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About the VMware Virtual Machine Console on the Server
VMware GSX Server uses the VMware Virtual Machine Console to manage virtual machines on any GSX Server host directly from the host or remotely from a client workstation or another host.
Multiple consoles can connect to a virtual machine at the same time, giving multiple authorized users concurrent access to the virtual machine; similarly, multiple users can connect to the virtual machine with VMware Scripting APIs and the VMware Management Interface. You can run virtual machines in full screen mode from any console.
When you install the GSX Server software, the VMware Virtual Machine Console is installed automatically. You should install the console on any client workstation from which you want to access virtual machines. This allows for remote management of virtual machines.
To install the console on a client, see Installing the VMware Virtual Machine Console. You can download the console from the VMware Management Interface for convenient installation on a remote client. For more information, see Downloading the VMware Virtual Machine Console.
For more information about consoles, see Running Virtual Machines.

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