profiler.nls {stats}R Documentation

Constructor for Profiler Objects from nls Objects


Create a profiler object for the model object fitted of class nls.


## S3 method for class 'nls':
profiler(fitted, ...)


fitted the original fitted model object of class nls.
... Additional parameters. None are used.


An object of class profiler.nls which is a list with function elements

getFittedModel() the nlsModel object corresponding to fitted
getFittedPars() See documentation for profiler
setDefault(varying, params) See documentation for profiler
getProfile(varying, params) In the returned list, fstat is the ratio of change in sum-of-squares and the residual standard error.
For other details, see documentation for profiler


When using setDefault and getProfile together, the internal state of the fitted model may get changed. So after completing the profiling for a parameter, the internal states should be restored by a call to setDefault without any arguments. For example see below or the source for profile.nls.


Douglas M. Bates and Saikat DebRoy


Bates, D.M. and Watts, D.G. (1988), Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications, Wiley

See Also

nls, nlsModel, profiler, profile.nls


## obtain the fitted object
fm1 <- nls(demand ~ SSasympOrig( Time, A, lrc ), data = BOD)
## get the profile for the fitted model
prof1 <- profiler( fm1 )
## profile with A fixed at 16.0
prof1$getProfile(c(FALSE, TRUE), 16.0)
## vary lrc
prof1$setDefault(varying = c(FALSE, TRUE))
## fix A at 14.0 and starting estimate of lrc at -0.2
prof1$setDefault(params = c(14.0, -0.2))
## and get the profile
## finally, set defaults back to original estimates

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