Here are documents regarding the arrest on a "no-bail warrant"
of Jose Eduardo Saavedra, a 19 year old college student, for a netnews
article where it is alleged he "made terrorist threats and threatened
a public official". The background was a debate over a California
measure to it easier to hunt mountain lions. California State (as
opposed to Federal) Senator Leslie was a strong proponent of this
Update: He's now out of jail.
- Re: Hunting Mountain Lions
This is the original posting, the one which started everything.
Instead of huntng Lions in California, let us declare open season
on State SEN TIM LESLIE, his family, everyone he holds near and
dear, the Cattlemen's association and anyone else who feels that LIONS
in California should be killed.
- Would I hunt SEN. Tom Leslie ???
This is a follow-up posting, where he denies any intent commit
any harm.
- Primenet user arrested for "terrorist threats" on the Internet
An initial news report, and a comments from the service provider.
- Re: Primenet user arrested for "terrorist threats" on the Internet
More comments from the person involved at the Internet Service
Provider (Primenet)
- Re: Primenet user arrested for "terrorist threats" on the Internet
Further comments from the person involved at the Internet Service
Provider (Primenet)
- Re: Primenet user arrested for "terrorist threats" on the Internet
A brief comment from Primenet's president.
- "Don't Shoot The Senator"
Article on the case from eye WEEKLY, Toronto's arts newspaper.
- Miscellaneous netnews comment 1
- Miscellaneous netnews comment 2
- Miscellaneous netnews comment 3
- Addresses
Various useful addresses
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Student Association for Freedom of Expression
This page written by Seth Finkelstein
Disclaimer: This page is a statement of opinion, and does not represent
the viewpoint of the MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression
or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT bears no responsibility
for its contents or documents.