This is the info file for inclusion with the VMS port of TCSH. System Requirements: o VAX running VMS version V5.5 or above. o VMS/Posix installed and configured with a container file system. (^ comes free with the operating system) o A friendly system manager. o About an hour. (VS 4000/60) Installation: 1. untar the file. 2. copy the config.vms file from config/ to the directory that holds the tcsh source, rename to be config.h 3. rename Makefile.vms to be Makefile 4. Type psx> make 5. Wait for an hour. a) The construction of tc.const.h will take about 20 mins on a vs4000/60 b) Read the man pages. Notes: This is not a definition of the capabilities of VMS/Posix. Refer to `Guide to using VMS/Posix' etc... VMS/Posix is the OPEN part of OPEN/VMS. It consists of three main sections. - The POSIX Libraries, which are system interfaces adhering to the Callable Interface standards IEEE 1003.1, 1003.1a and 1003.2 and most of 1003.4 (real time). - The POSIX Commands and utilities, 1003.2 (Classic Utilities) some of the Software Development utilities. - The VMS/Posix Shell, a Korn Shell variant. TCSH has been ported to be POSIX Conformant. The one thing preventing `Strict POSIX Conformance' is the use of Termcap routines that require the presence of a /dev/termcap. Once code has been written to use the library routines tcgetattr etc, the source will be strictly POSIX conformant. TCSH has certain features missing or disabled. - UTMP facilities, this is related to most of the inter-user stuff like watchlog. - Resource limit access. - Access to passwd tag in the passwd structure. (use DCL for user admin functions) - Other items may be missing or behave in an unexpected manner. It has not been possible to test and debug all the features of TCSH-VMS as yet. It is not advisable to run VMS/Posix on anything less than 6 specmarks(IMHO). The VMS/Posix MAN command is a drop through to DCL help. The TCSH MAN command is not. You may like to redefine the $(MANDIR) in Makefile.vms or create the appropriate directories in the container filestore. TCSH expects to be installed in /usr/local/bin - you may change this in Makefile.vms or create /usr/local/bin. Same for most other directories in Makefile.vms If you have problems with reading things on the path - substitute /bin/ for /bin in pathnames.h - VMS/Posix uses symbolic links for all the top level directories. If the shell complains that a command is not found check to see if there are multiple version numbers in /bin/ eg. tar..1 tar..2 . if there are get the sysmanager to purge this directory. I read vmsnet.vms-posix, It is a low volume newsgroup, so i tend to read all articles, if E-mail fails to work. I Release the work I have done in porting this to VMS/Posix into the public domain under the conditions imposed by the headers contained in the source code. I accept no Liability either express or implied for any damage or loss arising from the use or failure of this code. Have a nice day. Andy Phillips Mullard Space Science Lab. 92/10/07 Holmbury St. Mary. 19709::atp Surrey. England.