TkCommands {tcltk} | R Documentation |
These functions interface to Tk non-widget commands, such as the window manager interface commands and the geometry managers.
tkcmd(...) tktitle(x) tktitle(x) <- value tkbell(...) tkbind(...) tkbindtags(...) tkfocus(...) tklower(...) tkraise(...) tkclipboard.append(...) tkclipboard.clear(...) tkevent.add(...) tkevent.delete(...) tkevent.generate(...) tkfont.actual(...) tkfont.configure(...) tkfont.create(...) tkfont.delete(...) tkfont.families(...) tkfont.measure(...) tkfont.metrics(...) tkfont.names(...) tkgrab(...) tkgrab.current(...) tkgrab.release(...) tkgrab.set(...) tkgrab.status(...) tkimage.cget(...) tkimage.configure(...) tkimage.create(...) tkimage.names(...) ## NB: some widgets also have a selection.clear command, hence the "X". tkXselection.clear(...) tkXselection.get(...) tkXselection.handle(...) tkXselection.own(...) tkwait.variable(...) tkwait.visibility(...) tkwait.window(...) ## winfo actually has a large number of subcommands, but it's rarely ## used, so use tkwinfo("atom", ...) etc. instead. tkwinfo(...) # Window manager interface tkwm.aspect(...) tkwm.client(...) tkwm.colormapwindows(...) tkwm.command(...) tkwm.deiconify(...) tkwm.focusmodel(...) tkwm.frame(...) tkwm.geometry(...) tkwm.grid(...) tkwm.iconbitmap(...) tkwm.iconify(...) tkwm.iconmask(...) tkwm.iconname(...) tkwm.iconposition(...) tkwm.iconwindow(...) tkwm.maxsize(...) tkwm.minsize(...) tkwm.overrideredirect(...) tkwm.positionfrom(...) tkwm.protocol(...) tkwm.resizable(...) tkwm.sizefrom(...) tkwm.state(...) tkwm.title(...) tkwm.transient(...) tkwm.withdraw(...) ### Geometry managers tkgrid(...) tkgrid.bbox(...) tkgrid.columnconfigure(...) tkgrid.configure(...) tkgrid.forget(...) tkgrid.location(...) tkgrid.propagate(...) tkgrid.rowconfigure(...) tkgrid.remove(...) tkgrid.size(...) tkgrid.slaves(...) tkpack(...) tkpack.configure(...) tkpack.forget(...) tkpack.propagate(...) tkpack.slaves(...) tkplace(...) tkplace.configure(...) tkplace.forget(...) tkplace.slaves(...) ## Standard dialogs tkgetOpenFile(...) tkgetSaveFile(...) tkchooseDirectory(...) tkmessageBox(...) tkdialog(...) tkpopup(...) ## File handling functions tkfile.tail(...) tkfile.dir(...) tkopen(...) tkclose(...) tkputs(...) tkread(...)
x |
A window object |
value |
For tktitle assignments, a character string. |
... |
Handled via .Tcl.args |
provides a generic interface to calling any Tk or Tcl
command by simply running .Tcl.args.objv
on the argument list
and passing the
result to .Tcl.objv
. Most of the other commands simply call
with a particular
first argument and sometimes also a second argument giving the
and its assignment form provides an alternate interface
to Tk's wm title
There are far too many of these commands to describe them and their
arguments in full. Please refer to the Tcl/Tk documentation for details.
Except for a few exceptions, the pattern is that Tcl subcommands like
pack configure
are converted to function names like
, TkWidgets
## Not run: ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted ## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded tt <- tktoplevel() tkpack(l1<-tklabel(tt,text="Heave"),l2<-tklabel(tt,text="Ho")) tkpack.configure(l1,side="left") ## Try stretching the window and then tkdestroy(tt) ## End(Not run)