$Id: machines.txt,v 1.19 2006/01/12 19:51:35 jbarnold Exp $ This file lists virtual machines on the vmdialup system. You do not have to list your machine here, but if you do not you will get only minimal support (ie, we will powercycle your machine until it virtually explodes). Anyone is welcome to a machine or to an address. Addresses are in somewhat short supply, so if you are not using one, please give it back. When creating a new machine or taking an address, edit this file and send mail to vmdialup@mit.edu. Use RCS properly. If you do not have permissions to edit this file, email your request to vmdialup, and include the information that will go in this file. If you have any questions, they can also be addressed to vmdialup. The fields for each machine are as follows: Name: The hostname of the machine. Config: The vmware config file for the machine. Contact: Email address for contacting about the machine Purpose: One line description of what the machine does. Crash: What to do if the machine crashes. (DNR = Do Not Restart) Outage: What should be done if an outage of vmdialup is needed. Name: sipb-rt Config: Contact: sipb-rt Purpose: sipb-rt service. Crash: Restart Outage: Notify and shutdown cleanly. Has office root password. Name: simon-belmont Config: /vm/glasser/linux.cfg Contact: glasser Purpose: testing for sipb mx Crash: Notify me and restart Outage: Notify me and try to shutdown. Will give it office root if membered. Name: mega-man Config: currently unused Contact: Purpose: Crash: Outage: Name: kitzi Config: currently unused Contact: Purpose: Crash: Outage: Name: alf-mushpie Config: /vm/aatharuv/linux.cfg Contact: aatharuv Purpose: zephyr logger w/ webinterface, occasionally runs imapd. (was formerly using samus-aran.mit.edu) Crash: Restart, and email me. Outage: Notify me and try to shutdown cleanly. Has office root. Name: kid-icarus Config: /u1/vm/punya/kid-icarus/linux.cfg Contact: punya Purpose: blogs.mit.edu Crash: Notify punya. Outage: Notify punya. Name: kevin-keen Config: /u1/vm/jonas/kevin-keen/linux.cfg Contact: jonas Purpose: timestamping project Crash: Notify jonas. Outage: Notify jonas. Name: samus-aran Config: /u1/vm/jmorzins/samus-aran/linux.cfg Contact: jmorzins Purpose: IMP testing Crash: Notify jmorzins Outage: Notify jmorzins Name: mary-lou-mcderp Config: Contact: Purpose: currently unused Crash: Outage: