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Viewing a List of Connected Users
To see a list of users who are connected to a virtual machine with a console or VMware Scripting API, click the Users and Events tab.
Link to w_mui_vmuserevent.png
The list under Remote Console Connections identifies any users connected to the virtual machine with a console or VMware Scripting API. The list includes the time and IP address from which the user connected to the virtual machine and the status of the user's activity.
Note: You can determine which users are connected to a running virtual machine from the console; choose VM > Connected Users.
The list under Permissions indicates what you can do with the virtual machine. You are either allowed or denied the following abilities:
  • Viewing virtual machine status.
  • Modifying the virtual machine's configuration.
  • Controlling the virtual machine — powering it on or off, suspending or resuming it.

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