Installing and Operating 4.3BSD on the VAX April 1, 1986 Michael J. Karels James M. Bloom Marshall Kirk McKusick Samuel J. Leffler William N. Joy Computer Systems Research Group Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 (415) 642-7780 _A_B_S_T_R_A_C_T This document contains instructions for the installation and operation of the 4.3BSD release of the VAX* UNIX** system, as distributed by The University of California at Berkeley. It discusses procedures for installing UNIX on a new VAX, and for upgrading an existing 4.2BSD VAX UNIX system to the new release. An explana- tion of how to lay out file systems on available disks, how to set up terminal lines and user accounts, and how to do system-specific tailoring is provided. A description of how to install and configure the networking facilities included with 4.3BSD is included. Finally, the document details system operation procedures: shutdown and startup, hardware error reporting and diagnosis, file sys- tem backup procedures, resource control, perfor- mance monitoring, and procedures for recompiling and reinstalling system software. __________________________ * DEC, VAX, IDC, SBI, UNIBUS and MASSBUS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ** UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 2 - Introduction _1. _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N This document explains how to install the 4.3BSD release of the Berkeley version of UNIX for the VAX on your system. Because of the file system organization used in 4.3BSD, if you are not currently running 4.2BSD you will have to do a full bootstrap from the distribution tape. The procedure for performing a full bootstrap is outlined in chapter 2. The process includes booting standalone utili- ties from tape to format a disk if necessary, then to copy a small root filesystem image onto a swap area. This filesys- tem is then booted and used to extract a dump of a standard root filesystem. Finally, that root filesystem is booted, and the remainder of the system binaries and sources are read from the archives on the tape(s). The technique for upgrading a 4.2BSD system is described in chapter 3 of this document. As 4.3BSD is upward-compatible with 4.2BSD, The upgrade procedure involves extracting a new set of system binaries onto new root and /usr filesystems. The sources are then extracted, and local configuration files are merged into the new sys- tem. 4.2BSD user filesystems may up upgraded in place, and 4.2BSD binaries may be used with 4.3BSD in the course of the conversion. It is desirable to recompile most local software after the conversion, as there are many changes and performance improvements in the standard libraries. _1._1. _H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d This distribution can be booted on a VAX 8650, VAX 8600, VAX-11/785, VAX-11/780, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/730 or VAX-11/725 cpu with any of the following disks: DEC MASSBUS: RM03, RM05, RM80, RP06, RP07 EMULEX MASSBUS: AMPEX Capricorn, 9300, CDC 9766, 9775, FUJITSU 2351 Eagle DEC UNIBUS: RK07, RL02, RA80, RA81, RA60, RC25 EMULEX SC-21V, SC-31 AMPEX DM980, Capricorn, 9300, UNIBUS*: CDC 9762, 9766, FUJITSU 160M, 330M EMULEX SC-31 UNIBUS*: FUJITSU 2351 Eagle DEC IDC: R80, RL02 __________________________ * Other UNIBUS controllers and drives may be easily us- able with the system, but will likely require minor modifications to the system to allow bootstrapping. The EMULEX disk and SI tape controllers, and the drives shown here are known to work as bootstrap devices. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 3 - Introduction The tape drives supported by this distribution are: DEC MASSBUS: TE16, TU45, TU77, TU78 EMULEX MASSBUS: TC-7000 DEC UNIBUS: TS11, TU80 EMULEX TC-11, AVIV UNIBUS: KENNEDY 9300, STC, CIPHER TU45 UNIBUS*: SI 9700 The tapes and disks may be on any available UNIBUS or MASSBUS adapter at any slot with the proviso that the tape device must be slave number 0 on the formatter if it is a MASSBUS tape drive. This distribution does not support the DEC CI780 or the HSC50 disk controller. As such, this distribution will not boot on the standard VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 cluster confi- gurations. You will need to configure your system to use only UNIBUS and MASSBUS disk and tape devices. _1._2. _D_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _f_o_r_m_a_t The basic distribution contains the following items: (3) 1600bpi 2400' magnetic tapes, or (1) 6250bpi 2400' magnetic tape, and (1) TU58 console cassette, and (1) RX01 console floppy disk. Installation on any machine requires a tape unit. Since cer- tain standard VAX packages do not include a tape drive, this means one must either borrow one from another VAX system or one must be purchased separately. The console media distri- buted with the system are not suitable for use as the stan- dard console media; their intended use is only for installa- tion. The distribution does not fit on several standard VAX configurations that contain only small disks. If your hardware configuration does not provide at least 75 Mega- bytes of disk space you can still install the distribution, but you will probably have to operate without source for the user level commands and, possibly, the source for the operating system. The RK07-only distribution format once provided by our group is no longer available. Further, no attempt has ever been made to install the system on the standard VAX-11/730 hardware configuration from DEC that contains only dual RL02 disk drives (though the distribution tape may be bootstrapped on an RL211 controller and the sys- tem provides support for RL02 disk drives either on an IDC or an RL211). The labels on the distribution tape(s) show the amount of disk space each tape file occupies, these September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 4 - Introduction should be used in selecting file system layouts on systems with little disk space. If you have the facilities, it is a good idea to copy the magnetic tape(s) in the distribution kit to guard against disaster. The tapes are 9-track 1600 BPI or 6250 BPI and contain some 512-byte records followed by many 10240-byte records. There are interspersed tape marks; end-of-tape is signaled by a double end-of-file. The basic bootstrap material is present in three short files at the beginning of the first tape. The first file on the tape contains preliminary bootstrapping programs. This is followed by a binary image of a 2 megabyte ``mini root'' file system. Following the mini root file is a full dump of the root file system (see _d_u_m_p(8)*). Additional files on the tape(s) contain tape archive images (see _t_a_r(1)). See Appendix A for a description of the contents and format of the tape(s). One file contains software contributed by the user community; refer to the accompanying documentation for a description of its contents and an explanation of how it should be installed. _1._3. _V_A_X _h_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _t_e_r_m_i_n_o_l_o_g_y This section gives a short discussion of VAX hardware terminology to help you get your bearings. If you have MASSBUS disks and tapes it is necessary to know the MASSBUS that they are attached to, at least for the purposes of bootstrapping and system description. The MASSBUSes can have up to 8 devices attached to them. A disk counts as a device. A tape _f_o_r_m_a_t_t_e_r counts as a device, and several tape drives may be attached to a formatter. If you have a separate MASSBUS adapter for a disk and one for a tape then it is conventional to put the disk as unit 0 on the MASSBUS with the lowest ``TR'' number, and the tape for- matter as unit 0 on the next MASSBUS. On a 11/780 this would correspond to having the disk on ``mba0'' at ``tr8'' and the tape on ``mba1'' at ``tr9''. Here the MASSBUS adapter with the lowest TR number has been called ``mba0'' and the one with the next lowest number is called ``mba1''. To find out the MASSBUS that your tape and disk are on you can examine the cabling and the unit numbers or your site maintenance guide. Do not be fooled into thinking that the number on the front of the tape drive is a device number; it is a _s_l_a_v_e number, one of several possible tapes on the single tape formatter. For bootstrapping, the slave number must be 0. The formatter unit number may be anything __________________________ * References of the form X(Y) mean the subsection named X in section Y of the UNIX programmer's manual. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 5 - Introduction distinct from the other numbers on the same MASSBUS, but you must know what it is. The MASSBUS devices are known by several different names by DEC software and by UNIX. At various times it is necessary to know both names. There is, of course, the name of the device like ``RM03'' or ``RM80''; these are easy to remember because they are printed on the front of the dev- ice. DEC also names devices based on the driver name in the system using a convention that reflects the interconnect topology of the machine. The first letter of such a name is a ``D'' for a disk, the second letter depends on the type of the drive, ``DR'' for RM03, RM05, and RM80's, ``DB'' for RP06's. The next letter is related to the interconnect; DEC calls the first MASSBUS or UNIBUS adapter ``A'', the second ``B'', etc. Thus, ``DRA'' is a RM drive on the first MASSBUS adapter. Finally, the name ends in a digit corresponding to the unit number for the device on the MASSBUS, i.e. ``DRA0'' is a disk at the first device slot on the first MASSBUS adapter and is an RM disk. _1._4. _U_N_I_X _d_e_v_i_c_e _n_a_m_i_n_g UNIX has a set of names for devices which are different from the DEC names for the devices, viz.: RM/RP disks hp TE/TU tapes ht TU78 tape mt The normal standalone system, used to bootstrap the full UNIX system, uses device names: xx(y,z) where _x_x is either hp, ht, or mt. The value _y specifies the MASSBUS to use and also the device. It is computed as 8 * _m_b_a + _d_e_v_i_c_e Thus mba0 device 0 would have a _y value of 0 while mba1 dev- ice 0 would have a _y value of 8. The _z value is interpreted differently for tapes and disks: for disks it is a disk _p_a_r_- _t_i_t_i_o_n (in the range 0-7), and for tapes it is a file number on the tape. Each UNIX physical disk is divided into 8 logical disk partitions, each of which may occupy any consecutive cylinder range on the physical device. The cylinders occu- pied by the 8 partitions for each drive type are specified in section 4 of the programmers manual and in the disk September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 6 - Introduction description file /etc/disktab (c.f. _d_i_s_k_t_a_b(5)).* Each par- tition may be used for either a raw data area such as a pag- ing area or to store a UNIX file system. It is conventional for the first partition on a disk to be used to store a root file system, from which UNIX may be bootstrapped. The second partition is traditionally used as a paging area, and the rest of the disk is divided into spaces for additional ``mounted file systems'' by use of one or more additional partitions. The third logical partition of each physical disk also has a conventional usage: it allows access to the entire physical device, including the bad sector forwarding infor- mation recorded at the end of the disk (one track plus 126 sectors). It is occasionally used to store a single large file system or to access the entire pack when making a copy of it on another. Care must be taken when using this parti- tion not to overwrite the last few tracks and thereby clobber the bad sector information. The disk partitions have names in the standalone system of the form ``hp(y,z)'' with varying _y as described above. Thus partition 1 of a RM05 on mba0 at drive 0 would be ``hp(0,1)''. When not running standalone, this partition would normally be available as ``/dev/hp0b''. Here the pre- fix ``/dev'' is the name of the directory where all ``spe- cial files'' normally live, the ``hp'' serves an obvious purpose, the ``0'' identifies this as a partition of hp drive number ``0'' and the ``b'' identifies this as the second partition. In all simple cases, a drive with unit number 0 (in its unit plug on the front of the drive) will be called unit 0 in its UNIX file name. This is not, however, strictly necessary, since the system has a level of indirection in this naming. If there are multiple controllers, the disk unit numbers will normally be counted sequentially across controllers. This can be taken advantage of to make the system less dependent on the interconnect topology, and to make reconfiguration after hardware failure extremely easy. We will not discuss that now. Returning to the discussion of the standalone system, we recall that tapes also took two integer parameters. In the normal case where the tape formatter is unit 0 on the second mba (mba1), the files on the tape have names ``ht(8,0)'', ``ht(8,1)'', etc. Here ``file'' means a tape __________________________ * It is possible to change the partitions by changing the code for the table in the disk driver; it is often desirable to do this, therefore these tables should be read off each pack; they may be in a future version of the system. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 7 - Introduction file containing a single data stream. The distribution tape(s) have data structures in the tape files and though the tape(s) contain only 9 tape files, they contain several thousand UNIX files. For the UNIBUS, there are also conventional names. The important DEC names to know are DM?? for RK07 drives and DU?? for drives on a UDA50. For example, RK07 drive 0 on a controller on the first UNIBUS on the machine is ``DMA0''. UNIX calls such a device an ``hk'' and the standalone name for the first partition of such a device is ``hk(0,0)''. The first number is calculated from the drive number and UNIBUS adapter as 8 * _u_b_a + _d_r_i_v_e If the controller were on the second UNIBUS its name would be ``hk(8,0)''. If we wished to access the first partition of an RK07 drive 1 on uba0 we would use ``hk(1,0)''. The UNIBUS disk and tape names used by UNIX are: RK disks hk TS tapes ts UDA disks ra RC25 disks ra IDC disks rb SMD disks up TM tapes tm TMSCP tapes tmscp TU tapes ut Here SMD disks are disks on an RM-emulating controller on the UNIBUS, and TM tapes are tapes on a controller that emulates the DEC TM11. TU tapes are tapes on a UNIBUS con- troller that emulates the DEC TU45. IDC disks are disks on an 11/730 Integral Disk Controller. TS tapes are tapes on a controller compatible with the DEC TS11 (e.g. a TU80). The naming conventions for partitions in UNIBUS disks and files in UNIBUS tapes are the same as those for MASSBUS disks and tapes. _1._5. _U_N_I_X _d_e_v_i_c_e_s: _b_l_o_c_k _a_n_d _r_a_w UNIX makes a distinction between ``block'' and ``raw'' (character) devices. Each disk has a block device interface where the system makes the device byte addressable and you can write a single byte in the middle of the disk. The sys- tem will read out the data from the disk sector, insert the byte you gave it and put the modified data back. The disks with the names ``/dev/xx0a'', etc are block devices. There September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 8 - Introduction are also raw devices available. These have names like ``/dev/rxx0a'', the ``r'' here standing for ``raw''. Raw devices bypass the buffer cache and use DMA directly to/from the program's I/O buffers; they are normally restricted to full-sector transfers. In the bootstrap procedures we will often suggest using the raw devices, because these tend to work faster. Raw devices are used when making new filesys- tems, when checking unmounted filesystems, or for copying quiescent filesystems. The block devices are used to mount file systems, or when operating on a mounted filesystem such as the root. You should be aware that it is sometimes important whether to use the character device (for efficiency) or not (because it wouldn't work, e.g. to write a single byte in the middle of a sector). Don't change the instructions by using the wrong type of device indiscriminately. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 9 - Bootstrapping _2. _B_O_O_T_S_T_R_A_P _P_R_O_C_E_D_U_R_E This section explains the bootstrap procedure that can be used to get the kernel supplied with this distribution running on your machine. If you are not currently running 4.2BSD you will have to do a full bootstrap. Chapter 3 describes how to upgrade an existing 4.2BSD system. An understanding of the operations used in a full bootstrap is very helpful in performing an upgrade as well. In either case, it is highly desirable to read and understand the remainder of this document before proceeding. _2._1. _C_o_n_v_e_r_t_i_n_g _p_r_e-_4._2_B_S_D _S_y_s_t_e_m_s The file system format was changed between 3BSD and 4.0BSD, and again between 4.1BSD and 4.2BSD. At a minimum you will have to dump your old file systems, and then restore them onto the 4.3BSD file system. Sites running 3BSD or 32/V may be able to modify the _r_e_s_t_o_r_e program to understand the old 512 byte block file system, but this has never been tried. The dump format used in 4.0BSD and 4.1BSD is backward-compatible with that used in 4.3BSD (which is unchanged from 4.2BSD). That is, the 4.3BSD _r_e_s_t_o_r_e program understands how to read 4.0BSD and 4.1BSD dump tapes, although 4.3BSD dump tapes cannot be restored under 4.0BSD or 4.1BSD. It is also desirable to make a convenient copy of system configuration files for use as guides when setting up the new system; the list of files to save from 4.2BSD systems in chapter 3 may be used as a guideline. The first step is to dump your file systems with _d_u_m_p(8). For the utmost of safety this should be done to magtape. However, if you enjoy gambling with your life (or you have a VERY friendly user community) and you have enough disk space, you can try converting your file systems while copying to a new disk partition by piping the output of _d_u_m_p directly into _r_e_s_t_o_r_e after bringing up 4.3BSD. If you select the latter tack, a version of the 4.1BSD dump program that runs under 4.3BSD is provided in /_e_t_c/_d_u_m_p._4._1. Beware that file systems created under 4.3BSD can use about 5-10% more disk space for file system related information than under 4.1BSD. Thus, before dumping each file system it is a good idea to remove any files that may be easily regen- erated. Since most all programs will likely be recompiled under the new system your best bet is to remove any object files. File systems with at least 10% free space on them should restore into an equivalently sized 4.3BSD file system without problem. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 10 - Bootstrapping _2._2. _B_o_o_t_i_n_g _f_r_o_m _t_a_p_e The tape bootstrap procedure used to create a working system involves the following major steps: 1) Format a disk pack with the _f_o_r_m_a_t program. 2) Copy a ``mini root'' file system from the tape onto the swap area of the disk. 3) Boot the UNIX system on the ``mini root''. 4) Restore the full root file system using _r_e_s_t_o_r_e(8). 5) Build a console floppy, cassette, or RL02 pack for bootstrapping. 6) Reboot the completed root file system. 7) Build and restore the /usr file system from tape with _t_a_r(1). 8) Extract the system and utility files and contributed software as desired. Certain of these steps are dependent on your hardware configuration. Formatting the disk pack used for the root file system may require using the DEC standard formatting programs. Also, if you are bootstrapping the system on an 11/750, no console cassette is created. Bootstrapping an 8650 or 8600 is a bit more difficult than bootstrapping the other machines. The procedures for loading the toggle program and reading the tape bootstrap monitor described in Appendix B must be used if you do not have access to a console RL02 pack with a UNIX bootstrap. Such a pack may be made on an 8600 already running UNIX, or on another 4.3BSD system with an RL02 drive using the pro- cedures in 4.1.1. One may be required to enter the toggle program more than once. After the bootstrap monitor is loaded, device addresses will be the same as if the machine were an 11/780 or 11/785. The following sections describe the above steps in detail. In these sections references to disk drives are of the form _x_x(_n,_m) and references to files on tape drives are of the form _y_y(_n,_m) where _x_x and _y_y are names described in section 1.4 and _n and _m are the unit and offset numbers described in section 1.4. Commands you are expected to type are shown in Roman, while that information printed by the system is shown emboldened. Throughout the installation steps the reboot switch on an 11/785, 11/780 or 11/730 should be set to off; on an 8650, 8600 or 11/750 set the power-on action to halt. (In normal operation an 11/785, September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 11 - Bootstrapping 11/780 or 11/730 will have the reboot switch on and an 8650, 8600 or 11/750 will have the power-on action set to reboot/restart.) If you encounter problems while following the instruc- tions in this part of the document, refer to Appendix C for help in troubleshooting. _2._2._1. _S_t_e_p _1: _f_o_r_m_a_t_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _d_i_s_k All disks used with 4.3BSD should be formatted to insure the proper handling of physically corrupted disk sec- tors. If you have DEC disk drives, you should use the stan- dard DEC formatter to format your disks. If not, the _f_o_r_m_a_t program included in the distribution, or a vendor supplied formatting program, may be used to format disks. The _f_o_r_m_a_t program is capable of formatting any of the following sup- ported distribution devices: EMULEX MASSBUS: AMPEX Capricorn, 9300, CDC 9766, 9775, FUJITSU 330M, 2351 Eagle EMULEX SC-21V, SC-31 AMPEX 9300, Capricorn, CDC 9730, 9766, UNIBUS: FUJITSU 160M, 330M EMULEX SC-31 UNIBUS: FUJITSU 2351 Eagle If you have run a pre-4.1BSD version of UNIX on the packs you are planning to use for bootstrapping it is likely that the bad sector information on the packs has been des- troyed, since it was accessible as normal data in the last several tracks of the disk. You should therefore run the formatter again to make sure the information is valid. On an 11/750, to use a disk pack as a bootstrap device, sectors 0 through 15, the disk sectors in the file ``/boot'' (the program that loads the system image), and the file sys- tem indices that lead to this file must not have any errors. On an 8650, 8600, 11/785, 11/780 or 11/730, the ``boot'' program is loaded from the console medium and includes dev- ice drivers for the ``hp'' and ``up'' disks that do ECC correction and bad sector forwarding; consequently, on these machines the system may be bootstrapped on these disks even if the disk is not error free in critical locations. In gen- eral, if the first 15884 sectors of your disk are clean you are safe; if not you can take your chances. To load the _f_o_r_m_a_t program, insert the distribution TU58 cassette or RX01 floppy disk in the appropriate console device (on the 11/730 use cassette 0) and do the following steps. If you have an 8650 or 8600 start the bootstrap monitor September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 12 - Bootstrapping using the procedure described in Appendix B. Then give the command: =format If you have an 11/785 or 11/780 give the commands: >>>HALT >>>UNJAM >>>INIT >>>LOAD FORMAT >>>START 2 If you have an 11/750 give the commands: >>>I >>>B DDA0 =format If you have an 11/730 give the commands: >>>H >>>I >>>L DD0:FORMAT >>>S 2 The _f_o_r_m_a_t program should now be running and awaiting your input: Disk format/check utility Enable debugging (1=bse, 2=ecc, 3=bse+ecc)? If you made a mistake loading the program off the TU58 cassette or using the bootstrap monitor loaded for the 8650 or 8600 the ``='' prompt should reappear and you can retype the program name. If something else happened, you may have a bad distribution cassette or floppy, or your hardware may be broken; refer to Appendix C for help in troubleshooting. If you are unable to load programs off the distributed medium, consult Appendix B for an alternate (more painful) approach. _F_o_r_m_a_t will create sector headers and verify the integrity of each sector formatted by using the disk controller's ``write check'' command. Remember _f_o_r_m_a_t runs only on the _u_p and _h_p drives listed above. _F_o_r_m_a_t will prompt for the information required as shown below. Ques- tions with default answers appear with the default in September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 13 - Bootstrapping parentheses at the prompt; a carriage return will take the default. If you err in answering questions, ``Delete'' erases the last character typed, and ``^U'' erases the current input line. Enable debugging (0=none, 1=bse, 2=ecc, 3=bse+ecc)? Device to format? _x_x(0,0) ...