palette {graphics}R Documentation

Set or View the Graphics Palette


View or manipulate the color palette which is used when a col= has a numeric index.




value an optional character vector.


If value has length 1, it is taken to be the name of a built in color palette. If value has length greater than 1 it is assumed to contain a description of the colors which are to make up the new palette (either by name or by RGB levels).

If value is omitted or has length 0, no change is made the current palette.

Currently, the only built-in palette is "default".


The palette which was in effect. This is invisible unless the argument is omitted.

See Also

colors for the vector of built-in “named” colors; hsv, gray, rainbow, terrain.colors,... to construct colors;

col2rgb for translating colors to RGB 3-vectors.


palette()               # obtain the current palette
palette(rainbow(6))     # six color rainbow

(palette(gray(seq(0,.9,len=25)))) # gray scales; print old palette
matplot(outer(1:100,1:30), type='l', lty=1,lwd=2, col=1:30,
        main = "Gray Scales Palette",
        sub = "palette(gray(seq(0,.9,len=25)))")
palette("default")      # reset back to the default

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