R.Version {base}R Documentation

Version Information


R.Version() provides detailed information about the version of R running.
R.version is a variable (a list) holding this information (and version is a copy of it for S compatibility), whereas R.version.string is a simple character string, useful for plotting, etc.




R.Version returns a list with components

platform the platform for which R was built. Under Unix, a triplet of the form CPU-VENDOR-OS, as determined by the configure script. E.g, "i586-unknown-linux".
arch the architecture (CPU) R was built on/for.
os the underlying operating system
system CPU and OS.
status the status of the version (e.g., "Alpha")
status.rev the status revision level
major the major version number
minor the minor version number
year the year the version was released
month the month the version was released
day the day the version was released
language always "R".


Do not use R.version$os to test the platform the code is running on: use .Platform$OS.type instead. Slightly different versions of the OS may report different values of R.version$os, as may different versions of R.

See Also

getRversion .Platform.


R.version$os # to check how lucky you are ...
plot(0) # any plot
mtext(R.version.string, side=1,line=4,adj=1)# a useful bottom-right note

[Package base version 2.0.0 Index]