(the old bad sector table is read; ignore any errors that occur here)... Formatting drive _x_x0 on adaptor 0: verify (yes/no)? yes Device data: #cylinders=842, #tracks=20, #sectors=48 Starting cylinder (0): Starting track (0): Ending cylinder (841): Ending track (19): Available test patterns are: 1 - (f00f) RH750 worst case 2 - (ec6d) media worst case 3 - (a5a5) alternating 1's and 0's 4 - (ffff) Severe burnin (up to 48 passes) Pattern (one of the above, other to restart)? 2 Maximum number of bit errors to allow for soft ECC (3): Start formatting...make sure the drive is online ...(soft ecc's and other errors are reported as they occur)... ...(if 4 write check errors were found, the program terminates like this)... Errors: Bad sector: 0 Write check: 4 Hard ECC: 0 Other hard: 0 Marked bad: 0 Skipped: 0 Total of 4 hard errors revectored. Writing bad sector table at block 524256 ...(524256 is the block # of the first block in the bad sector table)... Done Once the root device has been formatted, _f_o_r_m_a_t will prompt for another disk to format. Halt the machine by typing ``control-P'' and ``H'' (the ``H'' is necessary only on an 11/785 or 11/780, but does not hurt on the other machines). Enable debugging (1=bse, 2=ecc, 3=bse+ecc)?^P >>>H It may be necessary to format other drives before con- structing file systems on them; this can be done at a later time with the steps just performed. _F_o_r_m_a_t can also be used in an extended test mode (pattern 4) that uses numerous test patterns in up to 48 passes to detect as many disk surface errors as possible; this test may be run for many hours, depending on the CPU and controller. On an 11/780, this can be sped up significantly by setting the clock fast. It may be run for some number of passes, then either terminated or September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 14 - Bootstrapping continued according to the errors found to that point. _2._2._2. _S_t_e_p _2: _c_o_p_y_i_n_g _t_h_e _m_i_n_i-_r_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m The second step is to run a simple program, _c_o_p_y, which copies a small root file system into the second partition of the disk. This file system will serve as the base for creating the actual root file system to be restored. The version of the operating system maintained on the ``mini- root'' file system understands that it should not swap on top of itself, thereby allowing double use of the disk par- tition. _C_o_p_y is loaded just as the _f_o_r_m_a_t program was loaded; for example, on an 8650 or 8600, one needs to enter the toggle and the bootstrap monitor as described in Appen- dix B and then: (copy mini root file system) =copy From: _y_y(_y,1) (unit _y, second tape file) To: _x_x(_x,1) (mini root is on drive _x; second partition) Copy completed: 205 records copied From: while for an 11/785 or 11/780: (copy mini root file system) >>>LOAD COPY >>>START 2 From: _y_y(_y,1) (unit _y, second tape file) To: _x_x(_x,1) (mini root is on drive _x; second partition) Copy completed: 205 records copied From: or for an 11/750: (copy mini root file system) >>>B DDA0 =copy From: _y_y(_y,1) (unit _y, second tape file) To: _x_x(_x,1) (mini root is on drive _x; second partition) Copy completed: 205 records copied From: and for an 11/730: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 15 - Bootstrapping (copy mini root file system) >>>L DD0:COPY >>>S 2 From: _y_y(_y,1) (unit _y, second tape file) To: _x_x(_x,1) (mini root is on drive _x; second partition) Copy completed: 205 records copied From: (As above, `delete' erases characters and `^U' erases lines.) _2._2._3. _S_t_e_p _3: _b_o_o_t_i_n_g _f_r_o_m _t_h_e _m_i_n_i-_r_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m You now have the minimal set of tools necessary to create a root file system and restore the file system con- tents from tape. To access this file system load the bootstrap program and boot the version of unix that has been placed in the ``mini-root'': (follow the procedure in Appendix B to load the bootstrap monitor) (load bootstrap program) =boot Boot : _x_x(x,1)vmunix (bring in _v_m_u_n_i_x off mini root) or, on an 11/780 or 11/785: (load bootstrap program) >>>BOOT ANY Boot : _x_x(x,1)vmunix (bring in _v_m_u_n_i_x off mini root) or, on an 11/750: (load bootstrap program) >>>B DDA0 =boot Boot : _x_x(x,1)vmunix (bring in _v_m_u_n_i_x off mini root) or, on an 11/730: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 16 - Bootstrapping (load bootstrap program) >>>L DD0:BOOT >>>D RB 3 >>>S 2 Boot : _x_x(x,1)vmunix (bring in _v_m_u_n_i_x off mini root) (As above, `delete' erases characters and `^U' erases lines.) The standalone boot program should then read the system from the mini root file system you just created, and the system should boot: _2_7_1_9_4_4+_7_8_8_4_8+_9_2_8_1_2 _s_t_a_r_t _0_x_1_2_e_8 _4._3 _B_S_D _U_N_I_X #_1: _W_e_d _A_p_r _9 _2_3:_3_3:_5_9 _P_S_T _1_9_8_5 _k_a_r_e_l_s@_m_o_n_e_t._b_e_r_k_e_l_e_y._e_d_u:/_u_s_r/_s_r_c/_s_y_s/_G_E_N_E_R_I_C _r_e_a_l _m_e_m = _x_x_x _a_v_a_i_l _m_e_m = _y_y_y ... _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _a_b_o_u_t _a_v_a_i_l_a_b_l_e _d_e_v_i_c_e_s ... _r_o_o_t _d_e_v_i_c_e? The first three numbers are printed out by the bootstrap programs and are the sizes of different parts of the system (text, initialized and uninitialized data). The system also allocates several system data structures after it starts running. The sizes of these structures are based on the amount of available memory and the maximum count of active users expected, as declared in a system configuration description. This will be discussed later. UNIX itself then runs for the first time and begins by printing out a banner identifying the release and version of the system that is in use and the date that it was compiled. Next the _m_e_m messages give the amount of real (physi- cal) memory and the memory available to user programs in bytes. For example, if your machine has only 512K bytes of memory, then xxx will be 520192, 4096 bytes less than 512K. The system reserves the last 4096 bytes of memory for use in error logging and doesn't count it as part of real memory. The messages that come out next show what devices were found on the current processor. These messages are described in _a_u_t_o_c_o_n_f(4). The distributed system may not have found all the communications devices you have (dh's, dz's, etc.), or all the mass storage peripherals you have especially if you have more than two of anything. You will correct this soon, when you create a description of your machine from which to configure UNIX. The messages printed at boot here contain much of the information that will be September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 17 - Bootstrapping used in creating the configuration. In a correctly config- ured system most of the information present in the confi- guration description is printed out at boot time as the sys- tem verifies that each device is present. The ``root device?'' prompt was printed by the system and is now asking you for the name of the root file system to use. This happens because the distribution system is a _g_e_n_e_r_i_c system. It can be bootstrapped on any VAX cpu and with its root device and paging area on any available disk drive. You should respond to the root device question with _x_x0*. This response supplies two pieces of information: first, _x_x0 shows that the disk it is running on is drive 0 of type _x_x, secondly the ``*'' shows that the system is run- ning ``atop'' the paging area. The latter is most impor- tant, otherwise the system will attempt to page on top of itself and chaos will ensue. You will later build a system tailored to your configuration that will not ask this ques- tion when it is bootstrapped. root device? _x_x0* WARNING: preposterous time in file system -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! erase ^?, kill ^U, intr ^C # The ``erase ...'' message is part of /.profile that was executed by the root shell when it started. This message is present to remind you that the line character erase, line erase, and interrupt characters are set to be what is stan- dard on DEC systems; this insures that things are consistent with the DEC console interface characters. _2._2._4. _S_t_e_p _4: _r_e_s_t_o_r_i_n_g _t_h_e _r_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m UNIX is now running, and the `UNIX Programmer's manual' applies. The `#' is the prompt from the shell, and lets you know that you are the super-user, whose login name is ``root''. To complete installation of the bootstrap system two steps remain. First, the root file system must be created, and second a boot floppy or cassette must be con- structed. To create the root file system the shell script ``xtr'' should be run as follows: #disk=_x_x_0 type=_t_t tape=_y_y xtr where _x_x_0 is the name of the disk on which the root file system is to be restored (unit 0), _t_t is the type of drive on which the root file system is to be restored (see the table below), and _y_y is the name of the tape drive on which the distribution tape is mounted. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 18 - Bootstrapping If the root file system is to reside on a disk other than unit 0 (as the information printed out during autocon- figuration shows), you will have to create the necessary special files in /dev and use the appropriate value. For example, if the root should be placed on hp1, you must create /dev/rhp1a and /dev/hp1a using _m_k_n_o_d(8). Drive Type Drive Type 8 ___________________________________________________________ DEC RM03 type=rm03 DEC RM05 type=rm05 DEC RM80 type=rm80 DEC RP06 type=rp06 DEC RP07 type=rp07 DEC RK07 type=rk07 DEC RA80 type=ra80 DEC RA60 type=ra60 DEC RA81 type=ra81 DEC R80 type=rb80 CDC 9766 type=9766 CDC 9775 type=9775 AMPEX 300M type=9300 AMPEX 330M type=capricorn FUJITSU 160M type=fuji160 FUJITSU 330M type=capricorn FUJITSU 404M type=eagle 7 |8|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 This will generate many messages regarding the construction of the file system and the restoration of the tape contents, but should eventually stop with the messages: ... Root filesystem extracted If this is an 8650 or 8600, update the console RL02 If this is a 780 or 785, update the floppy If this is a 730, update the cassette # _2._2._5. _S_t_e_p _5: _c_r_e_a_t_i_n_g _a _b_o_o_t _f_l_o_p_p_y _o_r _c_a_s_s_e_t_t_e If the machine is an 8650, 8600, 11/785, 11/780 or 11/730, a boot floppy, cassette, or console RL02 should be constructed according to the instructions in chapter 4. For 11/750's, bootstrapping is performed by using a boot prom and special code located in sectors 0-15 of the root file system. The _n_e_w_f_s program automatically installs the needed code, so you may continue with the next step. On an 11/785 or 11/780 with interleaved memory, or other configurations that require alteration of the standard boot files, this step may be left for later. _2._2._6. _S_t_e_p _6: _r_e_b_o_o_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _c_o_m_p_l_e_t_e_d _r_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m With the above work completed, all that is left is to reboot: 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 19 - Bootstrapping #sync (synchronize file system state) #^P (halt machine) >>>HALT (for 11/785's or 11/780's only) >>>UNJAM (for 8650's, 8600's, 11/785's or 11/780's only) >>>I (initialize processor state) >>>B _x_xS (on an 11/750, use B/2) ...(_b_o_o_t _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _i_s _e_v_e_n_t_u_a_l_l_y _l_o_a_d_e_d)... Boot : xx(x,0)vmunix (_v_m_u_n_i_x brought in off root) 271944+78848+92812 start 0x12e8 4.3 BSD UNIX #1: Wed Apr 9 23:33:59 PST 1985 real mem = _x_x_x avail mem = _y_y_y ... _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _a_b_o_u_t _a_v_a_i_l_a_b_l_e _d_e_v_i_c_e_s ... root on xx0 WARNING: preposterous time in file system -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! erase ^?, kill ^U, intr ^C # If the root device selected by the kernel is not correct, it is necessary to reboot again using the option to ask for the root device. On the 11/750, use B/3; on the other processors, use BOOT ANY. At the prompt from the bootstrap, use the same device specification above: _x_x(x,0)vmunix. Then, to the question ``root device?,'' respond with _x_x0. See section 6.1 and appendix C if the system does not reboot properly. The system is now running single user on the installed root file system. The next section tells how to complete the installation of distributed software on the /usr file system. _2._2._7. _S_t_e_p _7: _s_e_t_t_i_n_g _u_p _t_h_e /_u_s_r _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m First set a shell variable to the name of your disk, so the commands we give will work regardless of the disk you have; do one of the following: # disk=hp (if you have an RP06, RM03, RM05, RM80, or other MASSBUS drive) # disk=hk (if you have RK07s) # disk=ra (if you have UDA50 storage module drives) # disk=up (if you have UNIBUS storage module drives) # disk=rb (if you have IDC storage module drives) The next thing to do is to extract the rest of the data from the tape. You might wish to review the disk September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 20 - Bootstrapping configuration information in section 4.4 before continuing; the partitions used below are those most appropriate in size. Find the disk you have in the following table and execute the commands in the right hand portion of the table: DEC RM03 # name=hp0g; type=rm03 DEC RM05 # name=hp0g; type=rm05 DEC RM80 # name=hp0g; type=rm80 DEC RP06 # name=hp0g; type=rp06 DEC RP07 # name=hp0h; type=rp07 DEC RK07 # name=hk0g; type=rk07 DEC RA80 # name=ra0h; type=ra80 DEC RA60 # name=ra0h; type=ra60 DEC RA81 # name=ra0h; type=ra81 DEC R80 # name=rb0h; type=rb80 UNIBUS CDC 9766 # name=up0g; type=9766 UNIBUS AMPEX 300M # name=up0g; type=9300 UNIBUS AMPEX 330M # name=up0g; type=capricorn UNIBUS FUJITSU 160M # name=up0g; type=fuji160 UNIBUS FUJITSU 330M # name=up0g; type=capricorn UNIBUS FUJITSU 404M # name=up0h; type=eagle MASSBUS CDC 9766 # name=hp0g; type=9766 MASSBUS AMPEX 300M # name=hp0g; type=9300 MASSBUS AMPEX 330M # name=hp0g; type=capricorn MASSBUS FUJITSU 330M # name=hp0g; type=capricorn MASSBUS FUJITSU 404M # name=hp0h; type=eagle Find the tape you have in the following table and execute the commands in the right hand portion of the table: DEC TE16/TU45/TU77 # cd /dev; MAKEDEV ht0; sync DEC TU78 # cd /dev; MAKEDEV mt0; sync DEC TS11 # cd /dev; MAKEDEV ts0; sync EMULEX TC11 # cd /dev; MAKEDEV tm0; sync SI 9700 # cd /dev; MAKEDEV ut0; sync Then execute the following commands: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 21 - Bootstrapping # date _y_y_m_m_d_d_h_h_m_m (set date, see _d_a_t_e(1)) .... # passwd root (set password for super-user) New password: (password will not echo) Retype new password: # hostname _m_y_s_i_t_e_n_a_m_e (set your hostname) # newfs ${name} ${type} (create empty user file system) (this takes a few minutes) # mount /dev/${name} /usr (mount the usr file system) # cd /usr (make /usr the current directory) # mt fsf # tar xpbf 20 /dev/rmt12 (extract all of usr except usr/src) (this takes about 15-20 minutes) If the tape had been rewound or positioned incorrectly before the _t_a_r, it may be repositioned by the following com- mands. # mt rew # mt fsf 3 The data on the fourth tape file has now been extracted. If you are using 1600bpi tapes, the first reel of the distribu- tion is no longer needed; the remainder of the installation procedure uses the second reel of tape that should be mounted in place of the first. The first instruction below is ignored if using 1600bpi tapes. The installation pro- cedure continues from this point on the 6250bpi tape. # mt fsf # mkdir src (make directory for source) # mkdir src/sys (make directory for system source) # cd src/sys (make /usr/sys the current directory) # tar xpbf 20 /dev/rmt12 (extract the system source) (this takes about 5-10 minutes) # cd / (back to root) # chmod 755 / /usr /usr/src /usr/src/sys # rm -f sys # ln -s usr/src/sys sys (make a symbolic link to the system source) # umount /dev/${name} (unmount /usr) You can check the consistency of the /usr file system by doing # fsck /dev/r${name} The output from _f_s_c_k should look something like: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 22 - Bootstrapping ** /_d_e_v/_r_x_x_0_h ** _L_a_s_t _M_o_u_n_t_e_d _o_n /_u_s_r ** _P_h_a_s_e _1 - _C_h_e_c_k _B_l_o_c_k_s _a_n_d _S_i_z_e_s ** _P_h_a_s_e _2 - _C_h_e_c_k _P_a_t_h_n_a_m_e_s ** _P_h_a_s_e _3 - _C_h_e_c_k _C_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_v_i_t_y ** _P_h_a_s_e _4 - _C_h_e_c_k _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _C_o_u_n_t_s ** _P_h_a_s_e _5 - _C_h_e_c_k _C_y_l _g_r_o_u_p_s _6_7_1 _f_i_l_e_s, _3_4_9_7 _u_s_e_d, _1_3_7_0_6_7 _f_r_e_e (_7_5 _f_r_a_g_s, _3_4_2_4_8 _b_l_o_c_k_s) If there are inconsistencies in the file system, you may be prompted to apply corrective action; see the document describing _f_s_c_k for information. To use the /usr file system, you should now remount it by saying # /etc/mount /dev/${name} /usr You can then extract the source code for the commands (except on RK07's and RM03's this will fit in the /usr file system): # cd /usr/src # mt fsf # tar xpb 20 If you get an error at this point, most likely it was a problem with tape positioning. You can reposition the tape by rewinding it and then skipping over the files already read (see _m_t(1)). _2._2._8. _A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_a_l _s_o_f_t_w_a_r_e There are three extra tape files on the distribution tape(s) which have not been installed to this point. They are a font library for use with Varian and Versatec printers, the Ingres database system, and user contributed software. All three tape files are in _t_a_r(1) format and can be installed by positioning the tape using _m_t(1) and reading in the files as was done for /usr/src above. As distri- buted, the fonts should be placed in a directory /usr/lib/vfont, the Ingres system should be placed in /usr/ingres, and the user contributed software should be placed in /usr/src/new. The exact contents of the user con- tributed software is given in a separate document. _2._3. _A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_a_l _c_o_n_v_e_r_s_i_o_n _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n After setting up the new 4.3BSD filesystems, you may restore the user files that were saved on tape before begin- ning the conversion. Note that the 4.3BSD _r_e_s_t_o_r_e program does its work on a mounted file system using normal system September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 23 - Bootstrapping operations (unlike the older _r_e_s_t_o_r that accessed the raw file system device and deposited inodes in the appropriate locations on disk). This means that file system dumps may be restored even if the characteristics of the file system changed. To restore a dump tape for, say, the /a file sys- tem something like the following would be used: # mkdir /a # newfs hp1g eagle # mount /dev/hp1g /a # cd /a # restore r If you chose to convert filesystems while copying to a new disk area, do so by piping the output of _d_u_m_p._4._1 directly into _r_e_s_t_o_r_e after bringing up 4.3BSD. If _t_a_r images were written instead of doing a dump, you should be sure to use the `p' option when reading the files back. No matter how you restore a file system, be sure and check its integrity with _f_s_c_k when the job is complete. To convert a compiler from 4.1BSD to 4.3BSD you should simply have to recompile and relink the various parts. If the processor is written in itself, for instance a PASCAL compiler written in PASCAL, the important step in converting is to save a working copy of the 4.1BSD binary before con- verting to 4.3BSD. Then, once the system has been changed over, the 4.1BSD binary should be used in the rebuilding process. To do this, you should enable the 4.1 compatibility option when you configure the kernel (see section 4.3). If no working 4.1BSD binary exists, or the language processor uses some nonstandard system call, you will likely have to compile the language processor into an intermediate form, such as assembly language, on a 4.1BSD system, then bring the intermediate form to 4.3BSD for assembly and load- ing. