postscriptFonts {grDevices}R Documentation

PostScript Fonts


These functions handle the translation of a device-independent R graphics font family name to a PostScript font description.


postscriptFont(family, metrics, encoding = "default")



family a character string giving the name of an Adobe Type 1 font family.
metrics a vector of four or five strings giving paths to the afm (font metric) files for the Type 1 font.
encoding the name of an encoding file. Defaults to "ISOLatin1.enc" in the ‘R_HOME/afm’ directory, which is used if the path does not contain a path separator. An extension ".enc" can be omitted.
... either character strings naming mappings to display, or new (named) mappings to define.


A PostScript device is created with a default font (see the documentation for postscript), but it is also possible to specify a font family when drawing to the device (for example, see the documentation for gpar in the grid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be mapped to something more specific to PostScript fonts. A list of mappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.

The postscriptFonts function can be used to list existing translations and to define new mappings. The postscriptFont function can be used to create a new mapping.

The argument family specifies the font family to be used. Default mappings are provided for four device-independent family names: "sans" for a sans-serif font, "serif" for a serif font, "mono" for a monospaced font, and "symbol" for a symbol font.

Mappings for a number of standard Adobe fonts (and URW equivalents) are also provided: "AvantGarde", "Bookman", "Courier", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Narrow", "NewCenturySchoolbook", "Palatino" and "Times"; "URWGothic", "URWBookman", "NimbusMon", "NimbusSan", "NimbusSanCond", "CenturySch", "URWPalladio" and "NimbusRom".

There is also a mapping for "ComputerModern".

The specification of font metrics and encodings is described in the help for the postscript function.


postscriptFont returns a PostScript font description.
postscriptFonts returns one or more font mappings.


Support for Computer Modern fonts is based on a contribution by Brian D'Urso

See Also



CMitalic <- postscriptFont("ComputerModern",
                           c("CM_regular_10.afm", "CM_boldx_10.afm",
                             "cmti10.afm", "cmbxti10.afm",

[Package grDevices version 2.0.0 Index]