PkgUtils {utils}R Documentation

Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages


Utilities for checking whether the sources of an R add-on package work correctly, and for building a source or binary package from them.


R CMD build [options] pkgdirs
R CMD check [options] pkgdirs


pkgdirs a list of names of directories with sources of R add-on packages.
options further options to control the processing, or for obtaining information about usage and version of the utility.


R CMD check checks R add-on packages from their sources, performing a wide variety of diagnostic checks.

R CMD build builds R source or binary packages from their sources. It will create index files in the sources if necessary, so it is often helpful to run build before check.

Use R CMD foo --help to obtain usage information on utility foo.

Several of the options to build --binary are passed to INSTALL so consult its help for the details.

See Also

The chapter “Processing Rd format” in “Writing R Extensions” (see the ‘doc/manual’ subdirectory of the R source tree).

INSTALL is called by build --binary.

[Package utils version 2.0.0 Index]