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 24 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System _3. _U_P_G_R_A_D_I_N_G _A _4._2_B_S_D _S_Y_S_T_E_M Begin by reading the ``Bugs Fixes and Changes in 4.3BSD'' document to see what has changed since the last time you bootstrapped the system. If you have local system modifications to the kernel to install, look at the document ``Changes to the Kernel in 4.3BSD'' to get an idea of how the system changes will affect your local modifications. If you are running 4.2BSD, upgrading your system involves replacing your kernel and system utilities. Binaries compiled under 4.2BSD will work without recompila- tion under 4.3BSD, though they may run faster if they are relinked. The easiest way to convert to 4.3BSD (depending on your file system configuration) is to create new root and /usr file systems from the distribution tape on unused disk partitions, boot the new system, and then copy any local utilities from your old root and /usr file systems into the new ones. All user file systems and binaries can be retained unmodified, except that the new _f_s_c_k should be run before they are mounted (see below). 4.1BSD binary images can also run unchanged under 4.3BSD but only when the system is configured to include the ``4.1BSD compatibility mode.''* Section 3.1 lists the files to be saved as part of the conversion process. Section 3.2 describes the bootstrap process. Section 3.3 discusses the merger of the saved files back into the new system. Section 3.4 provides gen- eral hints on possible problems to be aware of when convert- ing from 4.2BSD to 4.3BSD. _3._1. _F_i_l_e_s _t_o _s_a_v_e The easiest upgrade path from a 4.2BSD is to build new root and _u_s_r file systems on unused partitions, then copy or merge site specific files into their corresponding files on the new system. The following list enumerates the standard set of files you will want to save and suggests directories in which site specific files should be present. This list will likely be augmented with non-standard files you have added to your system. If you do not have enough space to create parallel file systems, you should create a _t_a_r image of the following files before the new file systems are __________________________ * With ``4.1BSD compatibility mode'' system calls from 4.1BSD are either emulated or safely ignored. There are only two exceptions; programs that read directories or use the old jobs library will not operate properly. However, while 4.1BSD binaries will execute under 4.3BSD it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that the programs be recompiled under the new system. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 25 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System created. In addition, you should do a full dump before rebuilding the file system to guard against missing some- thing the first time around. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 26 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System /.cshrc |- root csh startup script /.login |- root csh login script /.profile |- root sh startup script /.rhosts |- for trusted machines and users /dev/MAKEDEV |= in case you added anything here /dev/MAKEDEV.local * for making local devices /etc/disktab |= in case you changed disk partition sizes /etc/fstab |- disk configuration data /etc/ftpusers |- for local additions /etc/gateways |- routing daemon database /etc/gettytab |= getty database /etc/group * group data base /etc/hosts |- for local host information /etc/hosts.equiv |- for local host equivalence information /etc/networks |- for local network information /etc/passwd * user data base /etc/printcap |- line printer database /etc/protocols |= in case you added any local protocols /etc/rc * for any local additions /etc/rc.local * site specific system startup commands /etc/remote |- auto-dialer configuration /etc/services |= for local additions /etc/syslog.conf * system logger configuration /etc/securettys * for restricted list of ttys where root can log in /etc/ttys * terminal line configuration data /etc/ttytype * terminal line to terminal type mapping data /etc/termcap |= for any local entries that may have been added /lib |= for any locally developed language processors /usr/dict/* |= for local additions to words and papers /usr/hosts/MAKEHOSTS |- for local changes /usr/include/* |= for local additions /usr/lib/aliases |- mail forwarding data base /usr/lib/crontab * cron daemon data base /usr/lib/font/* |= for locally developed font libraries /usr/lib/lib*.a |- for locally libraries /usr/lib/lint/* |= for locally developed lint libraries /usr/lib/ * sendmail configuration /usr/lib/tabset/* |= for locally developed tab setting files /usr/lib/term/* |= for locally developed nroff drive tables /usr/lib/tmac/* |= for locally developed troff/nroff macros /usr/lib/uucp/* |- for local uucp configuration files /usr/man/manl |- for manual pages for locally developed programs /usr/msgs |- for current msgs /usr/spool/* |- for current mail, news, uucp files, etc. /usr/src/local |- for source for locally developed programs /sys/conf/HOST |- configuration file for your machine /sys/conf/files.HOST |- list of special files in your kernel /*/quotas |- file system quota files |-Files that can be used from 4.2BSD without change. |=Files that need local modifications merged into 4.3BSD files. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 27 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System *Files that require special work to merge and are discussed below. _3._1._1. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _4._3_B_S_D The next step is to build a working 4.3BSD system. This can be done by following the steps in section 2 of this document for extracting the root and /usr file systems from the distribution tape onto unused disk partitions. If you have a running 4.2BSD system, you can also do this by using _d_d(1) to copy the ``mini root'' filesystem onto one disk partition, then use it to load the 4.3BSD root filesystem as as chapter 2. The root filesystem dump on the tape could also be extracted directly, although this will require an additional file system check after booting 4.3BSD to convert the new root filesystem. The exact procedure chosen will depend on the disk configuration and the number of suitable disk partitions that may be used. If there is insufficient space to load the new root and /_u_s_r filesystems before reus- ing the existing 4.2BSD partitions, it is strongly advised that you make full dumps of each filesystem on magtape before beginning. It is also desirable to run file system checks of all filesystems to be converted to 4.3BSD before shutting down 4.2BSD. If you are running an older system, you will have to dump and restore your file systems; see section 2.1 for some hints. In either case, this is an excellent time to review your disk configuration for possi- ble tuning of the layout. Section 4.3 is required reading. To ease the transition to new kernels, the 4.3BSD bootstrap routines now pass the identity of the boot device through to the kernel. The kernel then uses that device as its root file system. Thus, for example, if you boot from /_d_e_v/_h_p_1_a, the kernel will use hp1a as its root file system. If /_d_e_v/_h_p_1_b is configured as a swap partition, it will be used as the initial swap area, otherwise the normal primary swap area (/_d_e_v/_h_p_0_b) will be used. The 4.3BSD bootstrap is backward compatible with 4.2BSD, so you can replace your 4.2BSD bootstrap if you use it to boot your first 4.3BSD kernel. Once you have extracted the 4.3BSD system and booted from it, you will have to build a kernel customized for your configuration. If you have any local device drivers, they will have to be incorporated into the new kernel. See sec- tion 4.2.3 and ``Building 4.3BSD UNIX Systems with Config.'' The disk partitions in 4.3BSD are the same as those in 4.2BSD, except for those on the DEC UDA50; see section 4.3.2 for details. If you have changed the disk partition sizes, be sure to make the necessary table changes and boot your custom kernel BEFORE trying to access any of your 4.2BSD file systems! After doing this if necessary, the remaining 4.2BSD filesystems may be converted in place. This is done September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 28 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System by using the 4.3BSD version of _f_s_c_k(8) on each filesystem and allowing it to make the necessary corrections. The new version of _f_s_c_k is more strict about the size of directories than the version supplied with 4.2BSD. Thus the first time that it is run on a 4.2BSD file system, it will produce mes- sages of the form: DIRECTORY ...: LENGTH xx NOT MULTIPLE OF 512 (ADJUSTED) Length ``xx'' will be the size of the directory; it will be expanded to the next multiple of 512 bytes. Note that file systems are otherwise completely compatible between 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD, though running a 4.3BSD file system under 4.2BSD may cause more of the above messages to be generated the next time it is _f_s_c_k'ed on 4.3BSD. _3._2. _M_e_r_g_i_n_g _y_o_u_r _f_i_l_e_s _f_r_o_m _4._2_B_S_D _i_n_t_o _4._3_B_S_D When your system is booting reliably and you have the 4.3BSD root and /usr file systems fully installed you will be ready to continue with the next step in the conversion process, merging your old files into the new system. If you saved the files on a _t_a_r tape, extract them into a scratch directory, say /usr/convert: # mkdir /usr/convert # cd /usr/convert # tar x The data files marked in the previous table with a dagger (|-) may be used without change from the previous sys- tem. Those data files marked with a double dagger (|=) have syntax changes or substantial enhancements. You should start with the 4.3BSD version and carefully integrate any local changes into the new file. Usually these local modif- ications can be incorporated without conflict into the new file; some exceptions are noted below. The files marked with an asterisk (*) require particular attention and are discussed below. If you have any homegrown device drivers in /dev/MAKEDEV.local that use major device numbers reserved by the system you will have to modify the commands used to create the devices or alter the system device configuration tables in /sys/vax/conf.c. Otherwise /dev/MAKEDEV.local can be used without change from 4.2BSD. System security changes require adding several new ``well-known'' groups to /etc/group. The groups that are needed by the system as distributed are: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 29 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System name number 8 _________________ wheel 0 daemon 1 kmem 2 sys 3 tty 4 operator 5 staff 10 Only users in the ``wheel'' group are permitted to _s_u to ``root''. Most programs that manage directories in /usr/spool now run set-group-id to ``daemon'' so that users cannot directly access the files in the spool directories. The special files that access kernel memory, /dev/kmem and /dev/mem, are made readable only by group ``kmem''. Stan- dard system programs that require this access are made set- group-id to that group. The group ``sys'' is intended to control access to system sources, and other sources belong to group ``staff.'' Rather than make user's terminals writ- able by all users, they are now placed in group ``tty'' and made only group writable. Programs that should legitimately have access to write on user's terminals such as _t_a_l_k and _w_r_i_t_e now run set-group-id to ``tty''. The ``operator'' group controls access to disks. By default, disks are read- able by group ``operator'', so that programs such as _d_f can access the file system information without being set-user-id to ``root''. Several new users have also been added to the group of ``well-known'' users in /etc/passwd. The current list is: name number 8 _________________ root 0 daemon 1 operator 2 uucp 66 nobody 32767 The ``daemon'' user is used for daemon processes that do not need root privileges. The ``operator'' user-id is used as an account for dumpers so that they can log in without hav- ing the root password. By placing them in the ``operator'' group, they can get read access to the disks. The ``uucp'' login has existed long before 4.3BSD, and is noted here just to provide a common user-id. The password entry ``nobody'' has been added to specify the user with least privilege. After installing your updated password file, you must September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 30 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System run _m_k_p_a_s_s_w_d(8) to create the _n_d_b_m password database. Note that _m_k_p_a_s_s_w_d is run whenever _v_i_p_w(8) is run. The format of the cron table, /usr/lib/crontab, has been changed to specify the user-id that should be used to run a process. The userid ``nobody'' is frequently useful for non-privileged programs. Some of the commands previously in /etc/rc.local have been moved to /etc/rc; several new functions are now handled by /etc/rc.local. You should look closely at the prototype version of /etc/rc.local and read the manual pages for the commands contained in it before trying to merge your local copy. Note in particular that _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g has had many changes, and that host names are now fully specified as domain-style names (e.g, monet.Berkeley.EDU) for the benefit of the name server. The C library and system binaries on the distribution tape are compiled with new versions of _g_e_t_h_o_s_t_b_y_n_a_m_e and _g_e_t_h_o_s_t_b_y_a_d_d_r which use the name server, _n_a_m_e_d(8). If you have only a small network and are not connected to a large network, you can use the distributed library routines without any problems; they use a linear scan of the host table /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s if the name server is not running. If you are on the DARPA Internet or have a large local network, it is recommend that you set up and use the name server. For instructions on how to set up the necessary configuration files, refer to ``Name Server Operations Guide for BIND''. Several programs rely on the host name returned by _g_e_t_h_o_s_t_- _n_a_m_e to determine the local domain name. If you want to compile your system to use the host table lookup routines instead of the name server, you will need to modify /usr/src/lib/libc/Makefile according to the instructions there and then recompile all of the system and local programs (see section 6.6). Next, you must run _m_k_h_o_s_t_s(8) to create the _n_d_b_m host table database from /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s. The format of /etc/ttys has changed, see _t_t_y_s(5) for details. It now includes the terminal type and security options that were previously placed in /etc/ttytype and /etc/securettys. There is a new version of _s_y_s_l_o_g that uses a more gen- eralized facility/priority scheme. This has changed the format of the syslog.conf file. See _s_y_s_l_o_g_d(8) for details. _S_y_s_l_o_g now logs kernel errors, allowing events such as soft disk errors, filesystem-full messages, and other such error messages to be logged without slowing down the system while the messages print on the console. It is also used by many of the system daemons to monitor system problems more closely, for example network routing changes. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 31 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System If you are using the name server, your _s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l confi- guration file will need some minor updates to accommodate it. See the ``Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide'' and the sample _s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l configuration files in /usr/src/usr.lib/sendmail/nscf. Be sure to regenerate your sendmail frozen configuration file after installation of your updated configuration file. The spooling directories saved on tape may be restored in their eventual resting places without too much concern. Be sure to use the `p' option to _t_a_r so that files are recreated with the same file modes: # cd /usr # tar xp msgs spool/mail spool/uucp spool/uucppublic spool/news The ownership and modes of two of these directories _a_t now runs set-user-id ``daemon'' instead of root. Also, the uucp directory no longer needs to be publicly writable, as _t_i_p reverts to priveleged status to remove its lock files. After copying your version of /usr/spool, you should do: # chown -R daemon /usr/spool/at # chown -R root /usr/spool/uucp # chgrp -R daemon /usr/spool/uucp # chmod -R o-w /usr/spool/uucp Whatever else is left is likely to be site specific or require careful scrutiny before placing in its eventual resting place. Refer to the documentation and source code before arbitrarily overwriting a file. _3._3. _H_i_n_t_s _o_n _c_o_n_v_e_r_t_i_n_g _f_r_o_m _4._2_B_S_D _t_o _4._3_B_S_D This section summarizes the most significant changes between 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD, particularly those that are likely to cause difficulty in doing the conversion. It does not include changes in the network; see chapter 5 for infor- mation on setting up the network. The mailbox locking protocol has changed; it now uses the advisory locking facility to avoid concurrent update of users' mail boxes. If you have your own mail interface, be sure to update its locking protocol. The kernel's limit on the number of open files has been increased from 20 to 64. It is now possible to change this limit almost arbitrarily (there used to be a hard limit of 30). The standard I/O library autoconfigures to the kernel limit. Note that file (``_iob'') entries may be allocated by _m_a_l_l_o_c from _f_o_p_e_n; this allocation has been known to cause problems with programs that use their own memory September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 32 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System allocators. This does not occur until after 20 files have been opened by the standard I/O library. _S_e_l_e_c_t can be used with more than 32 descriptors by using arrays of ints for the bit fields rather than single ints. Programs that used _g_e_t_d_t_a_b_l_e_s_i_z_e as their first argu- ment to _s_e_l_e_c_t will no longer work correctly. Usually the program can be modified to correctly specify the number of bits in an int. Alternatively the program can be modified to use an array of ints. There are a set of macros avail- able in <_s_y_s/_t_y_p_e_s._h> to simplify this. See _s_e_l_e_c_t(2). Old core files will not be intelligible by the current debuggers because of numerous changes to the user structure and because the kernel stack has been enlarged. The _a._o_u_t header that was in the user structure is no longer present. Locally-written debuggers that try to check the magic number will need modification. _F_i_n_d now has a database of file names, constructed once a week from _c_r_o_n. To find a file by name only, the command _f_i_n_d _n_a_m_e will look in the database for files that match the name. This is much faster than _f_i_n_d / -_n_a_m_e _n_a_m_e -_p_r_i_n_t. Files may not be deleted from directories having the ``sticky'' (ISVTX) bit set in their modes except by the owner of the file or of the directory, or by the superuser. This is primarily to protect users' files in publicly- writable directories such as /_t_m_p and /_u_s_r/_t_m_p. All publicly-writable directories should have their ``sticky'' bits set with ``chmod +t.'' The include file <_t_i_m_e._h> has returned to /_u_s_r/_i_n_c_l_u_d_e, and again contains the definitions for the C library time routines of _c_t_i_m_e(3). The _c_o_m_p_a_c_t and _u_n_c_o_m_p_a_c_t programs have been supplanted by the faster _c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s. If your user population has _c_o_m_- _p_a_c_ted files, you will want to install _u_n_c_o_m_p_a_c_t found in /usr/src/old/compact. The configuration of the virtual memory limits has been simplified. A MAXDSIZ option, specified in bytes in the machine configuration file, may be used to raise the maximum process region size from the default of 17Mb to 32Mb or 64Mb. The initial per-process limit is still 6Mb, but can be raised up to MAXDSIZ with the _c_s_h _l_i_m_i_t command. Some 4.3BSD binaries will not run with a 4.2BSD kernel because they take advantage of new functionality in 4.3BSD. One noticeable example of this problem is _c_s_h. If you want to use _p_s after booting a new kernel, and before going multiuser, you must initialize its name list September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 33 - Upgrading a 4.2BSD System database by running _p_s -_U. