grid.set {grid}R Documentation

Set a Grid Graphical Object


Replace a grob or a descendant of a grob.


grid.set(gPath, newGrob, strict = FALSE, redraw = TRUE) 
setGrob(gTree, gPath, newGrob, strict = FALSE) 


gTree A gTree object.
gPath A gPath object. For grid.set this specifyies a grob on the display list. For setGrob this specifies a descendant of the specified gTree.
strict A boolean indicating whether the gPath must be matched exactly.
newGrob A grob object.
redraw A logical value to indicate whether to redraw the grob.


setGrob copies the specified grob and returns a modified grob.

grid.set destructively replaces a grob on the display list. If redraw is TRUE it then redraws everything to reflect the change.

These functions should not normally be called by the user.


setGrob returns a grob object; grid.set returns NULL.


Paul Murrell

See Also


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