NCSA Mosaic 2.0 Quick FAQ
For the most common questions regarding the latest release of NCSA Mosaic for X, this document points to select answers in the
NCSA Mosaic FAQ list
Where can I find the utility programs that Mosaic uses as external image viewers and sound players?
How do I configure Mosaic to use different image viewers or sound players than the defaults?
How do I get NCSA Mosaic to work from behind a firewall?
How do I provide information to the World Wide Web?
Why do I get so many error messages when I start Mosaic?
Has Mosaic been ported to {insert platform here} yet?
Problems upgrading from 1.2 to 2.0
Why don't my version 1.2 multimedia X resources work anymore?
What happened to the Solaris binary?
Why does Mosaic 2.0 die on my IBM, while 1.2 worked perfectly?
What happened to the