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 34 - System setup _4. _S_Y_S_T_E_M _S_E_T_U_P This section describes procedures used to set up a VAX UNIX system. These procedures are used when a system is first installed or when the system configuration changes. Procedures for normal system operation are described in the next section. _4._1. _C_r_e_a_t_i_n_g _U_N_I_X _b_o_o_t _m_e_d_i_a The procedures for making the various UNIX boot media are described in this section. If you have an 11/785 or 11/780, you will need to make a floppy. For an 11/730, you will need to make a cassette. While for an 8650 or 8600, you will need to make a console RL02 pack. The boot command files are all set up for booting off of the first UNIBUS or MASSBUS. If you are booting off of a different UNIBUS or MASSBUS, you will need to modify the boot command files appropriately. _4._1._1. _M_a_k_i_n_g _a _U_N_I_X _b_o_o_t _c_o_n_s_o_l_e _R_L_0_2 _p_a_c_k If you have an 8650 or 8600 you will want to create a UNIX boot console RL02 pack by adding some files to your current DEC console pack, using _a_r_f_f(8). If you do not want to modify your current DEC console pack, you may make a copy of it first using _d_d(1). This pack will make standalone system operations such as bootstrapping much easier. First change into the directory where the console RL02 information is stored: # cd /sys/consolerl then set up the default boot device. If you have an RK07 as your primary root do: # cp If you have a drive on a UDA50 (e.g. an RA81) as your pri- mary root do: # cp defboo.ra If you have a second vendor UNIBUS storage module as your primary root do: # cp defboo.up Otherwise: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 35 - System setup # cp defboo.hp The final step in updating the console RL02 pack is: # make update More copies of this console RL02 pack can be made using _d_d(1). _4._1._2. _M_a_k_i_n_g _a _U_N_I_X _b_o_o_t _f_l_o_p_p_y If you have an 11/785 or 11/780 you will want to create a UNIX boot floppy by adding some files to a copy of your current DEC console floppy, using _f_l_c_o_p_y(8) and _a_r_f_f(8). This floppy will make standalone system operations such as bootstrapping much easier. First change into the directory where the console floppy information is stored: # cd /sys/floppy then set up the default boot device. If you have an RK07 as your primary root do: # cp defboo.cmd If you have a drive on a UDA50 (e.g. an RA81) as your pri- mary root do: # cp defboo.ra defboo.cmd If you have a second vendor UNIBUS storage module as your primary root do: # cp defboo.up defboo.cmd Otherwise: # cp defboo.hp defboo.cmd If the local configuration requires any changes in restar.cmd or defboo.cmd (e.g., for interleaved memory con- trollers see defboo.MS780C-interleaved), these should be made now. The following command will then copy your DEC local console floppy, updating the copy appropriately. # make update Change Floppy, Hit return when done. (waits for you to put clean floppy in console) Are you sure you want to clobber the floppy? yes More copies of this floppy can be made using _f_l_c_o_p_y(8). September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 36 - System setup _4._1._3. _M_a_k_i_n_g _a _U_N_I_X _b_o_o_t _c_a_s_s_e_t_t_e If you have an 11/730 you will want to create a UNIX boot cassette by adding some files to a copy of your current DEC console cassette, using _f_l_c_o_p_y(8) and _a_r_f_f(8). This cassette will make standalone system operations such as bootstrapping much easier. First change into the directory where the console cassette information is stored: # cd /sys/cassette then set up the default boot device. If you have an IDC storage module as your primary root do: # cp defboo.rb defboo.cmd If you have an RK07 as your primary root do: # cp defboo.cmd If you have a drive on a UDA50 as your primary root do: # cp defboo.ra defboo.cmd Otherwise: # cp defboo.up defboo.cmd To complete the procedure place your DEC local console cassette in drive 0 (the drive at front of the CPU); the following command will then copy it, updating the copy appropriately. # make update Change Floppy, Hit return when done. (waits for you to put clean cassette in console drive 0) Are you sure you want to clobber the floppy? yes More copies of this cassette can best be made using _d_d(1). _4._2. _K_e_r_n_e_l _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n This section briefly describes the layout of the kernel code and how files for devices are made. For a full discus- sion of configuring and building system images, consult the document ``Building 4.3BSD UNIX Systems with Config''. _4._2._1. _K_e_r_n_e_l _o_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n As distributed, the kernel source is in a separate tar image. The source may be physically located anywhere within any file system so long as a symbolic link to the location September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 37 - System setup is created for the file /sys (many files in /usr/include are normally symbolic links relative to /sys). In further dis- cussions of the system source all path names will be given relative to /sys. The directory /sys/sys contains the mainline machine independent operating system code. Files within this direc- tory are conventionally named with the following prefixes: init_ system initialization kern_ kernel (authentication, process management, etc.) quota_ disk quotas sys_ system calls and similar tty_ terminal handling ufs_ file system uipc_ interprocess communication vm_ virtual memory The remaining directories are organized as follows: /sys/h machine independent include files /sys/conf site configuration files and basic templates /sys/net network independent, but network related code /sys/netinet DARPA Internet code /sys/netimp IMP support code /sys/netns Xerox NS support code /sys/vax VAX specific mainline code /sys/vaxif VAX network interface code /sys/vaxmba VAX MASSBUS device drivers and related code /sys/vaxuba VAX UNIBUS device drivers and related code Many of these directories are referenced through /usr/include with symbolic links. For example, /usr/include/sys is a symbolic link to /sys/h. The system code, as distributed, is totally independent of the include files in /usr/include. This allows the system to be recom- piled from scratch without the /usr file system mounted. _4._2._2. _D_e_v_i_c_e_s _a_n_d _d_e_v_i_c_e _d_r_i_v_e_r_s Devices supported by UNIX are implemented in the kernel by drivers whose source is kept in /sys/vax, /sys/vaxuba, or /sys/vaxmba. These drivers are loaded into the system when included in a cpu specific configuration file kept in the conf directory. Devices are accessed through special files in the file system, made by the _m_k_n_o_d(8) program and nor- mally kept in the /dev directory. For all the devices sup- ported by the distribution system, the files in /dev are September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 38 - System setup created by the /dev/MAKEDEV shell script. Determine the set of devices that you have and create a new /dev directory by running the MAKEDEV script. First create a new directory /newdev, copy MAKEDEV into it, edit the file MAKEDEV.local to provide an entry for local needs, and run it to generate a /newdev directory. For instance, if your machine has a single DZ11, a single DH11, a single DMF32, an RM03 disk, an EMULEX UNIBUS SMD disk controller, an AMPEX 9300 disk, and a TE16 tape drive you would do: # cd / # mkdir newdev # cp dev/MAKEDEV newdev/MAKEDEV # cd newdev # MAKEDEV dz0 dh0 dmf0 hp0 up0 ht0 std LOCAL Note the ``std'' argument causes standard devices such as /_d_e_v/_c_o_n_s_o_l_e, the machine console, /_d_e_v/_f_l_o_p_p_y, the console floppy disk interface for the 11/780 and 11/785, and /_d_e_v/_t_u_0 and /_d_e_v/_t_u_1, the console cassette interfaces for the 11/750 and 11/730, to be created. You can then do # cd / # mv dev olddev ; mv newdev dev # sync to install the new device directory. _4._2._3. _B_u_i_l_d_i_n_g _n_e_w _s_y_s_t_e_m _i_m_a_g_e_s The kernel configuration of each UNIX system is described by a single configuration file, stored in the /_s_y_s/_c_o_n_f directory. To learn about the format of this file and the procedure used to build system images, start by reading ``Building 4.3BSD UNIX Systems with Config'', look at the manual pages in section 4 of the UNIX manual for the devices you have, and look at the sample configuration files in the /sys/conf directory. The configured system image ``vmunix'' should be copied to the root, and then booted to try it out. It is best to name it /newvmunix so as not to destroy the working system until you're sure it does work: # cp vmunix /newvmunix # sync It is also a good idea to keep the previous system around under some other name. In particular, we recommend that you save the generic distribution version of the system per- manently as /_g_e_n_v_m_u_n_i_x for use in emergencies. To boot the September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 39 - System setup new version of the system you should follow the bootstrap procedures outlined in section 6.1. After having booted and tested the new system, it should be installed as /_v_m_u_n_i_x before going into multiuser operation. A systematic scheme for numbering and saving old versions of the system may be useful. _4._3. _D_i_s_k _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n This section describes how to layout file systems to make use of the available space and to balance disk load for better system performance. _4._3._1. _I_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_i_n_g /_e_t_c/_f_s_t_a_b Change into the directory /etc and copy the appropriate file from: fstab.rm03 fstab.rm05 fstab.rm80 fstab.ra60 fstab.ra80 fstab.ra81 fstab.rb80 fstab.rp06 fstab.rp07 fstab.rk07 fstab.up160m (160Mb up drives) fstab.hp400m (400Mb hp drives) fstab.up (other up drives) fstab.hp (other hp drives) to the file /etc/fstab, i.e.: # cd /etc # cp _f_s_t_a_b._x_x_x fstab This will set up the default information about the usage of disk partitions, which we see how to update more below. _4._3._2. _D_i_s_k _n_a_m_i_n_g _a_n_d _d_i_v_i_s_i_o_n_s Each physical disk drive can be divided into up to 8 partitions; UNIX typically uses only 3 or 4 partitions. For instance, on an RM03 or RP06, the first partition, hp0a, is used for a root file system, a backup thereof, or a small file system like, /tmp; the second partition, hp0b, is used for paging and swapping; and the third partition hp0g holds a user file system. On an RM05, the first three partitions are used as for the RM03, and the fourth partition, hp0h, holds the /usr file system, including source code. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 40 - System setup The disk partition sizes for a drive are based on a set of four prototype partition tables; c.f. _d_i_s_k_p_a_r_t(8). The particular table used is dependent on the size of the drive. The ``a'' partition is the same size across all drives, 15884 sectors. The ``b'' partition, used for paging and swapping, is sized according to the total space on the disk. For drives less than about 400 megabytes the partition is 33440 sectors, while for larger drives the partition size is doubled to 66880 sectors. The ``c'' partition is always used to access the entire physical disk, including the space at the back of the disk reserved for the bad sector forward- ing table. If the disk is larger than about 250 megabytes, an ``h'' partition is created with size 291346 sectors, and no matter whether the ``h'' partition is created or not, the remainder of the drive is allocated to the ``g'' partition. Sites that want to split up the ``g'' partition into several smaller file systems may use the ``d'', ``e'', and ``f'' partitions that overlap the ``g'' partition. The default sizes for these partitions are 15884, 55936, and the remainder of the disk, respectively*. The disk partition sizes for DEC RA60, RA80, and RA81 have changed since 4.2BSD. If upgrading from 4.2BSD, you will need to decide if you want to use the new partitions or the old partitions. If you desire to use the old parti- tions, you will need to update /etc/disktab and the device driver for the UDA50. Any other partition sizes that were modified at your site, will require the same consideration. The space available on a disk varies per device. The amount of space available on the common disk partitions is listed in the following table. Not shown in the table are the partitions of each drive devoted to the root file system and the paging area. __________________________ * These rules are, unfortunately not evenly applied to all disks. Drives on DEC UDA50 and IDC controllers do not completely follow these rules; in particular, no ``d'', ``e'', or ``f'' partitions are available on an RA60 and RA80. Consult _u_d_a(4) for more information. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 41 - System setup Type Name Size Name Size 8 _____________________________________ rk07 hk?g 13 Mb rm03 hp?g 41 Mb rp06 hp?g 145 Mb rm05 hp?g 80 Mb hp?h 145 Mb rm80 hp?g 96 Mb ra60 ra?g 78 Mb ra?h 96 Mb ra80 ra?g 96 Mb ra81 ra?g 257 Mb ra?h 145 Mb rb80 rb?g 41 Mb rb?h 56 Mb rp07 hp?g 315 Mb hp?h 145 Mb up300 up?g 80 Mb up?h 145 Mb up330 up?g 90 Mb up?h 145 Mb up400 hp?g 216 Mb hp?h 145 Mb up160 up?g 106 Mb Here up300 refers to either an AMPEX or CDC 300 Megabyte disk on a MASSBUS or UNIBUS disk controller, up330 refers to either an AMPEX or FUJITSU 330 Megabyte disk on a MASSBUS or UNIBUS controller, up160 refers to a FUJITSU 160 Megabyte disk on the UNIBUS, and up400 refers to a FUJITSU Eagle 400 Megabyte disk on a MASBUS or UNIBUS disk controller. ``hp'' should be substituted for ``up'' above if the disk is on the MASSBUS. Consult the manual pages for the specific con- trollers for other supported disks or other partitions. Each disk also has a paging area, typically of 16 Mega- bytes, and a root file system of 8 Megabytes. The distri- buted system binaries occupy about 34 Megabytes while the major sources occupy another 32 Megabytes. This overflows dual RK07, dual RL02 and single RM03 systems, but fits easily on most other hardware configurations. Be aware that the disks have their sizes measured in disk sectors (512 bytes), while the UNIX file system blocks are variable sized. All user programs report disk space in kilobytes and, where needed, disk sizes are always specified in units of sectors. The /etc/disktab file used in making file systems specifies disk partition sizes in sectors; the default sector size may be overridden with the ``se'' attri- bute. Note that the only sector size currently supported is DEV_BSIZE as defined in /_s_y_s/_h/_p_a_r_a_m._h. _4._3._3. _L_a_y_o_u_t _c_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_s There are several considerations in deciding how to adjust the arrangement of things on your disks. The most important is making sure that there is adequate space for what is required; secondarily, throughput should be maxim- ized. Paging space is an important parameter. The system, 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 42 - System setup as distributed, sizes the configured paging areas each time the system is booted. Further, multiple paging areas of different size may be interleaved. Drives smaller than 400 megabytes have swap partitions of 16 megabytes while drives larger than 400 megabytes have 32 megabytes. These values may be changed to get more paging space by changing the appropriate partition table in the disk driver. Many common system programs (C, the editor, the assem- bler etc.) create intermediate files in the /tmp directory, so the file system where this is stored also should be made large enough to accommodate most high-water marks; if you have several disks, it makes sense to mount this in a ``root'' (i.e. first partition) file system on another disk. All the programs that create files in /tmp take care to delete them, but are not immune to rare events and can leave dregs. The directory should be examined every so often and the old files deleted. The efficiency with which UNIX is able to use the CPU is often strongly affected by the configuration of disk con- trollers. For general time-sharing applications, the best strategy is to try to split the root file system (/), system binaries (/usr), the temporary files (/tmp), and the user files among several disk arms, and to interleave the paging activity among several arms. It is critical for good performance to balance disk load. There are at least five components of the disk load that you can divide between the available disks: 1. The root file system. 2. The /tmp file system. 3. The /usr file system. 4. The user files. 5. The paging activity. The following possibilities are ones we have used at times when we had 2, 3 and 4 disks: 8 __________________________________________________________________ disks what 2 3 4 8 _________________________________ / 0 0 0 tmp 1 2 3 usr 1 1 1 paging 0+1 0+2 0+2+3 users 0 0+2 0+2 archive x x 3 8 __________________________________________________________________ 7 |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|9999999999999999|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |8|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 |8|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|9999999999999999|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| The most important things to consider are to even out the disk load as much as possible, and to do this by decou- pling file systems (on separate arms) between which heavy 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 43 - System setup copying occurs. Note that a long term average balanced load is not important; it is much more important to have an instantaneously balanced load when the system is busy. Intelligent experimentation with a few file system arrangements can pay off in much improved performance. It is particularly easy to move the root, the /tmp file system and the paging areas. Place the user files and the /usr directory as space needs dictate and experiment with the other, more easily moved file systems. _4._3._4. _F_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r_s Each file system is parameterized according to its block size, fragment size, and the disk geometry charac- teristics of the medium on which it resides. Inaccurate specification of the disk characteristics or haphazard choice of the file system parameters can result in substan- tial throughput degradation or significant waste of disk space. As distributed, file systems are configured accord- ing to the following table. File system Block size Fragment size 8 ________________________________________ / 8 Kbytes 1 Kbytes usr 4 Kbytes 512 bytes users 4 Kbytes 1 Kbytes The root file system block size is made large to optim- ize bandwidth to the associated disk; this is particularly important since the /tmp directory is normally part of the root file or a similar filesystem. The large block size is also important as many of the most heavily used programs are demand paged out of the /bin directory. The fragment size of 1 Kbytes is a ``nominal'' value to use with a file sys- tem. With a 1 Kbyte fragment size disk space utilization is about the same as with the earlier versions of the file sys- tem. The usr file system uses a 4 Kbyte block size with 512 byte fragment size in an effort to get high performance while conserving the amount of space wasted by a large frag- ment size. Space compaction has been deemed important here because the source code for the system is normally placed on this file system. If the source code is placed on a separate filesystem, use of an 8 Kbyte block size with 1 Kbyte fragments might be considered for improved performance when paging from /_u_s_r binaries. The file systems for users have a 4 Kbyte block size with 1 Kbyte fragment size. These parameters have been selected based on observations of the performance of our 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 44 - System setup user file systems. The 4 Kbyte block size provides adequate bandwidth while the 1 Kbyte fragment size provides accept- able space compaction and disk fragmentation. Other parameters may be chosen in constructing file systems, but the factors involved in choosing a block size and fragment size are many and interact in complex ways. Larger block sizes result in better throughput to large files in the file system as larger I/O requests will then be performed by the system. However, consideration must be given to the average file sizes found in the file system and the performance of the internal system buffer cache. The system currently provides space in the inode for 12 direct block pointers, 1 single indirect block pointer, and 1 dou- ble indirect block pointer.* If a file uses only direct blocks, access time to it will be optimized by maximizing the block size. If a file spills over into an indirect block, increasing the block size of the file system may decrease the amount of space used by eliminating the need to allocate an indirect block. However, if the block size is increased and an indirect block is still required, then more disk space will be used by the file because indirect blocks are allocated according to the block size of the file sys- tem. In selecting a fragment size for a file system, at least two considerations should be given. The major perfor- mance tradeoffs observed are between an 8 Kbyte block file system and a 4 Kbyte block file system. Because of imple- mentation constraints, the block size / fragment size ratio can not be greater than 8. This means that an 8 Kbyte file system will always have a fragment size of at least 1 Kbytes. If a file system is created with a 4 Kbyte block size and a 1 Kbyte fragment size, then upgraded to an 8 Kbyte block size and 1 Kbyte fragment size, identical space compaction will be observed. However, if a file system has a 4 Kbyte block size and 512 byte fragment size, converting it to an 8K/1K file system will result in significantly more space being used. This implies that 4 Kbyte block file sys- tems that might be upgraded to 8 Kbyte blocks for higher performance should use fragment sizes of at least 1 Kbytes to minimize the amount of work required in conversion. A second, more important, consideration when selecting the fragment size for a file system is the level of fragmen- tation on the disk. With a 512 byte fragment size, storage fragmentation occurs much sooner, particularly with a busy file system running near full capacity. By comparison, the level of fragmentation in a 1 Kbyte fragment file system is one tenth as severe. This means that on file systems where __________________________ * A triple indirect block pointer is also reserved, but not currently supported. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 45 - System setup many files are created and deleted, the 512 byte fragment size is more likely to result in apparent space exhaustion because of fragmentation. That is, when the file system is nearly full, file expansion that requires locating a con- tiguous area of disk space is more likely to fail on a 512 byte file system than on a 1 Kbyte file system. To minimize fragmentation problems of this sort, a parameter in the super block specifies a minimum acceptable free space thres- hold. When normal users (i.e. anyone but the super-user) attempt to allocate disk space and the free space threshold is exceeded, the user is returned an error as if the file system were really full. This parameter is nominally set to 10%; it may be changed by supplying a parameter to _n_e_w_f_s, or by updating the super block of an existing file system using _t_u_n_e_f_s(8). In general, unless a file system is to be used for a special purpose application (for example, storing image pro- cessing data), we recommend using the values supplied above. Remember that the current implementation limits the block size to at most 8 Kbytes and the ratio of block size / frag- ment size must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The disk geometry information used by the file system affects the block layout policies employed. The file /etc/disktab, as supplied, contains the data for most all drives supported by the system. When constructing a file system you should use the _n_e_w_f_s(8) program and specify the type of disk on which the file system resides. This file also contains the default file system partition sizes, and default block and fragment sizes. To override any of the default values you can modify the file or use an option to _n_e_w_f_s. _4._3._5. _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_i_n_g _a _l_a_y_o_u_t To put a chosen disk layout into effect, you should use the _n_e_w_f_s(8) command to create each new file system. Each file system must also be added to the file /etc/fstab so that it will be checked and mounted when the system is bootstrapped. As an example, consider a system with RM80's. On the first RM80, hp0, we will put the root file system in hp0a, and the /usr file system in hp0g, which has enough space to hold it and then some. The /tmp directory will be part of the root file system, as no file system will be mounted on /tmp. If we had only one RM80, we would put user files in the hp0g partition with the system source and binaries. If we had a second RM80, we would place /_u_s_r in hp1g. We would put user files in hp0g, calling the file system /mnt. We would also interleave the paging between the 2 RM80's. To do this we would build a system configuration September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 46 - System setup that specified: config vmunix root on hp0 swap on hp0 and hp1 to get the swap interleaved, and /_e_t_c/_f_s_t_a_b _w_o_u_l_d _t_h_e_n _c_o_n_- _t_a_i_n /dev/hp0a:/:rw:1:1 /dev/hp0b::sw:: /dev/hp0g:/mnt:rw:1:2 /dev/hp1b::sw:: /dev/hp1g:/usr:rw:1:2 _W_e _w_o_u_l_d _k_e_e_p _a _b_a_c_k_u_p _c_o_p_y _o_f _t_h_e _r_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _i_n _t_h_e hp1a _d_i_s_k _p_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n. _A_l_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_v_e_l_y, _t_h_a_t _p_a_r_t_i_t_i_o_n _c_o_u_l_d _b_e _u_s_e_d _f_o_r /_t_m_p. To make the /mnt file system we would do: # cd /dev # MAKEDEV hp1 # newfs hp1g rm80 (information about file system prints out) # mkdir /mnt # mount /dev/hp1g /mnt _4._4. _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_i_n_g _t_e_r_m_i_n_a_l_s If UNIX is to support simultaneous access from directly-connected terminals other than the console, the file /_e_t_c/_t_t_y_s (_t_t_y_s(5)) must be edited. Terminals connected via DZ11 interfaces are convention- ally named ttyDD where DD is a decimal number, the ``minor device'' number. The lines on dz0 are named /dev/tty00, /dev/tty01, ... /dev/tty07. By convention, all other termi- nal names are of the form ttyCX, where C is an alphabetic character according to the type of terminal multiplexor and its unit number, and X is a digit for the first ten lines on the interface and an increasing lower case letter for the rest of the lines. C is defined for the number of inter- faces of each type listed below. