grid.text {grid} | R Documentation |
These functions create and draw text.
grid.text(label, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = "centre", rot = 0, check.overlap = FALSE, default.units = "npc", name = NULL, gp=gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL) textGrob(label, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = "centre", rot = 0, check.overlap = FALSE, default.units = "npc", name = NULL, gp=gpar(), vp = NULL)
label |
A vector of strings or expressions to draw. |
x |
A numeric vector or unit object specifying x-values. |
y |
A numeric vector or unit object specifying y-values. |
just |
The justification of the text about its (x, y) location. If two values are given, the first specifies horizontal justification and the second specifies vertical justification. |
rot |
The angle to rotate the text. |
check.overlap |
A logical value to indicate whether to check for and omit overlapping text. |
default.units |
A string indicating the default units to use
if x or y
are only given as numeric vectors. |
name |
A character identifier. |
gp |
An object of class gpar , typically the output
from a call to the function gpar . This is basically
a list of graphical parameter settings. |
draw |
A logical value indicating whether graphics output should be produced. |
vp |
A Grid viewport object (or NULL). |
Both functions create a text grob (a graphical object describing
text), but only grid.text
draws the text (and then only if draw
If the label
argument is an expression, the output is
formatted as a mathematical annotation, as for base graphics text.
A text grob. grid.text
returns the value invisibly.
Paul Murrell
grid.newpage() x <- stats::runif(20) y <- stats::runif(20) rot <- stats::runif(20, 0, 360) grid.text("SOMETHING NICE AND BIG", x=x, y=y, rot=rot, gp=gpar(fontsize=20, col="grey")) grid.text("SOMETHING NICE AND BIG", x=x, y=y, rot=rot, gp=gpar(fontsize=20), check=TRUE) grid.newpage() draw.text <- function(just, i, j) { grid.text("ABCD", x=x[j], y=y[i], just=just) grid.text(deparse(substitute(just)), x=x[j], y=y[i] + unit(2, "lines"), gp=gpar(col="grey", fontsize=8)) } x <- unit(1:4/5, "npc") y <- unit(1:4/5, "npc") grid.grill(h=y, v=x, gp=gpar(col="grey")) draw.text(c("bottom"), 1, 1) draw.text(c("left", "bottom"), 2, 1) draw.text(c("right", "bottom"), 3, 1) draw.text(c("centre", "bottom"), 4, 1) draw.text(c("centre"), 1, 2) draw.text(c("left", "centre"), 2, 2) draw.text(c("right", "centre"), 3, 2) draw.text(c("centre", "centre"), 4, 2) draw.text(c("top"), 1, 3) draw.text(c("left", "top"), 2, 3) draw.text(c("right", "top"), 3, 3) draw.text(c("centre", "top"), 4, 3) draw.text(c(), 1, 4) draw.text(c("left"), 2, 4) draw.text(c("right"), 3, 4) draw.text(c("centre"), 4, 4)