- How to display PLS results of Event Related fMRI data All the PLS Result data are saved in any of the '*fMRIresult.mat' files. The result window will provide you a convenient way to display the Brain LV image and Bootstrap Ratio image (if bootstrap number is greater than 0, and you can toggle between Bootstrap Ratio image and Brain LV image by selecting the View menu.) From 'File' menu, you can choose: 1. Load Background Image 2. Load PLS Result 3. Save BLV Result to IMG File 4. Save BS Ratio to IMG File (if bootstrap) From 'Windows' menu, you can choose: 1. Singular Value Plot 2. Canonical Brain Scores Plot 3. Design LV and Design Scores Plot (for task analysis result) 4. Response Function Plot (for task analysis result) 5. Brain Scores vs. Behavior Data Plot (for behavior test result) 6. Datamat Correlations Plot (for behavior test result) 7. Contrasts Information (for non-rotated task analysis) 8. Create Brain LV Figure 9. Create Bootstrap Ratio Figure (if bootstrap) From 'Report' menu, you can choose: 1. Set Cluster Report Option 2. Load Cluster Report 3. Create Cluster Report - About Color Bar and Color in Result Image The color in result image represent its value compared with threshold value. If the absolute value is below the threshold, it will be shown in gray. The maximum value will be shown in saturated red, which is located in the upper part of color bar, while the minimum value will be shown in dark blue, which is located in the lower part of color bar. ** After adjust any of the above value, press "PLOT" button to update the display. - About the Control Panel The control panel is located at the left of the result window. On top of the control panel, it displays the name of result file. LV index: By default, it display the result on LV1, you can update the 'LV index:' field to display results on other latent variable. First Slice: First slice in the image to be shown Last Slice: Last slice in the image to be shown Step: Incremented steps between two display slices Threshold: threshold is calculated based on 95 percentile of the brain LV or bootstrap ratio. You can always update this field to change the threshold. Curr. Value: clicking on any voxel on brain LV image, this field will display the current value on the clicked voxel. approx. P Value: clicking on any voxel on bootstrap ratio image, this field will display approximate P value of the bootstrap ratio. Min Value or Ratio: any data lower than this value will be set to this value. Max Value or Ratio: any data higher than this value will be set to this value. XYZ: clicking on any voxel on result image, this field will display the coordinate of the clicked voxel in [x y slice#]. XYZ(mm): it displays the clicked voxel coordinate in respect to the origin voxel coordinate in mm unit. Usually, the origin voxel coordinate is written in image header file. If the it is not indicated in the image header file, or the origin in the image header file contains 0, it will then be set to middle of the brain. - Background Template File and Background Image Both background template and background image contains 1 brain volume of image data, which provides the basic brain physical structure that can contrast out the activity brain area we try to display. - Save BLV Result (or BS Ratio) to IMG File Save the volume of current LV of index Brain LV or BS Ratio data. - Singular Values Plot This is a bar graph window. Through its view menu, you can choose to display Observed Singular Values, Percent Crossblock Covarience, and Permuted Singular Value if if permutation number is greater than 0. - Design LV and Design Score Plot In this window, it displays Design LV and Design Scores in different conditions, and Brain Scores vs. Design Scores. Different displays are switched via view menu. All the displays correspond to a LV vector. The default LV is LV #1, and you can select other LVs in the left Display LVs panel in this window. - Response Function Plot This window plots the activity of a particular voxel. When you click this menu, the plot window will be popped up behind the main result window. By clicking any voxel, the response function window will plot the detail information about voxel activity. - Canonical Brain Scores Plot This window plots the brain scores for individual and average stimulus in each condition. When you click this menu, the Canonical Brain Scores window will open. Choose one of LV and click Plot button, and the result will be displayed. This feature is helpful to identify the timepoints where the maximal effects are present. - Brain Score vs Behavior Data, and Correlation Bar Plot If the result is from Behavior test, the Brain Score vs Behavior Data menu is available in the window menu instead of Design LV and Design Scores Plot. It displays the Brain Score vs Behavior Data for all the conditions. User can change the number of subplot through 'Change Plot Dimension' menu under 'Option' menu. User can also choose 'Show Per LV Plot' to have a montage like plot. If there is any bootstrap loop in the Behavior test, user can also view the Correlation Bar Plot by choosing 'Show Correlation Plot' under 'View' menu. - Datamat Correlation plot This window plots the correlation between datamat and behavior data for each behavior measures and their average for each condition. When you click this menu, the plot window will be popped up behind the main result window. By clicking any voxel, the datamat correlation window will plot the detail information just mentioned. - Cluster Report A cluster is defined as a connected volume in the brain. If the cluster size is smaller than the minimum cluster size you defined in the cluster report option, it will not be count. If the distance between two cluster peak is shorter than the minimum distance you defined in the cluster report option, they are only counted as one cluster. In cluster report option, you can also re-define the origin location of the brain. The cluster report window will display the cluster#, peak voxel location, and cluster size etc. You can also save cluster report into a .mat file, and the cluster_info struct will give more information for clusters. By clicking 'Cluster Mask' submenu under Report menu, you can also turn on (or turn off) the cluster mask on the result display image. Because the cluster report is calculated on fly and not saved in the result file. You must first Load or Create a cluster report for each different scenario, and you can close the report window afterwards. If you did not do so, the program will prompt you to do so. You have to Load or Create cluster report again if you changed display threshold, min.value, max.value, or switching among axi/sagi/coro views. However, if you just change LV Index, FirstSlice/Step/LastSlice, or even change betweem BLV to BSR views, you do no need to load/create report again if you already did so in this scenario. Anyway, program will prompt you to do so if there is such a need. In some resolution, you may want to enlarge or reduce the size of Cluster Mask marker. You can change this value by click Set Cluster Report Options submenu under Report menu. The current display will not be updated, you can let it be updated by click (uncheck) the Cluster Mask submenu, and click (check) it again.