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 47 - System setup 8 _______________________________________________________ Interface Number of lines Number of Type Characters per board Interfaces 8 _______________________________________________________ DZ11 see above 8 10 DMF32 A-C,E-I 8 8 DMZ32 a-c,e-g 24 6 DH11 h-o 16 8 DHU11 S-Z 16 8 pty p-u 16 6 8 _______________________________________________________ 7 |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| To add a new terminal device, be sure the device is configured into the system and that the special files for the device have been made by /dev/MAKEDEV. Then, enable the appropriate lines of /etc/ttys by setting the ``status'' field to on (or add new lines). Note that lines in /_e_t_c/_t_t_y_s are one-for-one with entries in the file of current users (/_e_t_c/_u_t_m_p), and therefore it is best to make changes while running in single-user mode and to add all of the entries for a new device at once. The format of the /etc/ttys file is completely new in 4.3BSD. Each line in the file is broken into four tab separated fields (comments are shown by a `#' character and extend to the end of the line). For each terminal line the four fields are: the device (without a leading /dev), the program /etc/init should startup to service the line (or none if the line is to be left alone), the terminal type (found in /etc/termcap), and optional status information describing if the terminal is enabled or not and if it is ``secure'' (i.e. the super user should be allowed to login on the line). All fields are character strings with entries requiring embedded white space enclosed in double quotes. Thus a newly added terminal /dev/tty00 could be added as tty00 "/etc/getty std.9600" vt100 on secure# mike's office The std.9600 parameter provided to /etc/getty is used in searching the file /etc/gettytab; it specifies a terminal's characteristics (such as baud rate). To make custom termi- nal types, consult _g_e_t_t_y_t_a_b(5) before modifying /etc/gettytab. Dialup terminals should be wired so that carrier is asserted only when the phone line is dialed up. For non- dialup terminals from which modem control is not available, you must either wire back the signals so that the carrier appears to always be present, or show in the system confi- guration that carrier is to be assumed to be present with _f_l_a_g_s for each terminal device. See _d_h(4), _d_h_u(4), _d_z(4), _d_m_z(4), and _d_m_f(4) for details. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 48 - System setup For network terminals (i.e. pseudo terminals), no pro- gram should be started up on the lines. Thus, the normal entry in /etc/ttys would look like ttyp0 none network (Note the fourth field is not needed when here.) When the system is running multi-user, all terminals that are listed in /etc/ttys as on have their line are enabled. If, during normal operations, it is desired to disable a terminal line, you can edit the file /etc/ttys to change the terminal's status to off and then send a hangup signal to the _i_n_i_t process, by doing # kill -1 1 Terminals can similarly be enabled by changing the status field from off to on and sending a hangup signal to _i_n_i_t. Note that if a special file is inaccessible when _i_n_i_t tries to create a process for it, init will log a message to the system error logging process (/etc/syslogd) and try to reopen the terminal every minute, reprinting the warning message every 10 minutes. Messages of this sort are nor- mally printed on the console, though other actions may occur depending on the configuration information found in /etc/syslog.conf. Finally note that you should change the names of any dialup terminals to ttyd? where ? is in [0-9a-zA-Z], as some programs use this property of the names to determine if a terminal is a dialup. Shell commands to do this should be put in the /dev/MAKEDEV.local script. While it is possible to use truly arbitrary strings for terminal names, the accounting and noticeably the _p_s(1) com- mand make good use of the convention that tty names (by default, and also after dialups are named as suggested above) are distinct in the last 2 characters. Change this and you may be sorry later, as the heuristic _p_s(1) uses based on these conventions will then break down and ps will run MUCH slower. _4._5. _A_d_d_i_n_g _u_s_e_r_s New users can be added to the system by adding a line to the password file /etc/passwd. The procedure for adding a new user is described in _a_d_d_u_s_e_r(8). You should add accounts for the initial user community, giving each a directory and a password, and putting users who will wish to share software in the same groups. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 49 - System setup Several guest accounts have been provided on the dis- tribution system; these accounts are for people at Berkeley, Bell Laboratories, and others who have done major work on UNIX in the past. You can delete these accounts, or leave them on the system if you expect that these people would have occasion to login as guests on your system. _4._6. _S_i_t_e _t_a_i_l_o_r_i_n_g All programs that require the site's name, or some similar characteristic, obtain the information through sys- tem calls or from files located in /etc. Aside from parts of the system related to the network, to tailor the system to your site you must simply select a site name, then edit the file /etc/rc.local The first line in /etc/rc.local, /bin/hostname _m_y_s_i_t_e_n_a_m_e defines the value returned by the _g_e_t_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e(2) system call. If you are running the name server, your site name should be your fully qualified domain name. Programs such as _g_e_t_t_y(8), _m_a_i_l(1), _w_a_l_l(1), _u_u_c_p(1), and _w_h_o(1) use this system call so that the binary images are site independent. _4._7. _S_e_t_t_i_n_g _u_p _t_h_e _l_i_n_e _p_r_i_n_t_e_r _s_y_s_t_e_m The line printer system consists of at least the fol- lowing files and commands: /usr/ucb/lpq spooling queue examination program /usr/ucb/lprm program to delete jobs from a queue /usr/ucb/lpr program to enter a job in a printer queue /etc/printcap printer configuration and capability data base /usr/lib/lpd line printer daemon, scans spooling queues /etc/lpc line printer control program /etc/hosts.lpd list of host allowed to use the printers The file /etc/printcap is a master data base describing line printers directly attached to a machine and, also, printers accessible across a network. The manual page _p_r_i_n_t_c_a_p(5) describes the format of this data base and also shows the default values for such things as the directory in which spooling is performed. The line printer system han- dles multiple printers, multiple spooling queues, local and remote printers, and also printers attached via serial lines that require line initialization such as the baud rate. Raster output devices such as a Varian or Versatec, and September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 50 - System setup laser printers such as an Imagen, are also supported by the line printer system. Remote spooling via the network is handled with two spooling queues, one on the local machine and one on the remote machine. When a remote printer job is started with _l_p_r, the job is queued locally and a daemon process created to oversee the transfer of the job to the remote machine. If the destination machine is unreachable, the job will remain queued until it is possible to transfer the files to the spooling queue on the remote machine. The _l_p_q program shows the contents of spool queues on both the local and remote machines. To configure your line printers, consult the printcap manual page and the accompanying document, ``4.3BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual''. A call to the _l_p_d program should be present in /etc/rc. _4._8. _S_e_t_t_i_n_g _u_p _t_h_e _m_a_i_l _s_y_s_t_e_m The mail system consists of the following commands: /bin/mail old standard mail program, _b_i_n_m_a_i_l(1) /usr/ucb/mail UCB mail program, described in _m_a_i_l(1) /usr/lib/sendmail mail routing program /usr/spool/mail mail spooling directory /usr/spool/secretmail secure mail directory /usr/bin/xsend secure mail sender /usr/bin/xget secure mail receiver /usr/lib/aliases mail forwarding information /usr/ucb/newaliases command to rebuild binary forwarding database /usr/ucb/biff mail notification enabler /etc/comsat mail notification daemon Mail is normally sent and received using the _m_a_i_l(1) com- mand, which provides a front-end to edit the messages sent and received, and passes the messages to _s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l(8) for routing. The routing algorithm uses knowledge of the net- work name syntax, aliasing and forwarding information, and network topology, as defined in the configuration file /usr/lib/, to process each piece of mail. Local mail is delivered by giving it to the program /bin/mail that adds it to the mailboxes in the directory /usr/spool/mail/_u_s_e_r_n_a_m_e, using a locking protocol to avoid problems with simultaneous updates. After the mail is delivered, the local mail delivery daemon /etc/comsat is notified, which in turn notifies users who have issued a ``_b_i_f_f y'' command that mail has arrived. Mail queued in the directory /usr/spool/mail is nor- mally readable only by the recipient. To send mail that is September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 51 - System setup secure against any possible perusal (except by a code- breaker) you should use the secret mail facility, which encrypts the mail so that no one can read it. To set up the mail facility you should read the instructions in the file READ_ME in the directory /usr/src/usr.lib/sendmail and then adjust the necessary con- figuration files. You should also set up the file /usr/lib/aliases for your installation, creating mail groups as appropriate. Documents describing _s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l's operation and installation are also included in the distribution. _4._8._1. _S_e_t_t_i_n_g _u_p _a _U_U_C_P _c_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_o_n The version of _u_u_c_p included in 4.3BSD is an enhanced version of the one originally distributed with 32/V*. The enhancements include: o+ support for many auto call units and dialers in addition to the DEC DN11, o+ breakup of the spooling area into multiple subdirec- tories, o+ addition of an _L._c_m_d_s file to control the set of commands that may be executed by a remote site, o+ enhanced ``expect-send'' sequence capabilities when log- ging in to a remote site, o+ new commands to be used in polling sites and obtaining snap shots of _u_u_c_p activity, o+ additional protocols for different communication media. This section gives a brief overview of _u_u_c_p and points out the most important steps in its installation. To connect two UNIX machines with a _u_u_c_p network link using modems, one site must have an automatic call unit and the other must have a dialup port. It is better if both sites have both. You should first read the paper in the UNIX System Manager's Manual: ``Uucp Implementation Description''. It describes in detail the file formats and conventions, and will give you a little context. In addition, the document ``setup.tblms'', located in the directory __________________________ * The _u_u_c_p included in this distribution is the result of work by many people; we gratefully acknowledge their contributions, but refrain from mentioning names in the interest of keeping this document current. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 52 - System setup /usr/src/usr.bin/uucp/UUAIDS, may be of use in tailoring the software to your needs. The _u_u_c_p support is located in three major directories: /usr/bin, /usr/lib/uucp, and /usr/spool/uucp. User commands are kept in /usr/bin, operational commands in /usr/lib/uucp, and /usr/spool/uucp is used as a spooling area. The com- mands in /usr/bin are: /usr/bin/uucp file-copy command /usr/bin/uux remote execution command /usr/bin/uusend binary file transfer using mail /usr/bin/uuencode binary file encoder (for _u_u_s_e_n_d) /usr/bin/uudecode binary file decoder (for _u_u_s_e_n_d) /usr/bin/uulog scans session log files /usr/bin/uusnap gives a snap-shot of _u_u_c_p activity /usr/bin/uupoll polls remote system until an answer is received /usr/bin/uuname prints a list of known uucp hosts /usr/bin/uuq gives information about the queue The important files and commands in /usr/lib/uucp are: /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices list of dialers and hard-wired lines /usr/lib/uucp/L-dialcodes dialcode abbreviations /usr/lib/uucp/L.aliases hostname aliases /usr/lib/uucp/L.cmds commands remote sites may execute /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys systems to communicate with, how to connect, and when /usr/lib/uucp/SEQF sequence numbering control file /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE remote site pathname access specifications /usr/lib/uucp/uucico _u_u_c_p protocol daemon /usr/lib/uucp/uuclean cleans up garbage files in spool area /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt _u_u_c_p remote execution server while the spooling area contains the following important files and directories: /usr/spool/uucp/C. directory for command, ``C.'' files /usr/spool/uucp/D. directory for data, ``D.'', files /usr/spool/uucp/X. directory for command execution, ``X.'', files /usr/spool/uucp/D._m_a_c_h_i_n_e directory for local ``D.'' files /usr/spool/uucp/D._m_a_c_h_i_n_eX directory for local ``X.'' files /usr/spool/uucp/TM. directory for temporary, ``TM.'', files /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE log file of _u_u_c_p activity /usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG log file of _u_u_c_p file transfers To install _u_u_c_p on your system, start by selecting a site name (shorter than 14 characters). A _u_u_c_p account must September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 53 - System setup be created in the password file and a password set up. Then, create the appropriate spooling directories with mode 755 and owned by user _u_u_c_p, group _d_a_e_m_o_n. If you have an auto-call unit, the L.sys, L-dialcodes, and L-devices files should be created. The L.sys file should contain the phone numbers and login sequences required to establish a connection with a _u_u_c_p daemon on another machine. For example, our L.sys file looks some- thing like: adiron Any ACU 1200 out0123456789- ogin-EOT-ogin uucp cbosg Never Slave 300 cbosgd Never Slave 300 chico Never Slave 1200 out2010123456 The first field is the name of a site, the second shows when the machine may be called, the third field specifies how the host is connected (through an ACU, a hard-wired line, etc.), then comes the phone number to use in connecting through an auto-call unit, and finally a login sequence. The phone number may contain common abbreviations that are defined in the L-dialcodes file. The device specification should refer to devices specified in the L-devices file. Listing only ACU causes the _u_u_c_p daemon, _u_u_c_i_c_o, to search for any avail- able auto-call unit in L-devices. Our L-dialcodes file is of the form: ucb 2 out 9% while our L-devices file is: ACU cul0 unused 1200 ventel Refer to the README file in the _u_u_c_p source directory for more information about installation. As _u_u_c_p operates it creates (and removes) many small files in the directories underneath /usr/spool/uucp. Some- times files are left undeleted; these are most easily purged with the _u_u_c_l_e_a_n program. The log files can grow without bound unless trimmed back; _u_u_l_o_g maintains these files. Many useful aids in maintaining your _u_u_c_p installation are included in a subdirectory UUAIDS beneath /usr/src/usr.bin/uucp. Peruse this directory and read the ``setup'' instructions also located there. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 54 - Network setup _5. _N_E_T_W_O_R_K _S_E_T_U_P 4.3BSD provides support for the DARPA standard Internet protocols IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP. These protocols may be used on top of a variety of hardware devices ranging from the IMP's (PSN's) used in the ARPANET to local area network controllers for the Ethernet. Network services are split between the kernel (communication protocols) and user pro- grams (user services such as TELNET and FTP). This section describes how to configure your system to use the Internet networking support. 4.3BSD also supports the Xerox Network Systems (NS) protocols. IDP and SPP are implemented in the kernel, and other protocols such as Courier run at the user level. _5._1. _S_y_s_t_e_m _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n To configure the kernel to include the Internet commun- ication protocols, define the INET option. Xerox NS support is enabled with the NS option. In either case, include the pseudo-devices ``pty'', and ``loop'' in your machine's con- figuration file. The ``pty'' pseudo-device forces the pseudo terminal device driver to be configured into the system, see _p_t_y(4), while the ``loop'' pseudo-device forces inclusion of the software loopback interface driver. The loop driver is used in network testing and also by the error logging sys- tem. If you are planning to use the Internet network facili- ties on a 10Mb/s Ethernet, the pseudo-device ``ether'' should also be included in the configuration; this forces inclusion of the Address Resolution Protocol module used in mapping between 48-bit Ethernet and 32-bit Internet addresses. Also, if you have an IMP connection, you will need to include the pseudo-device ``imp.'' Before configuring the appropriate networking hardware, you should consult the manual pages in section 4 of the Programmer's Manual. The following table lists the devices for which software support exists. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 55 - Network setup Device name Manufacturer and product 8 ___________________________________________________________________ acc ACC LH/DH interface to IMP css DEC IMP-11A interface to IMP ddn ACC ACP625 DDN Standard mode X.25 interface to IMP dmc DEC DMC-11 (also works with DMR-11) de DEC DEUNA 10Mb/s Ethernet ec 3Com 10Mb/s Ethernet en Xerox 3Mb/s prototype Ethernet (not a product) ex Excelan 204 10Mb/s Ethernet hdh ACC IF-11/HDH IMP interface hy NSC Hyperchannel, w/ DR-11B and PI-13 interfaces il Interlan 1010 and 10101A 10Mb/s Ethernet interfaces ix Interlan NP100 10Mb/s Ethernet interface pcl DEC PCL-11 vv Proteon 10Mb/s and 80Mb/s proNET ring network (V2LNI) All network interface drivers including the loopback interface, require that their host address(es) be defined at boot time. This is done with _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g(8C) commands included in the /_e_t_c/_r_c._l_o_c_a_l file. Interfaces that are able to dynamically deduce the host part of an address may check that the host part of the address is correct. The manual page for each network interface describes the method used to establish a host's address. _I_f_c_o_n_f_i_g(8) can also be used to set options for the interface at boot time. Options are set independently for each interface, and apply to all packets sent using that interface. These options include disabling the use of the Address Resolution Protocol; this may be use- ful if a network is shared with hosts running software that does not yet provide this function. Alternatively, transla- tions for such hosts may be set in advance or ``published'' by a 4.3BSD host by use of the _a_r_p(8c) command. Note that the use of trailer link-level is now negotiated between 4.3BSD hosts using ARP, and it is thus no longer necessary to disable the use of trailers with _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g. To use the pseudo terminals just configured, device entries must be created in the /dev directory. To create 32 pseudo terminals (plenty, unless you have a heavy network load) execute the following commands. # cd /dev # MAKEDEV pty0 pty1 More pseudo terminals may be made by specifying _p_t_y_2, _p_t_y_3, etc. The kernel normally includes support for 32 pseudo terminals unless the configuration file specifies a dif- ferent number. Each pseudo terminal really consists of two files in /dev: a master and a slave. The master pseudo ter- minal file is named /dev/ptyp?, while the slave side is 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 56 - Network setup /dev/ttyp?. Pseudo terminals are also used by several pro- grams not related to the network. In addition to creating the pseudo terminals, be sure to install them in the /_e_t_c/_t_t_y_s file (with a `none' in the second column so no _g_e_t_t_y is started). _5._2. _L_o_c_a_l _s_u_b_n_e_t_w_o_r_k_s In 4.3BSD the DARPA Internet support includes the notion of ``subnetworks''. This is a mechanism by which multiple local networks may appears as a single Internet network to off-site hosts. Subnetworks are useful because they allow a site to hide their local topology, requiring only a single route in external gateways; it also means that local network numbers may be locally administered. The standard describing this change in Internet addressing is RFC-950. To set up local subnetworks one must first decide how the available address space (the Internet ``host part'' of the 32-bit address) is to be partitioned. Sites with a class A network number have a 24-bit address space with which to work, sites with a class B network number have a 16-bit address space, while sites with a class C network number have an 8-bit address space*. To define local sub- nets you must steal some bits from the local host address space for use in extending the network portion of the Inter- net address. This reinterpretation of Internet addresses is done only for local networks; i.e. it is not visible to hosts off-site. For example, if your site has a class B network number, hosts on this network have an Internet address that contains the network number, 16 bits, and the host number, another 16 bits. To define 254 local subnets, each possessing at most 255 hosts, 8 bits may be taken from the local part. (The use of subnets 0 and all-1's, 255 in this example, is discouraged to avoid confusion about broad- cast addresses.) These new network numbers are then con- structed by concatenating the original 16-bit network number with the extra 8 bits containing the local subnetwork number. The existence of local subnetworks is communicated to the system at the time a network interface is configured with the _n_e_t_m_a_s_k option to the _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g program. A ``net- work mask'' is specified to define the portion of the Inter- net address that is to be considered the network part for that network. This mask normally contains the bits corresponding to the standard network part as well as the __________________________ * If you are unfamiliar with the Internet addressing structure, consult ``Address Mappings'', Internet RFC- 796, J. Postel; available from the Internet Network In- formation Center at SRI. