To run DISCUSS in an xterm window, enter ``discuss'' at your athena% prompt. The first thing it will do is look for a .meetings file. If you do not have one it will assume this is your first time running DISCUSS. The client will then ask you if you want to create a .meetings file. Enter ``y'' for yes. Your first time using DISCUSS a prototype .meetings file will be created in your home directory for you.
Running discuss without a .meetings file looks like this:
athena% discuss discuss: No such file or directory If you are using discuss for the first time, or if you have only used the experimental version of discuss, you need to run the 'dsc_setup' command from the shell. Run dsc_setup now? (y or n) y Running dsc_setup... Creating .meetings file: done. discuss:
The version of this program distributed on Athena will give you a .meetings file that includes two meetings, called New_Meetings and Everybody. The former is for announcements of new meetings, and the latter is for random announcements, questions, and anything else that may be of general interest.