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The following is a list of common discuss commands, and their
abbreviations, as well as a short description of each. This is not
necessarily a complete list of available commands.
- help
- Show help file on a specified command.
- list_requests, lr, ?
- List available commands.
- list_meetings, lsm
- List meetings you attend and check for changes.
- check_meetings, ckm
- Check for changed meetings.
- next_meeting, nm
- Go to next changed meeting.
- add_meeting, add_mtg, am
- Add a meeting to your personal list.
- delete_meeting, del_mtg, dm
- Delete meeting from your personal list.
- goto, go, g
- Go to the specified meeting.
- list, ls
- List transactions in a meeting.
- print, pr, p
- Print a transaction.
- next
- Print next transaction.
- prev
- Print previous transation.
- nref
- Print next reference.
- pref
- Print previous reference.
- read_new, rn
- Print new transactions in changed meetings.
- talk, enter, send, t
- Enter a new transaction.
- reply, rp
- Reply to a transaction.
- write, w
- Write a transaction into a file.
- delete, dl, d
- Delete a transaction.
- retrieve, rt
- Retrieve a deleted transaction.
- status
- Show status information.
- announce_meeting, ann_mtg, anm
- Announce a meeting's existence.
- list_acl, la
- List access control list.
- set_acl, sa
- Add principal to access control list.
- delete_acl, da
- Remove principal from access control list.
- quit, exit, q
- Quit.
DISCUSS provides its own help facility: there is an equivalent of
a manual page for each command within DISCUSS, and also for ``access''
and ``specifiers''. In discuss, enter ``help foo'' for
information on command or topic ``foo''.
Sat Mar 21 19:54:41 EST 1998