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 57 - Network setup portion of the local part that has been assigned to subnets. If no mask is specified when the address is set, it will be set according to the class of the network. For example, at Berkeley (class B network 128.32) 8 bits of the local part have been reserved for defining subnetworks; consequently the /etc/rc.local file contains lines of the form /etc/ifconfig en0 netmask 0xffffff00 This specifies that for interface ``en0'', the upper 24 bits of the Internet address should be used in calculating net- work numbers (netmask 0xffffff00), and the interface's Internet address is ``'' (host 7 on network 128.32.1). Hosts _m on sub-network _n of this network would then have addresses of the form ``128.32._n._m''; for exam- ple, host 99 on network 129 would have an address ``''. For hosts with multiple interfaces, the network mask should be set for each interface, although in practice only the mask of the first interface on each net- work is actually used. _5._3. _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _b_r_o_a_d_c_a_s_t _a_d_d_r_e_s_s_e_s The address defined as the broadcast address for Inter- net networks according to RFC-919 is the address with a host part of all 1's. The address used by 4.2BSD was the address with a host part of 0. 4.3BSD uses the standard broadcast address (all 1's) by default, but allows the broadcast address to be set (with _i_f_c_o_n_f_i_g) for each interface. This allows networks consisting of both 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD hosts to coexist while the upgrade process proceeds. In the pres- ence of subnets, the broadcast address uses the subnet field as for normal host addresses, with the remaining host part set to 1's (or 0's, on a network that has not yet been con- verted). 4.3BSD hosts recognize and accept packets sent to the logical-network broadcast address as well as those sent to the subnet broadcast address, and when using an all-1's broadcast, also recognize and receive packets sent to host 0 as a broadcast. _5._4. _R_o_u_t_i_n_g If your environment allows access to networks not directly attached to your host you will need to set up rout- ing information to allow packets to be properly routed. Two schemes are supported by the system. The first scheme employs the routing table management daemon /_e_t_c/_r_o_u_t_e_d to maintain the system routing tables. The routing daemon uses a variant of the Xerox Routing Information Protocol to main- tain up to date routing tables in a cluster of local area networks. By using the /_e_t_c/_g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s file created by _h_t_a_b_l_e(8), the routing daemon can also be used to initialize static routes to distant networks (see the next section for further discussion). When the routing daemon is started up September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 58 - Network setup (usually from /_e_t_c/_r_c._l_o_c_a_l) it reads /_e_t_c/_g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s if it exists and installs those routes defined there, then broad- casts on each local network to which the host is attached to find other instances of the routing daemon. If any responses are received, the routing daemons cooperate in maintaining a globally consistent view of routing in the local environment. This view can be extended to include remote sites also running the routing daemon by setting up suitable entries in /_e_t_c/_g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s; consult _r_o_u_t_e_d(8C) for a more thorough discussion. The second approach is to define a default or wildcard route to a smart gateway and depend on the gateway to pro- vide ICMP routing redirect information to dynamically create a routing data base. This is done by adding an entry of the form /etc/route add default _s_m_a_r_t-_g_a_t_e_w_a_y 1 to /_e_t_c/_r_c._l_o_c_a_l; see _r_o_u_t_e(8C) for more information. The default route will be used by the system as a ``last resort'' in routing packets to their destination. Assuming the gateway to which packets are directed is able to gen- erate the proper routing redirect messages, the system will then add routing table entries based on the information sup- plied. This approach has certain advantages over the rout- ing daemon, but is unsuitable in an environment where there are only bridges (i.e. pseudo gateways that, for instance, do not generate routing redirect messages). Further, if the smart gateway goes down there is no alternative, save manual alteration of the routing table entry, to maintaining ser- vice. The system always listens, and processes, routing redirect information, so it is possible to combine both of the above facilities. For example, the routing table management process might be used to maintain up to date information about routes to geographically local networks, while employing the wildcard routing techniques for ``dis- tant'' networks. The _n_e_t_s_t_a_t(1) program may be used to display routing table contents as well as various routing oriented statistics. For example, #netstat -r will display the contents of the routing tables, while #netstat -r -s will show the number of routing table entries dynamically created as a result of routing redirect messages, etc. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 59 - Network setup _5._5. _U_s_e _o_f _4._3_B_S_D _m_a_c_h_i_n_e_s _a_s _g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s Several changes have been made in 4.3BSD in the area of gateway support (or packet forwarding, if one prefers). A new configuration option, GATEWAY, is used when configuring a machine to be used as a gateway. This option increases the size of the routing hash tables in the kernel. Unless configured with that option, hosts with only a single non- loopback interface never attempt to forward packets or to respond with ICMP error messages to misdirected packets. This change reduces the problems that may occur when dif- ferent hosts on a network disagree as to the network number or broadcast address. Another change is that 4.3BSD machines that forward packets back through the same inter- face on which they arrived will send ICMP redirects to the source host if it is on the same network. This improves the interaction of 4.3BSD gateways with hosts that configure their routes via default gateways and redirects. The gen- eration of redirects may be disabled with the configuration option IPSENDREDIRECTS=0 in environments where it may cause difficulties. Local area routing within a group of interconnected Ethernets and other such networks may be handled by _r_o_u_t_e_d(8c). Gateways between the Arpanet or Milnet and one or more local networks require an additional routing proto- col, the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), to inform the core gateways of their presence and to acquire routing informa- tion from the core. An EGP implementation for 4.2BSD was done by Paul Kirton while visiting ISI, and any sites requiring such support that have not already obtained a copy should contact Joyce Reynolds ( for information. That implementation works with 4.3BSD without kernel modifications. It must be modified, as packets from the ICMP raw socket include the IP header like other raw sockets in 4.3BSD. If necessary, contact the Berkeley Com- puter Systems Research Group for assistance. _5._6. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _s_e_r_v_e_r_s In 4.3BSD most of the server programs are started up by a ``super server'', the Internet daemon. The Internet dae- mon, /_e_t_c/_i_n_e_t_d, acts as a master server for programs speci- fied in its configuration file, /_e_t_c/_i_n_e_t_d._c_o_n_f, listening for service requests for these servers, and starting up the appropriate program whenever a request is received. The configuration file contains lines containing a service name (as found in /_e_t_c/_s_e_r_v_i_c_e_s), the type of socket the server expects (e.g. stream or dgram), the protocol to be used with the socket (as found in /_e_t_c/_p_r_o_t_o_c_o_l_s), whether to wait for each server to complete before starting up another, the user name as which the server should run, the server program's name, and at most five arguments to pass to the server pro- gram. Some trivial services are implemented internally in September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 60 - Network setup _i_n_e_t_d, and their servers are listed as ``internal.'' For example, an entry for the file transfer protocol server would appear as ftp stream tcpnowaitroot/etc/ftpdftpd Consult _i_n_e_t_d(8c) for more detail on the format of the con- figuration file and the operation of the Internet daemon. _5._7. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _d_a_t_a _b_a_s_e_s Several data files are used by the network library rou- tines and server programs. Most of these files are host independent and updated only rarely. File Manual reference Use 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ /etc/hosts _h_o_s_t_s(5) host names /etc/networks _n_e_t_w_o_r_k_s(5) network names /etc/services _s_e_r_v_i_c_e_s(5) list of known services /etc/protocols _p_r_o_t_o_c_o_l_s(5) protocol names /etc/hosts.equiv _r_s_h_d(8C) list of ``trusted'' hosts /etc/rc.local _r_c(8) command script for starting servers /etc/ftpusers _f_t_p_d(8C) list of ``unwelcome'' ftp users /etc/hosts.lpd _l_p_d(8C) list of hosts allowed to access printers /etc/inetd.conf _i_n_e_t_d(8) list of servers started by _i_n_e_t_d The files distributed are set up for ARPANET or other Inter- net hosts. Local networks and hosts should be added to describe the local configuration; the Berkeley entries may serve as examples (see also the next section). Network numbers will have to be chosen for each Ethernet. For sites not connected to the Internet, these can be chosen more or less arbitrarily, otherwise the normal channels should be used for allocation of network numbers. _5._7._1. _R_e_g_e_n_e_r_a_t_i_n_g /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s _a_n_d /_e_t_c/_n_e_t_w_o_r_k_s When using the host address routines that use the Internet name server, the file /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s is only used for setting interface addresses and at other times that the server is not running, and therefore it need only contain addresses for local hosts. There is no equivalent service for network names yet. The full host and network name data bases are normally derived from a file retrieved from the Internet Network Information Center at SRI. To do this you should use the program /etc/gettable to retrieve the NIC host data base, and the program _h_t_a_b_l_e(8) to convert it to the format used by the libraries. You should change to the directory where you maintain your local additions to the host table and execute the following commands. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 61 - Network setup # /etc/gettable Connection to opened. Host table received. Connection to closed. # /etc/htable hosts.txt Warning, no localgateways file. # The _h_t_a_b_l_e program generates three files in the local direc- tory: _h_o_s_t_s, _n_e_t_w_o_r_k_s and _g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s. If a file ``localhosts'' is present in the working directory its con- tents are first copied to the output file. Similarly, a ``localnetworks'' file may be prepended to the output created by _h_t_a_b_l_e, and `localgateways'' will be prepended to _g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s. It is usually wise to run _d_i_f_f(1) on the new host and network data bases before installing them in /etc. If you are using the host table for host name and address map- ping, you should run _m_k_h_o_s_t_s(8) after installing /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s. If you are using the name server for the host name and address mapping, you only need to install _n_e_t_w_o_r_k_s and a small copy of _h_o_s_t_s describing your local machines. The full host table in this case might be placed somewhere else for reference by users. The gateways file may be installed in /_e_t_c/_g_a_t_e_w_a_y_s if you use _r_o_u_t_e_d(8c) for local routing and wish to have static external routes installed when _r_o_u_t_e_d is started. This procedure is essentially obsolete, however, except for individual hosts that are on the Arpanet or Mil- net and do not forward packets from a local network. Other situations require the use of an EGP server. If you are connected to the DARPA Internet, it is highly recommended that you use the name server for your host name and address mapping, as this provides access to a much larger set of hosts than are provided in the host table. Many large organization on the network, currently have only a small percentage of their hosts listed in the host table retrieved from NIC. _5._7._2. /_e_t_c/_h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v The remote login and shell servers use an authentica- tion scheme based on trusted hosts. The _h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v file contains a list of hosts that are considered trusted and, under a single administrative control. When a user contacts a remote login or shell server requesting service, the client process passes the user's name and the official name of the host on which the client is located. In the simple case, if the host's name is located in _h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v and the user has an account on the server's machine, then service is rendered (i.e. the user is allowed to log in, or the command is executed). Users may expand this ``equivalence'' of machines by installing a ._r_h_o_s_t_s file in their login direc- tory. The root login is handled specially, bypassing the September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 62 - Network setup _h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v file, and using only the /._r_h_o_s_t_s file. Thus, to create a class of equivalent machines, the _h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v file should contain the _o_f_f_i_c_i_a_l names for those machines. If you are running the name server, you may omit the domain part of the host name for machines in your local domain. For example, several machines on our local network are considered trusted, so the _h_o_s_t_s._e_q_u_i_v file is of the form: ucbarpa calder dali ernie kim matisse monet ucbvax miro degas _5._7._3. /_e_t_c/_r_c._l_o_c_a_l Most network servers are automatically started up at boot time by the command file /etc/rc (if they are installed in their presumed locations) or by the Internet daemon (see above). These include the following: Program Server Started by 8 ________________________________________________________________ /etc/rshd shell server inetd /etc/rexecd exec server inetd /etc/rlogind login server inetd /etc/telnetd TELNET server inetd /etc/ftpd FTP server inetd /etc/fingerd Finger server inetd /etc/tftpd TFTP server inetd /etc/rwhod system status daemon /etc/rc /etc/syslogd error logging server /etc/rc /usr/lib/sendmail SMTP server /etc/rc /etc/routed routing table management daemon /etc/rc Consult the manual pages and accompanying documentation (particularly for sendmail) for details about their opera- tion. To have other network servers started up as well, the appropriate line should be added to the Internet daemon's configuration file /_e_t_c/_i_n_e_t_d._c_o_n_f, or commands of the fol- lowing sort should be placed in the site dependent file /_e_t_c/_r_c._l_o_c_a_l. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 63 - Network setup if [ -f /etc/routed ]; then /etc/routed & echo -n ' routed' >/dev/console fi _5._7._4. /_e_t_c/_f_t_p_u_s_e_r_s The FTP server included in the system provides support for an anonymous FTP account. Because of the inherent secu- rity problems with such a facility you should read this sec- tion carefully if you consider providing such a service. An anonymous account is enabled by creating a user _f_t_p. When a client uses the anonymous account a _c_h_r_o_o_t(2) system call is performed by the server to restrict the client from moving outside that part of the file system where the user ftp home directory is located. Because a _c_h_r_o_o_t call is used, certain programs and files used by the server process must be placed in the ftp home directory. Further, one must be sure that all directories and executable images are unwritable. The following directory setup is recommended. # cd ~ftp # chmod 555 .; chown ftp .; chgrp ftp . # mkdir bin etc pub # chown root bin etc # chmod 555 bin etc # chown ftp pub # chmod 777 pub # cd bin # cp /bin/sh /bin/ls . # chmod 111 sh ls # cd ../etc # cp /etc/passwd /etc/group . # chmod 444 passwd group When local users wish to place files in the anonymous area, they must be placed in a subdirectory. In the setup here, the directory ~_f_t_p/_p_u_b is used. Another issue to consider is the copy of /_e_t_c/_p_a_s_s_w_d placed here. It may be copied by users who use the anonymous account. They may then try to break the passwords of users on your machine for further access. A good choice of users to include in this copy might be root, daemon, uucp, and the ftp user. All passwords here should probably be ``*''. Aside from the problems of directory modes and such, the ftp server may provide a loophole for interlopers if certain user accounts are allowed. The file /_e_t_c/_f_t_p_u_s_e_r_s is checked on each connection. If the requested user name is located in the file, the request for service is denied. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 64 - Network setup This file normally has the following names on our systems. uucp root Accounts with nonstandard shells should be listed in this file. Accounts without passwords need not be listed in this file, the ftp server will not service these users. