NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System

Multimedia Configuration

When a hyperlink (or anchor) points to a data file that is not HTML or plain text, such as an image or sound file, Mosaic attempts to use an external program to display the image or play the sound. If Mosaic cannot find an approprite external viewer, it prompts the user for a filename under which to save the data file, in case the data is needed outside of Mosaic.

Mosaic uses a two-step process to determine what external viewer to use:

  1. The MIME type of the incoming file is determined, either according to its file extension or as specified by the document's server. If Mosaic must rely on the file extension, it either uses a built-in default list, or a user-configurable extension map file.
  2. Mosaic matches the incoming file's MIME type to an external viewer, according to either the built-in default list, or a user-configurable mailcap file.

Extension Maps


Executing Shell Scripts

Extension maps and mailcaps allow Mosaic to perform this much-requested feature. Back to top level Documentation Index

National Center for Supercomputing Applications