
Moving Files Between Virtual Machines

You can move files between virtual machines by using:

You can use the VMware ESX Server file manager to manage the file system of your VMware ESX Server machine remotely. You can copy, paste and delete files as you would if you were working directly on the file system itself. When you copy and paste or cut and paste a virtual disk file from the VMFS file system to the console operating system’s file system, or vice versa, the file manager uses vmkfstools to import or export the file, translating the format appropriately.

The vmkfstools program's exportfile and importfile options, used together, enable you to copy VMFS files between virtual machines.

The exportfile option export the contents of the specified file on the specified SCSI device to a virtual disk on the file system of the console operating system. The virtual disk may then be transferred to another machine and imported to a SCSI device on the remote machine.

The importfile option imports the contents of a VMware virtual, plain or raw disk on the host to the specified file on the specified SCSI device. This command is often used to import the contents of a VMware Workstation virtual disk onto a SCSI device. It may also be used to import a virtual disk that was created by exporting the contents of a disk from another SCSI device. The complete contents of the source disk are copied, even if it is mostly free space, so the destination device must have space for the entire size of the virtual disk.

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