
Red Belt Round Kick
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Requirements should be learned from instructors in class. For reference, some requirements are written down on sheets that are available here on the web and in the club bag. The sheets on the web are in Adobe PDF format. To view or print the sheets on the web, you must have the Adobe Reader program or browser plugin.

Every student is required to know the contents of the Rules and Terminology sheet. The entire contents of this sheet should be memorized – the one exception to learning requirements directly from instructors. While not strictly a requirement, the information on the Etiquette sheet is also very important.

Students are required to know one or two forms for each rank. Our club does the ITF forms ("Chon-Ji," etc.), plus two additional forms created by Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang. Students learn these forms from an instructor during class. We write down the names, number of movements, and meanings of the Colored Belt Forms and Black Belt Forms.

At each rank, students are required to learn two kicking combinations and two one-step sparring combinations.