source {base}R Documentation

Read R Code from a File or a Connection


source causes R to accept its input from the named file (the name must be quoted). Input is read from that file until the end of the file is reached. parse is used to scan the expressions in, they are then evaluated sequentially in the chosen environment.


source(file, local = FALSE, echo = verbose, print.eval = echo,
       verbose = getOption("verbose"),  prompt.echo = getOption("prompt"),
       max.deparse.length = 150, chdir = FALSE)


file a connection or a character string giving the name of the file or URL to read from.
local if local is FALSE, the statements scanned are evaluated in the user's workspace (the global environment), otherwise in the environment calling source.
echo logical; if TRUE, each expression is printed after parsing, before evaluation.
print.eval logical; if TRUE, the result of eval(i) is printed for each expression i; defaults to echo.
verbose if TRUE, more diagnostics (than just echo = TRUE) are printed during parsing and evaluation of input, including extra info for each expression.
prompt.echo character; gives the prompt to be used if echo = TRUE.
max.deparse.length integer; is used only if echo is TRUE and gives the maximal length of the “echo” of a single expression.
chdir logical; if TRUE, the R working directory is changed to the directory containing file for evaluating.


All versions of R accept input from a connection with end of line marked by LF (as used on Unix), CRLF (as used on DOS/Windows) or CR (as used on classic MacOS). The final line can be incomplete, that is missing the final EOL marker.

If options("keep.source") is true (the default), the source of functions is kept so they can be listed exactly as input. This imposes a limit of 128K chars on the function size and a nesting limit of 265. Use option(keep.source = FALSE) when these limits might take effect: if exceeded they generate an error.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

demo which uses source; eval, parse and scan; options("keep.source").

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