load {base}R Documentation

Reload Saved Datasets


Reload the datasets written to a file with the function save.


load(file, envir = parent.frame())
loadURL(url, envir = parent.frame(), quiet = TRUE, ...)


file a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to load.
envir the environment where the data should be loaded.
url a character string naming a URL.
quiet, ... additional arguments to download.file.


load can load R objects saved in the current or any earlier format. It can read a compressed file (see save) directly from a file or from a suitable connection (including a call to url).

loadURL is a convenience wrapper which downloads a file, loads it and deletes the downloaded copy.


A character vector of the names of objects created, invisibly.


Saved R objects are binary files, even those saved with ascii=TRUE, so ensure that they are transferred without conversion of end of line markers.

See Also

save, download.file.


## save all data
save(list = ls(), file= "all.Rdata")

## restore the saved values to the current environment

## restore the saved values to the user's workspace
load("all.Rdata", .GlobalEnv)

## Not run: 
## This example is not real
## print the value to see what objects were created.
# or, avoiding making a local copy,
## End(Not run)

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