Wed Nov 9 15:08:18 EST 1994
- Sir Anthony Hopkins home page
Douglas Shieh's web page for fanatic devotees of actor Sir Anthony Hopkins...includes full filmography, biographies, digitized images, Netnews articles, and book/periodical references. Information on the hopkins mailing list can also be found here.
Tue Nov 1 15:54:16 EST 1994
- Technology Review
The Technology Review, a magazine
of current and future developments
in technology and especially their implications
for human affairs and the environment in
which they are conducted, is now available on line!
Sun Jul 10 05:28:21 EDT 1994
- MIT Workstation Cluster maps
A set of maps of various workstation clusters around MIT.
Sun Jul 3 04:15:04 EDT 1994
- Sun Tzu's The Art of War
A translation of the original treatise,
with annotations.
Sat Jul 2 01:24:41 EDT 1994
- Martial Arts Page
A brief description of various martial arts.
A good way to find out some basic similarities
and differences between martial arts.
Tue Jun 28 22:05:25 EDT 1994
- MIT Objectivist Lyceum/Radicals for Capitalism
A student group dedicated to studying Objectivism, the
philosophy of Ayn Rand.
Thu Jun 16 23:49:29 EDT 1994
- Ask Thomas Jefferson
A lot is still political,
but there are some cool quotes about
other stuff and more to come.
(from the biased maintainerof the page)
Fri May 20 16:23:59 EDT 1994
- How to fold a crane
Totally gratuitous. Grab a sheet of paper
from the recycling bin and try it out!
Fri May 20 15:15:50 EDT 1994
- Biographical Dictionary
A concise biographical
dictionary with
information on over
14,000 notable people
from ancient times
to the present day.
Wed May 18 22:17:00 EDT 1994
- The Web Slogan Contest
The Web needs a good marketing slogan.
Check out slogans and suggest one of
your own!
Mon May 16 22:00:59 EDT 1994
- NERO-Ashbury homepage
Information about the Ashbury Chapter of
the New England Roleplaying Organization-
a live action fantasy roleplaying game
based in Brooklyn, New York with events
in both Brooklyn and Connecticut
Mon May 16 15:18:23 EDT 1994
- The RICHH WWW Archive
The soon-to-be-complete collection of noted
Internet author RICHH's postings.
Mon May 16 15:15:25 EDT 1994
- TwentyNothing
TwentyNothing is a quarterly electronic magazine,
written by young and rising writers, all in their
Mon May 16 15:11:59 EDT 1994
- Somerville Stories
A collection of amusing, very short stories,
interwoven and indexed through the magic of
Mon May 16 14:11:18 EDT 1994
- The Tori Amos Homepage
Tori Amos is a musical artist who sings and plays the piano.
This is her homepage.
If you don't know who she is, you probably won't be interested in
anything besides the pretty pictures. :-)
Mon May 16 13:21:54 EDT 1994
- A Page About Freemasonry
Articles and other information about
the Masons and Freemasonry. No bogus
Aluminum Bavariati crap, just
real stuff.
Mon May 16 11:08:55 EDT 1994
- OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List in HTML
The OS/2 FAQ in now available in HTML format.
An IPF to HTML converter has been written.
Feel free to browse!
Mon May 16 00:26:37 EDT 1994
- The CyberMUD
Rei's html adventure game.
Sun May 15 16:00:07 EDT 1994
- MIT Libertarians
The rational political philosophy
that is sweeping the nation!
Sat May 14 15:26:07 EDT 1994
- WWW Sports Information Service
Schedules, Scores, Statistics for the NBA and NFL. Over time, this
will grow to provide more in depth coverage of these and other
Fri May 13 23:41:21 EDT 1994
- Star Trek Air Schedule
Air Schedule/Episode listing of ST:TNG and ST:DS9, with
Paramount press releases for episodes. Want to find out
what episode is on this week? Here's your link. Want
to read up on what the episode two weeks from now will
be about? No spoilers, this is the stuff Paramount
releases... Taken straight from
Fri May 13 15:44:29 EDT 1994
- The Comprehensive List of Sites
This is the comprehensive list of web sites
as generated by
Matthew's Web Wanderer. This list is sorted by
domain and contains more than 1200 sites.
Fri May 13 15:34:36 EDT 1994
- MIT people's home pages
A listing of home pages with lots of
links to lots of wonderful places.
Add something to this list