntax for each of them:
.h #define <Symbol.i> <Value.n> .inc <Symbol.i> equ <Value.n> .java .jav
package <Package name>;
[public] class <Class name>
public static final short <Symbol.i> = <Value.n>;
}Each symbol may then be used in place of any numer.
NOTE: #ifdefs are ignored by PilRC.
The .rcp file may contain the following commands:
FORM Pilot Form MENU Menu bar ALERT Alert dialog box VERSION Version string STRING String APPLICATIONICONNAME Application Icon's Name APPLICATION Application four character type ICON Icon bitmap BITMAP Bitmap TRANSLATION Language string translation
FORM ID <FormResourceId.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [FRAME] [NOFRAME] [MODAL] [SAVEBEHIND] [USABLE] [HELPID <HelpId.n>] [DEFAULTBTNID <BtnId.n>] [MENUID <MenuId.n>] BEGIN <OBJECTS> END<OBJECTS>: one or more of:
TITLE <Title.s> BUTTON <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FRAME] [NOFRAME] [BOLDFRAME] [FONT <FontId.n>] PUSHBUTTON <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FONT <FontId>] [GROUP <GroupId.n>] CHECKBOX <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FONT <FontId>] [GROUP <GroupId.n>] [CHECKED] POPUPTRIGGER <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FONT <FontId.n>] SELECTORTRIGGER <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FONT <FontId.n>] REPEATBUTTON <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTANCHOR] [RIGHTANCHOR] [FRAME] [NOFRAME] [BOLDFRAME] [FONT <FontId.n>] LABEL <Label.s> ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p>)[USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [FONT <FontId.n>] FIELD ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>)[USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [LEFTALIGN] [RIGHTALIGN] [FONT <FontId.n>] [EDITABLE] [NONEDITABLE] [UNDERLINED] [SINGLELINE] [MULTIPLELINES] [MAXCHARS <MaxChars.n>] POPUPLIST ID <Id.n> <IdList.n> LIST <Item.s> <Item2.s>... ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABLE] [DISABLED] [VISIBLEITEMS <NumVisItems.n>] [FONT <FontId.n>] FORMBITMAP AT (<Left.p> <Top.p>) BITMAP <BitmapId.n> [NONUSABLE] GADGET ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) [USABLE] [NONUSABE] TABLE ID <Id.n> AT (<Left.p> <Top.p> <Width.p> <Height.p>) ROWS <NumRows.n> COLUMNS <NumCols.n> COLUMNWIDTHS <Col1Width.n> <Col2Width.n.>...
Notes: The bitmap referenced by FORMBITMAP must appear as a seperate resource in the rcp file via the BITMAP command. MAXCHARS is required for FIELD to work properly
Example (This is a cliff notes version of AlarmHack's resource)
FORM ID 1 AT (2 2 156 156) USABLE MODAL HELPID 1 MENUID 1 BEGIN TITLE "AlarmHack" LABEL "Repeat Datebook alarm sound" ID 2000) AT (CENTER 16) PUSHBUTTON "1" ID 2001 AT (20 PrevBottom+2 12) AUTO GROUP 1 PUSHBUTTON "2" ID 2002 AT (PrevRight+1 PrevTop PrevWidth PrevHeight) GROUP 1 PUSHBUTTON "3" ID 2003 AT (PrevRight+1 PrevTop PrevWidth PrevHeight) GROUP 1 LABEL "times. Ring again every" ID 601 AT(CENTER PrevBottom+2) FONT 0 PUSHBUTTON "never" ID 3000 AT (13 PrevBottom+2 32 12) GROUP 2 PUSHBUTTON "10 sec" ID 3001 AT (PrevRight+1 PrevTop PrevWidth PrevHeight) GROUP 2 PUSHBUTTON "30 sec" ID 3002 AT (PrevRight+1 PrevTop PrevWidth PrevHeight) GROUP 2 PUSHBUTTON "1 min" ID 3003 AT (PrevRight+1 PrevTop PrevWidth PrevHeight) GROUP 2 LABEL "Alarm sound:" ID 601 AT (24 PrevBottom+4) POPUPTRIGGER " " ID 5000 AT (PrevRight+4 PrevTop 62 AUTO) LEFTANCHOR LIST "Standard" "Skip Along" "Beethoven" "EuroCop" "Cricket" "Bleep" "Computer2" ID 6000 AT (PrevLeft PrevTop 52 1) VISIBLEITEMS 10 NONUSABLE POPUPLIST ID 5000 6000 BUTTON "Test" ID 1202 AT (CENTER 138 AUTO AUTO) GRAFFITISTATEINDICATOR AT (100 100) END
MENU ID <MenuResourceId> BEGIN <PULLDOWNS> END <PULLDOWNS>: one or more of: PULLDOWN <PulldownTitle.s> BEGIN <MENUITEMS> END <MENUITEMS>: : one or more of: MENUITEM <MenuItem.s> <MenuItemId.n> [AccelChar.c]
ALERT ID 1000 HELPID 100 CONFIRMATION BEGIN TITLE "AlarmHack" MESSAGE "Continuing will cause you 7 years of bad luck\n"\ "Are you sure?" BUTTONS "Ok" "Cancel" END
VERSION ID <VersionResourceId.n> <Version.s>
VERSION ID 1 "0.09"
STRING ID <StringResourceId.n> <String.ss>
STRING ID 100 "This is a very long string that demonstrates carriage retuns\n" \ "as well as continued .ss syntax strings"
APPLICATIONICONNAME ID <AINResourceId.n> <ApplicationName.s>
APPLICATION ID <ApplResourceId.n> <APPL.s><APPL.s> must be 4 characters long
Converts a Microsoft Windows style monochrome bitmap to tAIB Pilot icon resources with ID 1000.
ICON <IconFileName.s>
ICON "myicon.bmp"
Converts Microsoft Windows style monochrome bitmaps to TBmp Pilot bitmap resources.
BITMAP ID <BitmapResourceId.n> <BitmapFileName.s>
BITMAP ID 100 "mybitmap.bmp"
PilRC supports a limited form of international tokenization. It works by substituting strings in the resource definitions with replacements specified in a TRANSLATION section. Multiple translation blocks may be specified in a resource script. The active language is specified with the -L flag to PilRC. (Yeah, I know this is a pretty cheezy way to do this, but it has worked so far.
The biggest problem is with positioning of controls. If you use AUTO, CENTER and PREVRIGHT et al it might not involve any position changing in your script. If you do need to change the position, right now the only workaround is to put some #ifdefs in your file and hook up a custom rule to preprocess your source file).
Note: The TRANSLATION section must appear first in the .rcp file, before any use of the strings to be translated.
pilrc -L FRENCH myscript.rcp res
TRANSLATION <Language.s> BEGIN <STRINGTRANSLATIONS> ENDWhere <STRINGTRANSLATINOS> is one or more of:<Original.s> = <Translated.ss>
TIP: For long strings define a short keyword and then define both native and foriegn translations for it.
TRANSLATION "FRENCH" BEGIN "Repeat Datebook alarm sound" = "Répétitions Alarme Agenda" "Ring again every" = "Rappel tous les" END