Help On Mosaic v0.6
If you have accessed this document from the Help On Version menu
selection in X Mosaic, you are
using version 0.6.
Version 0.6 includes the following changes from version 0.5:
- History window now shows both 'where you've been' and
'where you can go'.
- Previously visited nodes are colored differently, a la Midaswww;
this global history is automatically persistent across sessions.
- New resources for customization, including:
- Show URLs instead of Document Titles.
- Customize window per document feature.
- Optionally have pointer and focus warp to keyword entry field.
when you reach a searchable node.
- Optionally turn off global history mechanism.
- Specify home document (overridden by WWW_HOME env variable).
- Button2 can now activate anchors; forces a new window
to open (as with Window Per Document feature).
- Going from a document necessarily wider than the window
(e.g. preformatted text) to a normal document will now
get rid of the horizontal scrollbar and reformat properly.
- Scrollbar and document page state is maintained so stepping
through the history list lands you were last in each document.
- Addition of Whine option under Help.
- Addition of Go To and Go To Local options under Navigate.
- Addition of outlet to Ghostview for PostScript documents
(this is a hack but it's a slick demo feature).
- <listing> is now recognized.
- Tabs now work in preformatted/plaintext regions.
- Numeric character references are now handled.
- Anchors without href's aren't colored anymore.
- Search Keyword field's sensitivity is managed correctly now.
- SIGINT now interrupts network connections too
(so you can hit Ctrl-C in shell window at any time).
- Memory leak in document reformatting nailed.
- Cloning a window is now intelligent and doesn't do a network
reload; also, window size is maintained.
- Layout glitches fixed.
- Text selection glitches fixed.
- Other misc bugfixes and cleanups.
- Better help.
Information on other versions of X Mosaic is here.
General information on X Mosaic is available here.