Mkgray's List of Cool Stuff on the Web

The NCSA Mosaic Demo Document, NCSA Starting Points, and CUI W3 Catalog all contain a wide variety of useful pointers. Periodically checking out the NCSA What's New usually proves interesting. For searching the Web, the best thing I've found so far is the EINet Galaxy. It's just way c00l.

Raw Information

The Human Genome is on the web. Browse the source tree for the human being.

Usenet FAQs are available in hypertext form. Everything from sex to cryptography to Star Trek. A database of high energy physics preprints at LANL is available and searchable. RFCs are also available. Various government documents are available including the National Health Security Plan, the National Performance Review and a searchable index of White House press releases. Cornell has a collection of Legal information. There is now a Linux information server. GNN has a wide variety of pointers to recipes. The Project for American and French Research of the Treasury of the French Language is an outstanding collection of French literature and linguistic data.

PERL! 'nuff said. It's The Late Show with David Letterman!

Commercial Cool Stuff

More and more companies are putting useful information about their products and services online in the for of catalogs and magazines and lots of other stuff.

Wired Magazine, a truly outstanding and very cool publication, has put the full text of their magazine on the Web. Lego has a web server with a complete list of lego sets and jpegs of the assembly instructions for lego sets, including the lunar lander (#6985)


There's my point&click map of the US with weather forecasts. Lots of satellite images are available, including ones such as a pretty IR image of the east coast.


Internet Talk Radio is a neat use of sound. The Geek of the Week feature is notably interesting. Digital Tradition is a archive of folk song lyrics and music.

Books and such

OBI, The Online Book Initiative has a lot of books, but the load on the machine is typically very high, making it either very slow or not accessible. There is an archive of Electronic Journals that contains some intersting stuff. Lots of sceince fiction stuff. There are lots of books at Electronic Books at Wiretap. One might also check out the Electronic Newsstand. A particularly good example of online publishing is the Global Network Navigator published by O'Reilly and Associates

The Library of Congress is available online.

Hypertexted Books from Project Gutenberg are being made available by Lysator Etexts are very nice as well, including The Terrorist's Handbook.

Excellent Indices

There's some cool indices out there. A few maintained by SIPB people, namely a Geograpic Locations Index, an Amateur Radio Callsigns Index, and a Science Fiction Index.

LANL Physics Papers has a cool forms interface. Nifty.

Other sources include a WAIS index of all the White House Press Briefings. Movie Reviews from are available in a searchable index. While I'm on movies, you should definitely play with Cardiff's Movie Database Browser which has a huge amount of movie data with a spiffy forms interface and some neat features like this day in history.


Cute Stuff

YOW! It's Zippy the pinhead and you can even get a Tarot reading. Dr. Fun, a online daily cartoon is strange, but fun. Even MTV is on the Web now.

Animaniacs are on the web. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?