These settings affect what GSX Server does with a specific virtual machine when you start the application.
To automatically power on the current virtual machine when you launch a console, check the option Power on after opening this virtual machine. With this option set, you do not have an opportunity to change the virtual machine's configuration before it starts since the virtual machine powers on immediately.
To automatically enter full screen mode after powering on the current virtual machine, check the option Enter full screen mode after powering on.
To automatically close the current virtual machine after you power it off or suspend it, check the option Close after powering off or suspending. Closing a virtual machine removes the tab for that machine from the main window in Quick Switch mode.
The options in the section of the Run VMware Tools Scripts panel control when the scripts are run for this virtual machine. For more information about VMware Tools scripts, see the VMware GSX Server User's Manual and the Help for VMware Tools.
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