NCBI Data in XML Introduction Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a tagged format similar to HTML on which web pages are based. The familiar text format and availability of public domain tools for parsing this language is making it a popular choice for the exchange of structured data over the WWW. Roughly ten years ago, NCBI chose a language called Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) for describing and exchanging information in a manner similar to the ways XML is now used. ASN.1 came out of the telecommunications industry and is a compact binary encoding intended for both human readable text as well as integers, floating point numbers, and so on. While this is "software friendly" it is less accessible to users familiar with HTML and other text based languages. Tools for ASN.1 have largely stayed within the commercial telecommunications industry while a host of public domain tools of varying character have arisen for XML and HTML. NCBI has recently added support for XML output to its ASN.1 toolkit. An ASN.1 specification can be automatically rendered into an XML DTD. Data encoded in ASN.1 can automatically be output in XML which will validate against the DTD using standard XML tools. We hope this will make the structured sequence, map, and structure data, as well as the output of tools like BLAST, more accessible to those who wish to work in XML. We are providing XML in two basic modes. Full Data Conversion is the direct mapping of every data field used within NCBI to XML. This is not for the faint of heart, but it does mean that whatever we have, you have. The other mode is to provide smaller, Targeted DTDs for end users. These are still first done as ASN.1, but with an eye to providing smaller, standalone data outputs as XML. These two modes are described in detail below. Full Data Conversion Note that the full conversion of existing ASN.1 specified data into XML has some specific properties. NCBI is not proposing a new data model, but is simply transliterating the data model we have used for the last decade into a different language for the convenience of our users. ASN.1 has a number of specific data types such as INTEGER or REAL numbers while XML has only strings, so our DTD automatically adds some ENTITY definitions at the top which maps these numbers to strings. This mapping only allows humans that read the DTD to see where numbers are expected; an XML validator will not care what is there. The ASN.1 validators do care, and can also check ranges of values and so on, so those continue to be used to read and process the data within NCBI. Reuse and Roles ASN.1 is also designed to allow the reuse of modules in a specification. Modules may be in multiple files and mixed and matched as needed, similar to C or C++ header files defining structures and classes. Most XML specifications in biology have been relatively small thus far, and/or focussed on the work of a specific group. Thus the DTDs tend to be in a single file. It is possible to write a large modular DTD in XML, and this is done by commercial publishing houses, but in XML the including process requires two sets of files. One file is basically a list of DTDs to put together to make the complete DTD. The other is the DTD modules themselves. In the NCBI XML specs, the files with a .dtd extension are the ones referenced by the DOCTYPE line in an XML file. The DTDs for individual modules have the extension .mod, and these corresspond to the ASN.1 modules. XML can be "valid" or "well formed". Valid XML means that the data in a record is compared with a specific DTD and all the rules and elements defined in the DTD are correctly reflected in the data. Well formed XML just means that the file does not break any XML syntax rules, but no check is made that it actually follows the specification of its DTD. ASN.1 was designed on the basis that data must always be "valid". Not only is this more "type safe", but it also means that the ASN.1 parser always knows the structure of the data. This makes compact binary encoding possible. It also means that data elements can be reused in different roles without lots of extra tagging since the context is always known. So in ASN.1 (or most computer languages) the data structure "Person" can have a field called "name" and "Gene" can also have a field called "name", and nothing gets confused. XML requires that every ELEMENT have a unique tag, so if "Person" and "Gene" appear in the same DTD, you cannot have a single tag, "name" that means two different things depending on context. Roles: For example, the NCBI ASN.1 specification was designed to be used in a modular way. So a single Date object is defined with the fields year, month, day, etc. It is then referenced in any object that needs a date, that is, this object can be reused in a variety of roles. Since ASN.1 assumes a modular structure, it is straightforward to reuse data in different roles without a lot of overhead. For this specification: Record ::= SEQUENCE { create-date Date, update-date Date } Date ::= SEQUENCE { month INTEGER, year INTEGER } and some sample data might be: Record ::= SEQUENCE { create-date { month 6, year 1999 }, update-date { month 8, year 2000 } } the direct mapping to XML requires that every ELEMENT be explicitly tagged and not implied by the context. So the equivalent DTD is more verbose: as is the XML data itself: 6 1999 8 2000 There is a tendency in XML DTDs to adjust to this expansion of tag levels due to roles, by defining each role separately as it occurs: Scope: ASN.1 does not require that a name be unique except within a structure, similar to C or C++. XML however requires that all names be unique across the DTD, unless they are attributes which must come from a limited repertoire. Many XML parsers rely on this so that callback functions are associated wth a tag, not a tag within context. As a trivial illustration, if both people and genes have names, they are distinct in ASN.1: Person ::= SEQUENCE { name VisibleString, room-number INTEGER } Gene ::= SEQUENCE { name VisibleString, map VisibleString } but must be made unique in XML to be distinguished: In the case above, we prefixed the element (name) that