First of all, you need to be using something that can display Java applets to play with this, or you won't see anything. If you don't see anything useful when you look at the examples, try typing
  athena% add iadev
  athena% netscape-beta -in /mit/bert/project/java/private/start.html &
But enough introduction. Here is the first example:

The space above should contain some buttons and checkboxes, and above them, three circles connected by straight lines. The lines are springy, so the circles will soon settle down forming an equilateral triangle.If you click on a circle, it will turn gray. If you now drag it, you can move it around. Because of the springiness of the lines, the other two nodes will follow it around or run away from it. As the lines stretch or shrink, they will change color from black to yellow to red. Play with it, then go see how to actually create graphs by listing edges.