As stated above, there are two ways you can enter a new transaction in
a meeting. To start a new chain, use the ``talk'' command (``t''
for short), which can also be given as ``enter'' or
``send''. DISCUSS\
will ask for a subject which will be printed at the head of the message
and displayed with ``list''. It will then allow you to type in the
transaction. All input up to a ``Control-D'' or a ``.'' on a line
by itself will be taken as the text of the message. Once you type in the
``.'' or ``Control-D'', the input will be entered as a new transaction.
If you make a mistake during input, don't worry. By typing in
a line by itself, DISCUSS will start up an editor on the text you've
entered so far.
Once you have
saved the text and exited from the editor, the new transaction will be
entered into the meeting.
The other way of entering a transaction is to reply to an existing transaction. For this, use the ``reply'' command (``rp'' for short). This will ask for input as with ``talk'', except the subject will automatically be taken from the original transaction. The transaction will be entered as a response to the current transaction (by default), or the transaction specified.