
Setting Up Host-only Networking on the Guest Operating System

Host-only networking means a virtual machine can communicate with the host operating system and any other virtual machines set up to use host-only networking, but the virtual machine cannot communicate with any systems off the host machine without the use of a proxy server. >>More on host-only networking

Regardless of the communication protocols used, each virtual machine and the host must be assigned network addresses on the virtual private network. The network address for the virtual private network is assigned automatically when VMware ESX Server is installed. To find out the network address for your virtual private network, you can run the following command from a shell window:


To assign a network address to virtual machines running on the host-only virtual private network, you can simply allow the VMware virtual DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses to the guest operating systems running in these virtual machines.

Note: The DHCP server assigns IP addresses only to virtual machines running on a host-only network; it does not service virtual (or physical) machines residing on bridged networks.

Otherwise, you can choose to manually assign static IP addresses to the guest operating systems running in your virtual machines. If you do so, you must be sure to assign an IP address that is in the appropriate range for host-only networking. Otherwise, you encounter a situation in which the guest operating system is unable to communicate with the host. >>More information on assigning IP addresses to virtual machines

If you receive the following error message upon powering on a virtual machine, VMware ESX Server was unable to communicate with the host-only Ethernet adapter that should be installed on your host computer: No host-only support seems to be installed.

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