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Getting started

DISCUSS can be run within emacs by running a sub-process called edsc. Like discuss, edsc can be run over dialup or in a new window. If you are already using emacs, enter ``Meta-x discuss'': hold down on the Meta key (labelled Alt or Compose on many workstations), press the letter ``x'', then enter the command ``discuss''. This will start the edsc process and load your meetings.

If you want to run DISCUSS within a new emacs editor, enter the command ``emacs -f discuss'' at your athena% prompt. The ``-f'' tells emacs to start the edsc function automatically.

If this is your first time ever running DISCUSS, then edsc will create a .meetings file in which to store information about your meetings. Your personal list of meetings will begin with the two default meetings New_Meetings and Everybody. The former is for announcements of new meetings, and the latter is for random announcements, questions, and anything else that may be of general interest.

The status line (the reverse-video, penultimate line in the window) should display that the current emacs buffer is named *meetings* and that DISCUSS is being run. A message saying ``Listing meetings...done.'' will be shown in the minibuffer, the final line where messages about what edsc is doing are shown and where certain commands are entered. After a short time to load, the main emacs window will show something like this:

 Flags   Meeting name
 -----   ------------
 c       New_Meetings, new_meetings
 c       Everybody, eve

The ``c'' flag means that the meeting has changed so that it contains new unread transactions.

Sat Mar 21 19:54:41 EST 1998