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Searching with dsgrep

The other day you saw some transaction about that seminar you wanted to attend, but you forget the room number. Or you can't quite remember what Prof. Mattuck said last week to cause his class to break into laughter. How can you search through the dozens of transactions since then and find the one you want? To search DISCUSS meetings for a key word or regular expression, you can enter the dsgrep command at your athena% prompt. This command will print either the title or the contents of matching transactions. For example:

athena% dsgrep -e gluco -a -p -i -n 100 pqb
pqb [518]: prof. brown  7.05
" is clear, since this is a real compound, that no one would want
to say that..."
*** End of Transaction ***

The options on the command line search the titles and bodies of the last hundred transactions in Professors_Quote_Board, ignoring upper/lowercase, for ``gluco'' and print all matching transactions. The dsgrep program has its own manual page describing its use and other options which you can read by entering man dsgrep at your athena% prompt.

Sat Mar 21 19:54:41 EST 1998