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Deleting Virtual Machines Deleting Virtual Machines
You can delete a virtual machine only if you are the Administrator or root user.You may want to delete a virtual machine if it is no longer needed or if you need to free up disk space on your host.
When you delete a virtual machine, the files associated with it — that is, all files located in the same directory — and the virtual machine's directory are deleted. The files include the virtual machine's configuration file (.vmx), log file, nvram file, suspended state file and snapshot file.
Any virtual disks that are associated with another virtual machine on the host are not deleted. The directory containing these files is not deleted.
You delete virtual machines from the VMware Virtual Machine Console and the VMware Management Interface. For more information, see:
  • Deleting a Virtual Machine Using the VMware Virtual Machine Console
  • Deleting a Virtual Machine Using the VMware Management Interface

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