North end of the Room
You are in the north end of a spaceous room, its high vaulted ceiling
lit by harsh lights. To the east of the room is a strange, tubelike
structure, sort of an overgrown piece of macaroni. To the south of
the room, attached to the wall, is a colorful panel. At the middle of
the room, there seems to be something rising up from the floor. To
the west is the ugly neon sign.
Here, on the north wall, is a pearly, translucent door, through which
glints of green and greenish light come flickering through. You can't
open it, especially not as a cockroach.
But why should you? There's this wide open, huge gateway beckoning
you within...
go to the east of the room.
go to the middle of the room.
go to the west of the room.
scurry into the hole.
Exit back to my homepage.