balancedGrouped {nlme}R Documentation

Create a groupedData object from a matrix


Create a groupedData object from a data matrix. This function can be used only with balanced data. The opposite conversion, from a groupedData object to a matrix, is done with asTable.


balancedGrouped(form, data, labels=NULL, units=NULL)


form A formula of the form y ~ x | g giving the name of the response, the primary covariate, and the grouping factor.
data A matrix or data frame containing the values of the response grouped according to the levels of the grouping factor (rows) and the distinct levels of the primary covariate (columns). The dimnames of the matrix are used to construct the levels of the grouping factor and the primary covariate.
labels an optional list of character strings giving labels for the response and the primary covariate. The label for the primary covariate is named x and that for the response is named y. Either label can be omitted.
units an optional list of character strings giving the units for the response and the primary covariate. The units string for the primary covariate is named x and that for the response is named y. Either units string can be omitted.


A balanced groupedData object.


Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates

See Also

groupedData, isBalanced, asTable


OrthoMat <- asTable( Orthodont )
Orth2 <- balancedGrouped(distance ~ age | Subject, data = OrthoMat,
    labels = list(x = "Age",
                  y = "Distance from pituitary to pterygomaxillary fissure"),
    units = list(x = "(yr)", y = "(mm)"))
Orth2[ 1:10, ]        ## check the first few entries

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