! I can't find file `...'.
This often indicates that the file name was mistyped or that
you are not in the correct directory. TEX will wait for you to
type in a file name. If a mistake was made, and you want to abort the
command, you will need to hit ^D
which will cause an
``Emergency stop'' when TEX is waiting for you to type something.
! Missing { inserted. ! Missing } inserted.
! Missing $ inserted.
This usually occurs if a command was typed which can only be used in math mode. LATEX can be allowed to continue, but the output will look strange. The offending command should be put into math mode.
! Undefined control sequence. l.7 \auhtor{The Student Information Processing Board}
The command \auhtor
on line seven is misspelled and so
LATEX does not recognize it. If LATEX does not recognize a
command you used, but you think it exists, check the documentation
again to make sure you are using the command correctly.
If you cannot figure out what is wrong, give the SIPB office a call,15 or try the Athena Consultants.16 The Zephyr help instance is also often useful; see the document Inessential Zephyr for more details on using zephyr instances.