vignette {utils}R Documentation

View or List Vignettes


View a specified vignette, or list the available ones.


vignette(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL)


topic a character string giving the (base) name of the vignette to view.
package a character vector with the names of packages to search through, or NULL in which case all available packages in the library trees specified by lib.loc are searched.
lib.loc a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


Currently, only PDF versions of vignettes can be viewed. The program specified by the pdfviewer option is used for this. If several vignettes have PDF versions with base name identical to topic, the first one found is used for viewing.

If no topics are given, the available vignettes are listed. The corresponding information is returned in an object of class "packageIQR". The structure of this class is experimental.


## List vignettes in all attached packages
## List vignettes in all available packages
vignette(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))

[Package utils version 2.0.0 Index]