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 65 - System Operation _6. _S_Y_S_T_E_M _O_P_E_R_A_T_I_O_N This section describes procedures used to operate a VAX UNIX system. Procedures described here are used periodi- cally, to reboot the system, analyze error messages from devices, do disk backups, monitor system performance, recom- pile system software and control local changes. _6._1. _B_o_o_t_s_t_r_a_p _a_n_d _s_h_u_t_d_o_w_n _p_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e_s In a normal reboot, the system checks the disks and comes up multi-user without intervention at the console. Such a reboot can be stopped (after it prints the date) with a ^C (interrupt). This will leave the system in single-user mode, with only the console terminal active. It is also possible to allow the filesystem checks to complete and then to return to single-user mode by signaling _f_s_c_k with a QUIT signal (^). If booting from the console command level is needed, then the command >>> B will boot from the default device. On an 8650, 8600, 11/785, 11/780, or 11/730 the default device is determined by a ``DEPOSIT'' command stored on the console boot device in the file ``DEFBOO.CMD'' (``DEFBOO.COM'' on an 8650 or 8600); on an 11/750 the default device is determined by the setting of a switch on the front panel. You can boot a system up single user on an 8650, 8600, 785, 780, or 730 by doing >>> B _X_XS where _X_X is one of HP, HK, UP, RA, or RB for a 730. The corresponding command on an 11/750 is >>> B/2 For second vendor storage modules on the UNIBUS or MASSBUS of an 11/750 you will need to have a boot prom. Most vendors will sell you such proms for their controllers; contact your vendor if you don't have one. Other possibilities are: >>> B ANY or, on a 750 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 66 - System Operation >>> B/3 These commands boot and ask for the name of the system to be booted. They can be used after building a new test system to give the boot program the name of the test version of the system. To bring the system up to a multi-user configuration from the single-user status after, e.g., a ``B HPS'' on an 8650, 8600, 11/785 or 11/780, ``B RBS'' on a 11/730, or a ``B/2'' on an 11/750 all you have to do is hit ^D on the console. The system will then execute /etc/rc, a multi-user restart script (and /etc/rc.local), and come up on the ter- minals listed as active in the file /etc/ttys. See _i_n_i_t(8) and _t_t_y_s(5). Note, however, that this does not cause a file system check to be performed. Unless the system was taken down cleanly, you should run ``fsck -p'' or force a reboot with _r_e_b_o_o_t(8) to have the disks checked. To take the system down to a single user state you can use # kill 1 or use the _s_h_u_t_d_o_w_n(8) command (which is much more polite, if there are other users logged in.) when you are up multi- user. Either command will kill all processes and give you a shell on the console, as if you had just booted. File sys- tems remain mounted after the system is taken single-user. If you wish to come up multi-user again, you should do this by: # cd / # /etc/umount -a # ^D Each system shutdown, crash, processor halt and reboot is recorded in the file /usr/adm/shutdownlog with the cause. _6._2. _D_e_v_i_c_e _e_r_r_o_r_s _a_n_d _d_i_a_g_n_o_s_t_i_c_s When serious errors occur on peripherals or in the sys- tem, the system prints a warning diagnostic on the console. These messages are collected by the system error logging process _s_y_s_l_o_g_d(8) and written into a system error log file /_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_m_e_s_s_a_g_e_s. Less serious errors are sent directly to _s_y_s_l_o_g_d, which may log them on the console. The error priorities that are logged and the locations to which they are logged are controlled by /_e_t_c/_s_y_s_l_o_g._c_o_n_f. See _s_y_s_- _l_o_g_d(8) for details. Error messages printed by the devices in the system are September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 67 - System Operation described with the drivers for the devices in section 4 of the programmer's manual. If errors occur suggesting hardware problems, you should contact your hardware support group or field service. It is a good idea to examine the error log file regularly (e.g. with ``tail -r /_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_m_e_s_s_a_g_e_s''). _6._3. _F_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _c_h_e_c_k_s, _b_a_c_k_u_p_s _a_n_d _d_i_s_a_s_t_e_r _r_e_c_o_v_e_r_y Periodically (say every week or so in the absence of any problems) and always (usually automatically) after a crash, all the file systems should be checked for con- sistency by _f_s_c_k(1). The procedures of _r_e_b_o_o_t(8) should be used to get the system to a state where a file system check can be performed manually or automatically. Dumping of the file systems should be done regularly, since once the system is going it is easy to become compla- cent. Complete and incremental dumps are easily done with _d_u_m_p(8). You should arrange to do a towers-of-hanoi dump sequence; we tune ours so that almost all files are dumped on two tapes and kept for at least a week in most every case. We take full dumps every month (and keep these inde- finitely). Operators can execute ``dump w'' at login that will tell them what needs to be dumped (based on the /etc/fstab information). Be sure to create a group _o_p_e_r_a_t_o_r in the file /etc/group so that dump can notify logged-in operators when it needs help. More precisely, we have three sets of dump tapes: 10 daily tapes, 5 weekly sets of 2 tapes, and fresh sets of three tapes monthly. We do daily dumps circularly on the daily tapes with sequence `3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 9 9 9 ...'. Each weekly is a level 1 and the daily dump sequence level res- tarts after each weekly dump. Full dumps are level 0 and the daily sequence restarts after each full dump also. Thus a typical dump sequence would be: September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 68 - System Operation tape name level number date opr size 8 ____________________________________________________ FULL 0 Nov 24, 1979 jkf 137K D1 3 Nov 28, 1979 jkf 29K D2 2 Nov 29, 1979 rrh 34K D3 5 Nov 30, 1979 rrh 19K D4 4 Dec 1, 1979 rrh 22K W1 1 Dec 2, 1979 etc 40K D5 3 Dec 4, 1979 rrh 15K D6 2 Dec 5, 1979 jkf 25K D7 5 Dec 6, 1979 jkf 15K D8 4 Dec 7, 1979 rrh 19K W2 1 Dec 9, 1979 etc 118K D9 3 Dec 11, 1979 rrh 15K D10 2 Dec 12, 1979 rrh 26K D1 5 Dec 15, 1979 rrh 14K W3 1 Dec 17, 1979 etc 71K D2 3 Dec 18, 1979 etc 13K FULL 0 Dec 22, 1979 etc 135K We do weekly dumps often enough that daily dumps always fit on one tape. Dumping of files by name is best done by _t_a_r(1) but the amount of data that can be moved in this way is limited to a single tape. Finally if there are enough drives entire disks can be copied with _d_d(1) using the raw special files and an appropriate blocking factor; the number of sectors per track is usually a good value to use, consult /_e_t_c/_d_i_s_k_t_a_b. It is desirable that full dumps of the root file system be made regularly. This is especially true when only one disk is available. Then, if the root file system is damaged by a hardware or software failure, you can rebuild a work- able disk doing a restore in the same way that the initial root file system was created. Exhaustion of user-file space is certain to occur now and then; disk quotas may be imposed, or if you prefer a less facist approach, try using the programs _d_u(1), _d_f(1), _q_u_o_t(8), combined with threatening messages of the day, and personal letters. _6._4. _M_o_v_i_n_g _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _d_a_t_a If you have the equipment, the best way to move a file system is to dump it to magtape using _d_u_m_p(8), use _n_e_w_f_s(8) to create the new file system, and restore the tape, using _r_e_s_t_o_r_e(8). If for some reason you don't want to use magtape, dump accepts an argument telling where to put the dump; you might use another disk. Filesystems may also be moved by piping the output of _d_u_m_p to _r_e_s_t_o_r_e. The _r_e_s_t_o_r_e program uses an ``in-place'' algorithm that allows file 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 69 - System Operation system dumps to be restored without concern for the original size of the file system. Further, portions of a file system may be selectively restored using a method similar to the tape archive program. If you have to merge a file system into another, exist- ing one, the best bet is to use _t_a_r(1). If you must shrink a file system, the best bet is to dump the original and restore it onto the new file system. If you are playing with the root file system and only have one drive, the pro- cedure is more complicated. If the only drive is a Winches- ter disk, this procedure may not be used without overwriting the existing root or another partition. What you do is the following: 1. GET A SECOND PACK!!!! 2. Dump the root file system to tape using _d_u_m_p(8). 3. Bring the system down and mount the new pack. 4. Load the distribution tape and install the new root file system as you did when first installing the sys- tem. 5. Boot normally using the newly created disk file system. Note that if you change the disk partition tables or add new disk drivers they should also be added to the stan- dalone system in /_s_y_s/_s_t_a_n_d and the default disk partition tables in /_e_t_c/_d_i_s_k_t_a_b should be modified. _6._5. _M_o_n_i_t_o_r_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m _P_e_r_f_o_r_m_a_n_c_e The _s_y_s_t_a_t program provided with the system is designed to be an aid to monitoring systemwide activity. The default ``pigs'' mode shows a dynamic ``ps''. By running in the ``vmstat'' mode when the system is active you can judge the system activity in several dimensions: job distribution, virtual memory load, paging and swapping activity, device interrupts, and disk and cpu utilization. Ideally, there should be few blocked (b) jobs, there should be little pag- ing or swapping activity, there should be available bandwidth on the disk devices (most single arms peak out at 20-30 tps in practice), and the user cpu utilization (us) should be high (above 50%). If the system is busy, then the count of active jobs may be large, and several of these jobs may often be blocked (b). If the virtual memory is active, then the paging demon will be running (sr will be non-zero). It is healthy for the paging demon to free pages when the virtual memory gets active; it is triggered by the amount of free memory drop- ping below a threshold and increases its pace as free memory September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 70 - System Operation goes to zero. If you run in the ``vmstat'' mode when the system is busy, you can find imbalances by noting abnormal job distri- butions. If many processes are blocked (b), then the disk subsystem is overloaded or imbalanced. If you have several non-dma devices or open teletype lines that are ``ringing'', or user programs that are doing high-speed non-buffered input/output, then the system time may go high (60-70% or higher). It is often possible to pin down the cause of high system time by looking to see if there is excessive context switching (cs), interrupt activity (in) and per-device interrupt counts, or system call activity (sy). Cumula- tively on one of our large machines we average about 60-100 context switches and interrupts per second and about 70-120 system calls per second. If the system is heavily loaded, or if you have little memory for your load (2M is little in most any case), then the system may be forced to swap. This is likely to be accompanied by a noticeable reduction in system performance and pregnant pauses when interactive jobs such as editors swap out. If you expect to be in a memory-poor environment for an extended period you might consider administratively limiting system load. _6._6. _R_e_c_o_m_p_i_l_i_n_g _a_n_d _r_e_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _s_y_s_t_e_m _s_o_f_t_w_a_r_e It is easy to regenerate the system, and it is a good idea to try rebuilding pieces of the system to build confi- dence in the procedures. The system consists of two major parts: the kernel itself (/sys) and the user programs (/usr/src and subdirectories). The major part of this is /usr/src. The three major libraries are the C library in /usr/src/lib/libc and the FORTRAN libraries /usr/src/usr.lib/libI77 and /usr/src/usr.lib/libF77. In each case the library is remade by changing into the corresponding directory and doing # make and then installed by # make install Similar to the system, # make clean cleans up. The source for all other libraries is kept in September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 71 - System Operation subdirectories of /usr/src/usr.lib; each has a makefile and can be recompiled by the above recipe. If you look at /usr/src/Makefile, you will see that you can recompile the entire system source with one command. To recompile a specific program, find out where the source resides with the _w_h_e_r_e_i_s(1) command, then change to that directory and remake it with the makefile present in the directory. For instance, to recompile ``date'', all one has to do is # whereis date date: /usr/src/bin/date.c /bin/date /usr/man/man1/date.1 # cd /usr/src/bin # make date this will create an unstripped version of the binary of ``date'' in the current directory. To install the binary image, use the install command as in # install -s date /bin/date The -s option will insure the installed version of date has its symbol table stripped. The install command should be used instead of mv or cp as it understands how to install programs even when the program is currently in use. If you wish to recompile and install all programs in a particular target area you can override the default target by doing: # make # make DESTDIR=_p_a_t_h_n_a_m_e install To regenerate all the system source you can do # cd /usr/src # make If you modify the C library, say to change a system call, and want to rebuild and install everything from scratch you have to be a little careful. You must insure that the libraries are installed before the remainder of the source, otherwise the loaded images will not contain the new routine from the library. The following sequence will accomplish this. # cd /usr/src # make clean # make build # make installsrc September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 72 - System Operation The first _m_a_k_e removes any existing binaries in the source trees to insure that everything is reloaded. The next _m_a_k_e compiles and installs the libraries and compilers, then com- piles the remainder of the sources. The final line installs all of the commands not installed in the first phase. This will take about 18 hours on a reasonably configured 11/750. _6._7. _M_a_k_i_n_g _l_o_c_a_l _m_o_d_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s To keep track of changes to system source we migrate changed versions of commands in /usr/src/bin, /usr/src/usr.bin, and /usr/src/ucb in through the directory /usr/src/new and out of the original directory into /usr/src/old for a time before removing them. (/usr/new is also used by default for the programs that constitute the contributed software portion of the distribution.) Locally written commands that aren't distributed are kept in /usr/src/local and their binaries are kept in /usr/local. This allows /usr/bin, /usr/ucb, and /bin to correspond to the distribution tape (and to the manuals that people can buy). People wishing to use /usr/local commands are made aware that they aren't in the base manual. As manual updates incorporate these commands they are moved to /usr/ucb. A directory, /usr/junk, to throw garbage into, as well as binary directories, /usr/old and /usr/new, are useful. The man command supports manual directories such as /usr/man/mano for old and /usr/man/manl for local to make this or something similar practical. _6._8. _A_c_c_o_u_n_t_i_n_g UNIX optionally records two kinds of accounting infor- mation: connect time accounting and process resource accounting. The connect time accounting information is stored in the file /_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_w_t_m_p, which is summarized by the program _a_c(8). The process time accounting information is stored in the file /_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_a_c_c_t after it is enabled by _a_c_c_- _t_o_n(8), and is analyzed and summarized by the program _s_a(8). If you need to recharge for computing time, you can develop procedures based on the information provided by these commands. A convenient way to do this is to give com- mands to the clock daemon /_e_t_c/_c_r_o_n to be executed every day at a specified time. This is done by adding lines to /_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_c_r_o_n_t_a_b; see _c_r_o_n(8) for details. _6._9. _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e _c_o_n_t_r_o_l Resource control in the current version of UNIX is more elaborate than in most UNIX systems. The disk quota facili- ties developed at the University of Melbourne have been incorporated in the system and allow control over the number September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 73 - System Operation of files and amount of disk space each user may use on each file system. In addition, the resources consumed by any single process can be limited by the mechanisms of _s_e_t_r_l_i_m_i_t(2). As distributed, the latter mechanism is voluntary, though sites may choose to modify the login mechanism to impose limits not covered with disk quotas. To use the disk quota facilities, the system must be configured with ``options QUOTA''. File systems may then be placed under the quota mechanism by creating a null file _q_u_o_t_a_s at the root of the file system, running _q_u_o_t_a_- _c_h_e_c_k(8), and modifying /_e_t_c/_f_s_t_a_b to show that the file system is read-write with disk quotas (an ``rq'' type field). The _q_u_o_t_a_o_n(8) program may then be run to enable quotas. Individual quotas are applied by using the quota editor _e_d_q_u_o_t_a(8). Users may view their quotas (but not those of other users) with the _q_u_o_t_a(1) program. The _r_e_p_q_u_o_t_a(8) program may be used to summarize the quotas and current space usage on a particular file system or file systems. Quotas are enforced with _s_o_f_t and _h_a_r_d limits. When a user first reaches a soft limit on a resource, a message is generated on his/her terminal. If the user fails to lower the resource usage below the soft limit the next time they log in to the system the _l_o_g_i_n program will generate a warn- ing about excessive usage. Should three login sessions go by with the soft limit breached the system then treats the soft limit as a _h_a_r_d limit and disallows any allocations until enough space is reclaimed to bring the user back below the soft limit. Hard limits are enforced strictly resulting in errors when a user tries to create or write a file. Each time a hard limit is exceeded the system will generate a message on the user's terminal. Consult the auxiliary document, ``Disc Quotas in a UNIX Environment'' and the appropriate manual entries for more information. _6._1_0. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _t_r_o_u_b_l_e_s_h_o_o_t_i_n_g If you have anything more than a trivial network confi- guration, from time to time you are bound to run into prob- lems. Before blaming the software, first check your network connections. On networks such as the Ethernet a loose cable tap or misplaced power cable can result in severely deteriorated service. The _n_e_t_s_t_a_t(1) program may be of aid in tracking down hardware malfunctions. In particular, look at the -i and -s options in the manual page. Should you believe a communication protocol problem exists, consult the protocol specifications and attempt to isolate the problem in a packet trace. The SO_DEBUG option September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 74 - System Operation may be supplied before establishing a connection on a socket, in which case the system will trace all traffic and internal actions (such as timers expiring) in a circular trace buffer. This buffer may then be printed out with the _t_r_p_t(8C) program. Most of the servers distributed with the system accept a -d option forcing all sockets to be created with debugging turned on. Consult the appropriate manual pages for more information. _6._1_1. _F_i_l_e_s _t_h_a_t _n_e_e_d _p_e_r_i_o_d_i_c _a_t_t_e_n_t_i_o_n We conclude the discussion of system operations by listing the files that require periodic attention or are system specific /etc/fstab how disk partitions are used /etc/disktab disk partition sizes /etc/printcap printer data base /etc/gettytab terminal type definitions /etc/remote names and phone numbers of remote machines for _t_i_p(1) /etc/group group memberships /etc/motd message of the day /etc/passwd password file; each account has a line /etc/rc.local local system restart script; runs reboot; starts daemons /etc/inetd.conf local internet servers /etc/hosts host name data base /etc/networks network name data base /etc/services network services data base /etc/hosts.equiv hosts under same administrative control /etc/syslog.conf error log configuration for _s_y_s_l_o_g_d(8) /etc/ttys enables/disables ports /usr/lib/crontab commands that are run periodically /usr/lib/aliases mail forwarding and distribution groups /usr/adm/acct raw process account data /usr/adm/messages system error log /usr/adm/shutdownlog log of system reboots /usr/adm/wtmp login session accounting September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 75 -Appendix A - bootstrap details _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _A - _B_O_O_T_S_T_R_A_P _D_E_T_A_I_L_S This appendix contains pertinent files and numbers regarding the bootstrapping procedure for 4.3BSD. You should never have to look at this appendix. However, if there are problems in installing the distribution on your machine, the material contained here may prove useful. _C_o_n_t_e_n_t_s _o_f _t_h_e _d_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _t_a_p_e(_s) The distribution normally consists of three 1600bpi 2400' magnetic tapes or one 6250bpi 2400' magnetic tape. The layout of the 1600bpi tapes is listed below. The 6250bpi tape is in the same order, but is only on one tape. The first tape contains the following files on it. All tape files are blocked in 10 kilobytes records, except for the first file on the first tape that has 512 byte records. Tape file Records* Contents 8_____________________________________________________________________ one 210 8 bootstrap monitor programs and a _t_p(1) file containing _b_o_o_t, _f_o_r_m_a_t, and _c_o_p_y two 205 ``mini root'' file system three 430 _d_u_m_p(8) of distribution root file system four 3000 _t_a_r(1) image of binaries and libraries in /usr The second tape contains the following files: Tape file # Records Contents 8______________________________________________________________________ one 720 _t_a_r(1) image of /sys, including GENERIC system two 2500 _t_a_r(1) image of /usr/src three 580 _t_a_r(1) image of /usr/lib/vfont The third tape contains the following files: Tape file # Records Contents 8_________________________________________________________________ one 3660 _t_a_r(1) image of user contributed software two 250 _t_a_r(1) image of /usr/ingres The distribution tape is made with the shell scripts located in the directory /sys/dist. To build a distribution __________________________ * The number of records in each tape file are approxi- mate and do not correspond to the actual tape. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 76 -Appendix A - bootstrap details tape one must first create a mini root file system with the _b_u_i_l_d_m_i_n_i shell script. #!/bin/sh # @(#)buildmini 4.7 (Berkeley) 6/23/85 # miniroot=hp0d minitype=rm80 # date umount /dev/${miniroot} newfs -s 4096 ${miniroot} ${minitype} fsck /dev/r${miniroot} mount /dev/${miniroot} /mnt cd /mnt; sh /sys/dist/get cd /sys/dist; sync umount /dev/${miniroot} fsck /dev/${miniroot} date The _b_u_i_l_d_m_i_n_i script uses the _g_e_t script to build the file system. #!