Work-related links

I left LeftBank in April 2000 (yes, I still thought of it as LeftBank) and went to UPromise, where I was one of three "principal system administrators", whatever that may mean. I mostly did network design and configuration, though there was a good dose of Solaris sysadmin work involved too. In August, 2001, I left the sysadmin world for law school.

I started working for The LeftBank Operation, a systems administration consulting company, in May, 1996. People in need of sysadmins, network designers, Web geeks, and other such clues hired one or more of us as consultants.

In April 1997 Leftbank was bought by Global Internet, which changed its name in April 1998 to Cohesive Network Systems. After much muddling about, Cohesive changed its name again to Cohesive Technology Solutions. LeftBank became the Systems and Networking Practice of the Boston Office of the Northeast Region of Cohesive Suffix Du Jour. (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who's telling you we were really in Woburn, MA, and later Burlington, MA.)

Cohesive, in turn, has been swallowed up by Exodus, in a deal finalized in July 1999. LeftBank is now the Infrastructure group in the Boston (read: Burlington) office of Exodus Professional Services. Will the buyouts ever end?

I was still doing pretty much the same work I was before: many small interesting projects, and moving from one site to another on a relatively frequent basis. A lot of my work was in the office; the major change from the buyout is that I did a lot more work in the local Exodus datacenters.

I used to work for BBN, January 1994 - May 1996. Their logo when I started working for them was highly IBM-like:


After I started there, they had an alliance with AT&T, around which time they changed their logo to a fractured baseball that looked a lot like AT&T's Minolta-derived logo. Then BBN got bought out by GTE, which just ate the BBN logo and used the GTE logo instead. GTE in turn was bought out by Bell Atlantic, but the government required that the company split into telephone and wireless (Verizon) and Internet service (Genuity) components; this made a whole new set of logos. Check out the BBN Web site and see if it's still there....

When I was still at BBN, I was drafted from BBN Systems and Technologies by Planet BBN. Errr... BBN Planet. Errr... the thing that was named BBN Internet Services Corporation. Errr... the thing that was named BBN Technology Services Incorporated. Errr... that thing that's a conglomeration of NEARnet, BARRnet, and SURAnet.

My first employer, January 1992 - November 1993, was Visix Software. They folded in May 1998. I was a Galaxy developer and a sysadmin for them.

mjbauer (at) mit (dot) edu