was used in two contexts with the name of the context to make it unique. But this requires an analysis of all the modules of the specification at once. In addition, it assumes the modules will not be used in other contexts in future, which might make other elements non-unique. So the automatic converter guarantees that every element is unique by always prefixing all element names with the context (and would produce both Person_room, and Gene_map, in the example above). Alternate Representations: In a number of cases the ASN.1 specification allows alternate forms of the same data object. This is because our goal was to get a workable specification that would incorporate data from all the available sources. While the overall model is designed to a view of how it "should be" there are lots of places where we allow for the reality of available sources. So, for example, while we might prefer that a Date have fields for month and year, for some sources we may only have a string. Rather than drop the Date altogether in those cases, we allow alternate forms in ASN.1: Date ::= CHOICE { str VisibleString, -- when it is all we have std Date-std } -- preferred Date-std ::= SEQUENCE { month INTEGER, year INTEGER } which is represented in ASN.1 data as: Date ::= std { month 8, year 1999 } However in XML it requires two more layers of explicit tags: 8 1999 Note the use of hyphen in the original names (eg. Date-std) and of underline to delimit a role in another object (eg. Date_std). Summary: While the effect of Roles, Scope, and Alternate Forms results in extensive tags in the XML, it does accurately reflect the structure and use of the data. It allows XML programs to capture as little or as much of the full data structure as they wish. And once converted back from XML to structures or classes in a variety of programming languages there is minimal overhead once again. The full NCBI DTD reflects this structure. What is called the NCBI DTD actually only specifies the basic data structures for publications, sequences, maps, alignments, and structures. These same elements are reused in different roles in many services as well, such as BLAST which produces alignments (defined in NCBI DTD) as well as other elements specific to BLAST. We have not copied all the referenced modules into a DTD for every service as a practical matter, although we can produce XML output from any ASN.1 interface. Targeted DTDs Many people do not want, or will not make use of the full data specification used internally by NCBI. It is possible for us to fairly easily write specialized subsets into standalone specifications when there is a clear community need that will be served. Just as FASTA files are a very limited representation of a sequence, they are sufficient for a large number of users most of the time. In the NCBI toolkit are tools which, given an ASN.1 specification, will automatically generate the C or C++ code (C++ version is still in development) to read and write data conforming to that specification in ASN.1, the C structures or classes to store it in, the XML DTD, and the code to write it in XML. Thus we can specify a simpler, special purpose structure, automatically generate most of the necessary code, then manually write a relatively small bit of code to fill in the fields in the new C structure from our existing C structures of the full version. We have created two small examples of this. The Minimal Sequence (MinSeq) example keeps some of the modular structure of the full specification, but greatly reduces the number and depths of elements, and does not reference any other specification. The Tiny Sequence (TinySeq) removes all modularity (and thus a lot of the flexibility for growth and modification) of MinSeq but results in an extremely simple structure. All these forms of any sequence are available in the XML demo application. We welcome comments and suggestions after you have looked through the demo. asn2xml asn2xml is a utility program designed to read sequence data in ASN.1 and output it as "full XML", for those who would prefer working with that format. The only change to the data itself, in addition to the remapping to XML, is to convert binary sequence alphabets to text. Especially for long DNA sequences NCBI normally stores the data in ASN.1 in 2 bits per base if there are no ambiguity codes, or 4 bits per base if there are. This reduces the data size by a factor of 2 or 4, and is also a more convenient form for many computations. Since XML is a text format, the alphabets are converted. This, and the more verbose tagging in XML, result in considerable expansion of the data from the binary ASN.1 on our ftp site. So, to conserve our heavily used bandwidth and disk space, we provide this utility. You can ftp binary ASN.1 and then expand it on your site to XML. The arguments to asn2xml (or any NCBI application) can be seen by typing the name and a hyphen.. "asn2xml -" which will give you: asn2xml 1.0 arguments: -i Filename for asn.1 input [File In] default = stdin -e Input is a Seq-entry [T/F] Optional default = F -b Input asnfile in binary mode [T/F] Optional default = T -o Filename for XML output [File Out] Optional default = stdout -l Log errors to file named: [File Out] Optional The defaults are set to read a binary update file into stdin and output xml from stdout: gzcat update.aso | asn2xml > update.xml The binary ASN.1 files can be found in the ncbi ftp directory at Be sure to transfer them in binary format. Note that these files include GenBank in ASN.1, as well as other sources such as RefSeq, PIR, PDB, etc. SWISSPROT is not included since it is no longer distributable in the public domain. Documentation on the ASN.1 specification, and pointers to the DTDs, and a demo program that shows MinSeq and TinySeq are at from the upper right hand corner of the page. This page is not really finished, but interest in XML has prompted us to show it to you anyway. The ASN.1 spec documentation is directly relevant to the XML version since they are the same logical structure with pretty much the same names. Note that our DOCTYPE line is set up so that you can validate XML either with local DTD files from us, or using the public repository at