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Replacing USB 2.0 Drivers on a Windows 2000 Host
To use GSX Server on a Windows 2000 host that has USB 2.0 ports, you must use the Microsoft USB 2.0 drivers for the USB controller in the host operating system. If your host operating system is using a third-party driver — a driver supplied by your motherboard vendor, for example — you must replace it.
Take the following steps to check the provider of your driver:
1. Go to the Device Manager. Right-click My Computer, choose Properties, click the Hardware tab, then click Device Manager.
2. Expand the listing for Universal Serial Bus controllers.
3. Right-click the listing for the controller and choose Properties.
4. Click the Driver tab. If the driver provider shown on that page is Microsoft, you have the correct driver already.
If the driver provider is not Microsoft, download the latest USB driver for your host operating system from the Microsoft Web site and follow the Microsoft instructions to install it. Details are available in Microsoft knowledge base article 319973.

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