/bin/sh # # @(#)get 4.23 (Berkeley) 4/9/86 # # Shell script to build a mini-root file system # in preparation for building a distribution tape. # The file system created here is image copied onto # tape, then image copied onto disk as the "first" # step in a cold boot of 4.2 systems. # DISTROOT=/nbsd # if [ `pwd` = '/' ] then echo You just '(almost)' destroyed the root exit fi cp $DISTROOT/sys/GENERIC/vmunix . rm -rf bin; mkdir bin rm -rf etc; mkdir etc rm -rf a; mkdir a rm -rf tmp; mkdir tmp rm -rf usr; mkdir usr usr/mdec rm -rf sys; mkdir sys sys/floppy sys/cassette sys/consolerl cp $DISTROOT/etc/disktab etc cp $DISTROOT/etc/newfs etc; strip etc/newfs cp $DISTROOT/etc/mkfs etc; strip etc/mkfs cp $DISTROOT/etc/restore etc; strip etc/restore cp $DISTROOT/etc/init etc; strip etc/init cp $DISTROOT/etc/mount etc; strip etc/mount cp $DISTROOT/etc/mknod etc; strip etc/mknod September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 77 -Appendix A - bootstrap details cp $DISTROOT/etc/fsck etc; strip etc/fsck cp $DISTROOT/etc/umount etc; strip etc/umount cp $DISTROOT/etc/arff etc; strip etc/arff cp $DISTROOT/etc/flcopy etc; strip etc/flcopy cp $DISTROOT/bin/mt bin; strip bin/mt cp $DISTROOT/bin/ls bin; strip bin/ls cp $DISTROOT/bin/sh bin; strip bin/sh cp $DISTROOT/bin/mv bin; strip bin/mv cp $DISTROOT/bin/sync bin; strip bin/sync cp $DISTROOT/bin/cat bin; strip bin/cat cp $DISTROOT/bin/mkdir bin; strip bin/mkdir cp $DISTROOT/bin/stty bin; strip bin/stty; ln bin/stty bin/STTY cp $DISTROOT/bin/echo bin; strip bin/echo cp $DISTROOT/bin/rm bin; strip bin/rm cp $DISTROOT/bin/cp bin; strip bin/cp cp $DISTROOT/bin/expr bin; strip bin/expr cp $DISTROOT/bin/[ bin; strip bin/[ cp $DISTROOT/bin/awk bin; strip bin/awk cp $DISTROOT/bin/make bin; strip bin/make cp $DISTROOT/usr/mdec/* usr/mdec cp $DISTROOT/sys/floppy/[Ma-z0-9]* sys/floppy cp $DISTROOT/sys/consolerl/[Ma-z0-9]* sys/consolerl cp -r $DISTROOT/sys/cassette/[Ma-z0-9]* sys/cassette cp $DISTROOT/sys/stand/boot boot cp $DISTROOT/sys/stand/pcs750.bin pcs750.bin cp $DISTROOT/.profile .profile cat >etc/passwd <etc/group <etc/fstab <xtr <<'EOF' : ${disk?'Usage: disk=xx0 type=tt tape=yy xtr'} : ${type?'Usage: disk=xx0 type=tt tape=yy xtr'} : ${tape?'Usage: disk=xx0 type=tt tape=yy xtr'} echo 'Build root file system' newfs ${disk}a ${type} sync echo 'Check the file system' fsck /dev/r${disk}a mount /dev/${disk}a /a cd /a echo 'Rewind tape' mt -f /dev/${tape}0 rew echo 'Restore the dump image of the root' September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 78 -Appendix A - bootstrap details restore rsf 3 /dev/${tape}0 cd / sync umount /dev/${disk}a sync fsck /dev/r${disk}a echo 'Root filesystem extracted' echo echo 'If this is an 8650 or 8600, update the console rl02' echo 'If this is a 780 or 785, update the floppy' echo 'If this is a 730, update the cassette' EOF chmod +x xtr rm -rf dev; mkdir dev cp $DISTROOT/sys/dist/MAKEDEV dev chmod +x dev/MAKEDEV cp /dev/null dev/MAKEDEV.local cd dev ./MAKEDEV std hp0 hk0 up0 ra0 rb0 ./MAKEDEV ts0; mv rmt12 ts0; rm *mt*; ./MAKEDEV tm0; mv rmt12 tm0; rm *mt*; ./MAKEDEV ht0; mv rmt12 ht0; rm *mt*; ./MAKEDEV ut0; mv rmt12 ut0; rm *mt*; ./MAKEDEV mt0; mv rmt4 xt0; rm *mt*; mv xt0 mt0 cd .. sync The mini root file system must have enough space to hold the files found on a floppy or cassette. Once a mini root file system is constructed, the _m_a_k_- _e_t_a_p_e script makes a distribution tape. #!/bin/sh # # @(#)maketape 4.27 (Berkeley) 10/17/85 # # maketape [ 6250 | 1600 [ tapename [ remotetapemachine ] ] ] miniroot=hp0d tape=/dev/rmt12 type=6250 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then type=$1; fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then tape=$2; fi tartape=$tape if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then remote=$3; tartape='-'; fi # trap "rm -f /tmp/tape.$$; exit" 0 1 2 3 13 15 $remote mt -t ${tape} rew date umount /dev/hp2g umount /dev/hp2a mount -r /dev/hp2a /c/nbsd mount -r /dev/hp2g /c/nbsd/usr cd tp September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 79 -Appendix A - bootstrap details tp cmf /tmp/tape.$$ boot copy format cd /nbsd/sys/mdec echo "Build 1st level boot block file" cat tsboot htboot tmboot mtboot utboot noboot noboot /tmp/tape.$$ | \ $remote dd of=${tape} obs=512 conv=sync cd /nbsd sync echo "Add dump of mini-root file system" eval dd if=/dev/r${miniroot} count=205 bs=20b conv=sync ${remote+'|'} \ ${remote-"of=$tape"} ${remote+'/usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Add full dump of real file system" /etc/${remote+r}dump 0uf $remote${remote+:}${tape} /c/nbsd echo "Add tar image of /usr" cd /nbsd/usr; eval tar cf ${tartape} adm bin dict doc games \ guest hosts include lib local man mdec msgs new \ preserve pub spool tmp ucb \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} if [ ${type} != '6250' ] then echo "Done, rewinding first tape" $remote mt -t ${tape} rew & echo "Mount second tape and hit return when ready" echo "(or type name of next tape drive)" read x if [ "$x" != "" ] then tape=$x fi fi echo "Add tar image of system sources" cd /nbsd/sys; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Add user source code" cd /nbsd/usr/src; eval tar cf ${tartape} Makefile bin etc games \ include lib local old ucb undoc usr.bin usr.lib \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Add varian fonts" cd /usr/lib/vfont; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} if [ ${type} != '6250' ] then echo "Done, rewinding second tape" $remote mt -t ${tape} rew & echo "Mount third tape and hit return when ready" echo "(or type name of next tape drive)" read x if [ "$x" != "" ] then tape=$x fi fi echo "Add user contributed software" cd /nbsd/usr/src/new; eval tar cf ${tartape} * \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Add ingres source" cd /nbsd/usr/ingres; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \ September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 80 -Appendix A - bootstrap details ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Done, rewinding tape" $remote mt -t ${tape} rew & Summarizing then, to create a distribution tape you can use the above scripts and the following commands. # buildmini # maketape ... (For 1600bpi tapes, the following will appear twice asking you to mount fresh tapes) _D_o_n_e, _r_e_w_i_n_d_i_n_g _f_i_r_s_t _t_a_p_e _M_o_u_n_t _s_e_c_o_n_d _t_a_p_e _a_n_d _h_i_t _r_e_t_u_r_n _w_h_e_n _r_e_a_d_y (remove the first tape and place a fresh one on the drive) ... _D_o_n_e, _r_e_w_i_n_d_i_n_g _s_e_c_o_n_d _t_a_p_e _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _s_t_a_t_u_s _r_e_g_i_s_t_e_r _a_d_d_r_e_s_s_e_s The distribution uses many standalone device drivers that presume the location of a UNIBUS device's control status register (CSR). The following table summarizes these values. Device name Controller CSR address (octal) 8 _________________________________________________ ra DEC UDA50 0172150 rb DEC 730 IDC 0175606 rk DEC RK11 0177440 rl DEC RL11 0174400 tm EMULEX TC-11 0172520 ts DEC TS11 0172520 up EMULEX SC-21V 0176700 ut SI 9700 0172440 All MASSBUS controllers are located at standard offsets from the base address of the MASSBUS adapter register bank. _G_e_n_e_r_i_c _s_y_s_t_e_m _c_o_n_t_r_o_l _s_t_a_t_u_s _r_e_g_i_s_t_e_r _a_d_d_r_e_s_s_e_s The _g_e_n_e_r_i_c version of the operating system supplied with the distribution contains the UNIBUS devices listed below. These devices will be recognized if the appropriate control status registers respond at any of the listed UNIBUS addresses. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 81 -Appendix A - bootstrap details Device name Controller CSR addresses (octal) 8 ________________________________________________________________ hk DEC RK11 0177440 tm EMULEX TC-11 0172520 tmscp DEC TU81, TMSCP 0174500 ts DEC TS11 0172520 ut SI 9700 0172440 up EMULEX SC-21V 0176700, 0174400, 0176300 ra DEC UDA-50 0172150, 0172550, 0177550 rb DEC 730 IDC 0175606 rl DEC RL11 0174400 dm DM11 equivalent 0170500 dh DH11 equivalent 0160020, 0160040 dhu DEC DHU11 0160440, 0160500 dz DEC DZ11 0160100, 0160110, ... 0160170 dmf DEC DMF32 0160340 dmz DEC DMZ32 0160540 lp DEC LP11 0177514 en Xerox 3MB ethernet 0161000 ec 3Com ethernet 0164330 ex Excelan ethernet 0164344 il Interlan ethernet 0164000 de DEC DEUNA 0174510 If devices other than the above are located at any of the addresses listed, the system may not bootstrap properly. 9 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 82 -Appendix B - loading the tape monitor _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _B - _L_O_A_D_I_N_G _T_H_E _T_A_P_E _M_O_N_I_T_O_R This section describes how the bootstrap monitor located on the first tape of the distribution tape set may be loaded. This should not be necessary, but has been included as a fallback measure if it is not possible to read the distributed console medium. WARNING: the bootstraps supplied below may not work, in certain instances on an 11/730 because they use a buffered data path for transfer- ring data from tape to memory; consult our group if you are unable to load the monitor on an 11/730. All of the addresses given below refer to the first SBIA on the 8650 and 8600. To load the tape bootstrap monitor, first mount the magnetic tape on drive 0 at load point, making sure that the write ring is not inserted. Temporarily set the reboot switch on an 11/785, 11/780, or 11/730 to off; on an 8650, 8600, or 11/750 set the power-on action to halt. (In normal operation an 11/785, 11/780, or 11/730 will have the reboot switch on, and an 8650, 8600, or 11/750 will have the power-on action set to boot/restart.) If you have an 8650, 8600, 11/785 or 11/780 give the commands: >>>HALT >>>UNJAM Then, on any machine, give the init command: >>>I and then key in at location 200 and execute either the TS, HT, TM, or MT bootstrap that follows, as appropriate. NOTE: All of the addresses given in this section refer to the first SBIA on the 8650 and 8600. The machine's printouts are shown in boldface, explanatory comments are within ( ). (You can use `delete' to erase a character and `control U' to kill the whole line.) TS bootstrap >>>D/P 200 3AEFD0 >>>D + D05A0000 >>>D + 3BEF >>>D + 800CA00 >>>D + 32EFC1 >>>D + CA010000 >>>D + EFC10804 >>>D + 24 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 83 -Appendix B - loading the tape monitor >>>D + 15508F >>>D + ABB45B00 >>>D + 2AB9502 >>>D + 8FB0FB18 >>>D + 956B024C >>>D + FB1802AB >>>D + 25C8FB0 >>>D + 6B (The next two deposits set up the addresses of the UNIBUS) (adapter and its memory; the 20006000 here is the address of) (uba0 and the 2013E000 the address of the I/O page, umem0) (on an 8650, 8600, 11/785 or 11/780) >>>D + 20006000 (8650/8600/785/780 uba0) (8650/8600/785/780 uba1: 20008000, uba2 2000A000) (750 uba0: F30000, uba1: F32000; 730 uba: F26000) >>>D + 2013E000 (8650/8600/785/780 umem0) (8650/8600/785/780 umem1: 2017E000, umem2: 201BE000) (750 umem0: FFE000, umem1: FBE000; 730 umem: FFE000) >>>D + 80000000 >>>D + 254C004 >>>D + 80000 >>>D + 264 >>>D + E >>>D + C001 >>>D + 2000000 >>>S 200 HT bootstrap >>>D/P 200 3EEFD0 >>>D + C55A0000 >>>D + 3BEF >>>D + 808F00 >>>D + C15B0000 >>>D + C05B5A5B >>>D + 4008F >>>D + D05B00 >>>D + 9D004AA >>>D + C08F326B >>>D + D424AB14 >>>D + 8FD00CAA >>>D + 80000000 >>>D + 320800CA >>>D + AAFE008F >>>D + 6B39D010 >>>D + 0 (The next two deposits set up the addresses of the MASSBUS) (adapter and the drive number for the tape formatter) (the 20010000 here is the address of mba0 on an 8650, 8600, 11/785,) (or 11/780 and the 0 indicates the formatter is drive 0 on mba0) >>>D + 20010000 (8650/8600/785/780 mba0) (8650/8600/785/780 mba1: 20012000; 750 mba0: F28000, mba1: F2A000) >>>D + 0 (Formatter unit number in range 0-7) >>>S 200 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 84 -Appendix B - loading the tape monitor >>>S 200 TM bootstrap >>>D/P 200 2AEFD0 >>>D + D0510000 >>>D + 2000008F >>>D + 800C180 >>>D + 804C1D4 >>>D + 1AEFD0 >>>D + C8520000 >>>D + F5508F >>>D + 8FAE5200 >>>D + 4A20200 >>>D + B006A2B4 >>>D + 2A203 (The following two numbers are uba0 and umem0 on a 8650/8600/785/780) (See TS above for values for other CPU's and UBA's) >>>D + 20006000 (8650/8600/785/780 uba0) >>>D + 2013E000 (8650/8600/785/780 umem0) >>>S 200 >>>S 200 >>>S 200 MT bootstrap >>>D/P 200 46EFD0 >>>D + C55A0000 >>>D + 43EF >>>D + 808F00 >>>D + C15B0000 >>>D + C05B5A5B >>>D + 4008F >>>D + 19A5B00 >>>D + 49A04AA >>>D + AAD408AB >>>D + 8FD00C >>>D + CA800000 >>>D + 8F320800 >>>D + 10AAFE00 >>>D + 2008F3C >>>D + ABD014AB >>>D + FE15044 >>>D + 399AF850 >>>D + 6B (The next two deposits set up the addresses of the MASSBUS) (adapter and the drive number for the tape formatter) (the 20012000 here is the address of mba1 on an 8650, 8600, 11/785) (or 11/780 and the 0 indicates the formatter is drive 0 on mba1) >>>D + 20012000 >>>D + 0 >>>S 200 >>>S 200 >>>S 200 September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 85 -Appendix B - loading the tape monitor >>>S 200 (no functioning toggle-in code exists for the UT device) If the tape doesn't move the first time you start the bootstrap program with ``S 200'' you probably have entered the program incorrectly (but also check that the tape is online). Start over and check your typing. For the HT, MT, and TM bootstraps you will not be able to see the tape motion as you advance through the first few blocks as the tape motion is all within the vacuum columns. Next, deposit in R10 the address of the tape MBA/UBA and in R11 the address of the device registers or unit number from one of: >>>D/G A 20006000 (for tapes on 8650/8600/785/780 uba0) >>>D/G A 20008000 (for tapes on 8650/8600/785/780 uba1) >>>D/G A 20010000 (for tapes on 8650/8600/785/780 mba0) >>>D/G A 20012000 (for tapes on 8650/8600/785/780 mba1) >>>D/G A F30000 (for tapes on 750 uba0) >>>D/G A F32000 (for tapes on 750 uba1) >>>D/G A F28000 (for tapes on 750 mba0) >>>D/G A F2A000 (for tapes on 750 mba1) >>>D/G A F26000 (for tapes on 730 uba0) and for register 11: >>>D/G B 0 (for TM03/TM78 formatters at mba? drive 0) >>>D/G B 1 (for TM03/TM78 formatters at mba? drive 1) >>>D/G B 2013F550 (for TM11/TS11/TU80 tapes on 8650/8600/785/780 uba0) >>>D/G B FFF550 (for TM11/TS11/TU80 tapes on 750 or 730 uba0) Then start the bootstrap program with >>>S 0 The console should type = You are now talking to the tape bootstrap monitor. At any point in the following procedure you can return to this sec- tion, reload the tape bootstrap, and restart the procedure. The console monitor is identical to that loaded from a TU58 console cassette, follow the instructions in section 2 as they apply to this device. The only exception is that when September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 86 -Appendix B - loading the tape monitor using programs loaded from the tape bootstrap monitor, pro- grams will always return to the monitor (the ``='' prompt). This saves your having to type in the above toggle-in code for each program to be loaded. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 87 -Appendix C - installation troubleshooting _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _C - _I_N_S_T_A_L_L_A_T_I_O_N _T_R_O_U_B_L_E_S_H_O_O_T_I_N_G This appendix lists and explains certain problems that might be encountered while trying to install the 4.3BSD dis- tribution. The information provided here is limited to the early steps in the installation process; i.e. up to the point where the root file system is installed. If you have a problem installing the release consult this section before contacting our group. Using the distribution console medium. This section describes problems that may occur when using the programs provided on the distributed console medium: TU58 cassette or RX01 floppy disk. _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _c_a_n _n_o_t _b_e _l_o_a_d_e_d. Check to make sure the correct floppy or cassette is being used. If using a floppy, be sure it is not in upside down. If using a cassette on an 11/730, be certain drive 0 is being used. If a hard I/O error occurred while reading a floppy, try resetting the console LSI-11 by powering it on and off. If you can not boot the cassette's bootstrap moni- tor, verify that the standard DEC console cassette can be read; if it can not, your cassette drive is probably broken. _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _h_a_l_t_s _w_i_t_h_o_u_t _w_a_r_n_i_n_g. Check to make sure you have specified the correct disk to format; consult sections 1.3 and 1.4 for a discussion of the VAX and UNIX device naming conventions. On 11/750's, speci- fying a non-existent MASSBUS device will cause the program to halt as it receives an interrupt (standalone programs operate by polling devices). If using a floppy, try reading the floppy under your current system. If this works, copy the floppy to a new one and begin again. If using a cassette on an 11/730, do likewise. _f_o_r_m_a_t _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_K_n_o_w_n _d_e_v_i_c_e_s _a_r_e ...''. You have requested _f_o_r_m_a_t to work on a device for which it has no driver, or that does not exist; only the listed dev- ices are supported. _f_o_r_m_a_t, _b_o_o_t, _o_r _c_o_p_y _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_u_n_k_n_o_w_n _d_r_i_v_e _t_y_p_e''. A MASSBUS disk was specified, but the associated MASSBUS drive type register indicates a drive of unknown type. This probably means you typed something wrong or your hardware is incorrectly configured. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 88 -Appendix C - installation troubleshooting _f_o_r_m_a_t, _b_o_o_t, _o_r _c_o_p_y _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_u_n_k_n_o_w_n _d_e_v_i_c_e''. The device specified is probably not one of those supported by the distribution; consult section 1.1. If the device is listed in section 1.1, the drive may be dual-ported, or for some other reason the driver was unable to decipher its characteristics. If this is a MASSBUS drive, try powering the MASSBUS adapter and/or controller on and off to clear the drive type register. _c_o_p_y _d_o_e_s _n_o_t _c_o_p_y _2_0_5 _r_e_c_o_r_d_s If a tape read error occurred, clean your tape drive heads. If a disk write error occurred, the disk formatting may have failed. If the disk pack is removable, try another one. If you are currently running UNIX, you can reboot your old sys- tem and use _d_d to copy the mini-root file system into a disk partition (assuming the destination is not in use by the running system). _b_o_o_t _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_n_o_t _a _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y'' The _b_o_o_t program was unable to find the requested program because it encountered something other than a directory while searching the file system. This usually suggests that no file system is present on the disk partition supplied, or the file system has been corrupted. First check to make sure you typed the correct line to boot. If this is the case and you are booting from the mini-root file system, the mini-root was probably not copied correctly off the tape (perhaps it was not placed in the correct disk partition). Try reinstalling the mini-root file system or, if trying to boot the true root file system, try booting from the mini- root file system and run _f_s_c_k on the restored root file sys- tem to insure its integrity. Finally, as a last resort, copy the _b_o_o_t program from the mini-root file system to the newly installed root file system. _b_o_o_t _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_b_a_d _f_o_r_m_a_t'' The program you requested _b_o_o_t to load did not have a 407, 410, or 413 magic number in its header. This should never happen on a distribution system. If you were trying to boot off the root file system, reboot the system on the mini-root file system and look at the program on the root file system. Try copying the copy of vmunix on the mini-root to the root file system also. _b_o_o_t _p_r_i_n_t_s ``_r_e_a_d _s_h_o_r_t'' The file header for the program contained a size larger than the actual size of the file located on disk. This is prob- ably the result of file system corruption (or a disk I/O error). Try booting again or creating a new copy of the September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 89 -Appendix C - installation troubleshooting program to be loaded (see above). Booting the generic system This section contains common problems encountered when boot- ing the generic version of the system. _s_y_s_t_e_m _p_a_n_i_c_s _w_i_t_h ``_p_a_n_i_c: _i_i_n_i_t'' This occurred because the system was unable to mount the root file system. The root file system supplied at the ``root device?'' prompt was probably incorrect. Remember that when running on the mini-root file system, this ques- tion must be answered with something of the form ``hp0*''. If the answer had been ``hp0'', the system would have used the ``a'' partition on unit 0 of the ``hp'' drive, where presumably no file system exists. Alternatively, the file system on which you were trying to run is corrupted. Try reinstalling the appropriate file system. _s_y_s_t_e_m _s_e_l_e_c_t_s _i_n_c_o_r_r_e_c_t _r_o_o_t _d_e_v_i_c_e That is, you try to boot the system single user with ``B/2'' or ``B xxS'' but do not get the root file system in the expected location. This is most likely caused by your hav- ing many disks available more suited to be a root file sys- tem than the one you wanted. For example, if you have a ``up'' disk and an ``hk'' disk and install the system on the ``hk'', then try to boot the system to single-user mode, the heuristic used by the generic system to select the root file system will choose the ``up'' disk. The following list gives, in descending order, those disks thought most suit- able to be a root file system: ``hp'', ``up'', ``ra'', ``rb'', ``rl'', ``hk'' (the position of ``rl'' is subject to argument). To get the root device you want you must boot using ``B/3'' or ``B ANY'', then supply the root device at the prompt. _s_y_s_t_e_m _c_r_a_s_h_e_s _d_u_r_i_n_g _a_u_t_o_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n This is almost always caused by an unsupported UNIBUS device being present at a location where a supported device was expected. You must disable the device in some way, either by pulling it off the bus, or by moving the location of the console status register (consult Appendix A for a complete list of UNIBUS csr's used in the generic system). _s_y_s_t_e_m _d_o_e_s _n_o_t _f_i_n_d _d_e_v_i_c_e(_s) The UNIBUS device is not at a standard location. Consult the list of control status register addresses in Appendix A, or wait to configure a system to your hardware. September 2, 1987 Installing/Operating 4.3BSD- 90 -Appendix C - installation troubleshooting Alternatively, certain devices are difficult to locate dur- ing autoconfiguration. A classic example is the TS11 tape drive that does not autoconfigure properly if it is rewind- ing when the system is rebooted. Tape drives should config- ure properly if they are off-line, or are not performing a tape movement. Disks that are dual-ported should autocon- figure properly if the drive is not being simultaneously accessed through the alternate port. Building console cassettes This sections describes common problems encountered while constructing a console bootstrap cassette. _s_y_s_t_e_m _c_r_a_s_h_e_s You are trying to build a cassette for an 11/750. On an 11/750 the system is booted by using a bootstrap prom and sector 0 of the root file system. Refer to section 2.1.5 or _t_u(4) for the appropriate reprimand. _s_y_s_t_e_m _h_a_n_g_s You are using an MRSP prom on an 11/750 and think you can ignore the instructions in this document. The problem here is that the generic system only supports the MRSP prom on an 11/730. Using it on an 11/750 requires a special system configuration; consult _t_u(4) for more information. September 2, 1987