pdMatrix {nlme}R Documentation

Extract Matrix or Square-Root Factor from a pdMat Object


The positive-definite matrix represented by object, or a square-root factor of it is obtained. Letting S denote a positive-definite matrix, a square-root factor of S is any square matrix L such that S = L'L. This function extracts S or L.


pdMatrix(object, factor)


object an object inheriting from class pdMat, representing a positive definite matrix.
factor an optional logical value. If TRUE, a square-root factor of the positive-definite matrix represented by object is returned; else, if FALSE, the positive-definite matrix is returned. Defaults to FALSE.


if fact is FALSE the positive-definite matrix represented by object is returned; else a square-root of the positive-definite matrix is returned.


Jose Pinheiro Jose.Pinheiro@pharma.novartis.com and Douglas Bates bates@stat.wisc.edu

See Also

as.matrix.pdMat, pdFactor, corMatrix


pd1 <- pdSymm(diag(1:4))

[Package nlme version 3.1-52 Index]