Building Berkeley UNIX* Kernels with Config Samuel J. Leffler and Michael J. Karels Computer Systems Research Group Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 _A_B_S_T_R_A_C_T This document describes the use of _c_o_n_f_i_g(8) to configure and create bootable 4.3BSD system images. It discusses the structure of system con- figuration files and how to configure systems with non-standard hardware configurations. Sections describing the preferred way to add new code to the system and how the system's autoconfiguration process operates are included. An appendix con- tains a summary of the rules used by the system in calculating the size of system data structures, and also indicates some of the standard system size limitations (and how to change them). Other configuration options are also listed. Revised June 3, 1986 _1. _I_N_T_R_O_D_U_C_T_I_O_N _C_o_n_f_i_g is a tool used in building 4.3BSD system images (the UNIX kernel). It takes a file describing a system's tunable parameters and hardware support, and generates a collection of files which are then used to build a copy of UNIX appropriate to that configuration. _C_o_n_f_i_g simplifies system maintenance by isolating system dependencies in a single, easy to understand, file. This document describes the content and format of __________________________ *UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories. September 2, 1987 - 2 - system configuration files and the rules which must be fol- lowed when creating these files. Example configuration files are constructed and discussed. Later sections suggest guidelines to be used in modify- ing system source and explain some of the inner workings of the autoconfiguration process. Appendix D summarizes the rules used in calculating the most important system data structures and indicates some inherent system data structure size limitations (and how to go about modifying them). _2. _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _F_I_L_E _C_O_N_T_E_N_T_S A system configuration must include at least the fol- lowing pieces of information: o+ machine type o+ cpu type o+ system identification o+ timezone o+ maximum number of users o+ location of the root file system o+ available hardware _C_o_n_f_i_g allows multiple system images to be generated from a single configuration description. Each system image is configured for identical hardware, but may have different locations for the root file system and, possibly, other sys- tem devices. _2._1. _M_a_c_h_i_n_e _t_y_p_e The _m_a_c_h_i_n_e _t_y_p_e indicates if the system is going to operate on a DEC VAX-11|- computer, or some other machine on which 4.3BSD operates. The machine type is used to locate certain data files which are machine specific, and also to select rules used in constructing the resultant configura- tion files. _2._2. _C_p_u _t_y_p_e The _c_p_u _t_y_p_e indicates which, of possibly many, cpu's the system is to operate on. For example, if the system is being configured for a VAX-11, it could be running on a VAX __________________________ |- DEC, VAX, UNIBUS, MASSBUS and MicroVAX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. September 2, 1987 - 3 - 8600, VAX-11/780, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/730 or MicroVAX II. (Other VAX cpu types, including the 8650, 785 and 725, are configured using the cpu designation for compatible machines introduced earlier.) Specifying more than one cpu type implies that the system should be configured to run on any of the cpu's specified. For some types of machines this is not possible and _c_o_n_f_i_g will print a diagnostic indicating such. _2._3. _S_y_s_t_e_m _i_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n The _s_y_s_t_e_m _i_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n is a moniker attached to the system, and often the machine on which the system is to run. For example, at Berkeley we have machines named Ernie (Co- VAX), Kim (No-VAX), and so on. The system identifier selected is used to create a global C ``#define'' which may be used to isolate system dependent pieces of code in the kernel. For example, Ernie's Varian driver used to be spe- cial cased because its interrupt vectors were wired together. The code in the driver which understood how to handle this non-standard hardware configuration was condi- tionally compiled in only if the system was for Ernie. The system identifier ``GENERIC'' is given to a system which will run on any cpu of a particular machine type; it should not otherwise be used for a system identifier. _2._4. _T_i_m_e_z_o_n_e The timezone in which the system is to run is used to define the information returned by the _g_e_t_t_i_m_e_o_f_d_a_y(2) sys- tem call. This value is specified as the number of hours east or west of GMT. Negative numbers indicate a value east of GMT. The timezone specification may also indicate the type of daylight savings time rules to be applied. _2._5. _M_a_x_i_m_u_m _n_u_m_b_e_r _o_f _u_s_e_r_s The system allocates many system data structures at boot time based on the maximum number of users the system will support. This number is normally between 8 and 40, depending on the hardware and expected job mix. The rules used to calculate system data structures are discussed in Appendix D. _2._6. _R_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _l_o_c_a_t_i_o_n When the system boots it must know the location of the root of the file system tree. This location and the part(s) of the disk(s) to be used for paging and swapping must be specified in order to create a complete configuration description. _C_o_n_f_i_g uses many rules to calculate default locations for these items; these are described in Appendix B. September 2, 1987 - 4 - When a generic system is configured, the root file sys- tem is left undefined until the system is booted. In this case, the root file system need not be specified, only that the system is a generic system. _2._7. _H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _d_e_v_i_c_e_s When the system boots it goes through an _a_u_t_o_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_- _t_i_o_n phase. During this period, the system searches for all those hardware devices which the system builder has indi- cated might be present. This probing sequence requires cer- tain pieces of information such as register addresses, bus interconnects, etc. A system's hardware may be configured in a very flexible manner or be specified without any flexi- bility whatsoever. Most people do not configure hardware devices into the system unless they are currently present on the machine, expect them to be present in the near future, or are simply guarding against a hardware failure somewhere else at the site (it is often wise to configure in extra disks in case an emergency requires moving one off a machine which has hardware problems). The specification of hardware devices usually occupies the majority of the configuration file. As such, a large portion of this document will be spent understanding it. Section 6.3 contains a description of the autoconfiguration process, as it applies to those planning to write, or modify existing, device drivers. _2._8. _P_s_e_u_d_o _d_e_v_i_c_e_s Several system facilities are configured in a manner like that used for hardware devices although they are not associated with specific hardware. These system options are configured as _p_s_e_u_d_o-_d_e_v_i_c_e_s. Some pseudo devices allow an optional parameter that sets the limit on the number of instances of the device that are active simultaneously. _2._9. _S_y_s_t_e_m _o_p_t_i_o_n_s Other than the mandatory pieces of information described above, it is also possible to include various optional system facilities or to modify system behavior and/or limits. For example, 4.3BSD can be configured to support binary compatibility for programs built under 4.1BSD. Also, optional support is provided for disk quotas and tracing the performance of the virtual memory subsystem. Any optional facilities to be configured into the system are specified in the configuration file. The resultant files generated by _c_o_n_f_i_g will automatically include the necessary September 2, 1987 - 5 - pieces of the system. _3. _S_Y_S_T_E_M _B_U_I_L_D_I_N_G _P_R_O_C_E_S_S In this section we consider the steps necessary to build a bootable system image. We assume the system source is located in the ``/sys'' directory and that, initially, the system is being configured from source code. Under normal circumstances there are 5 steps in build- ing a system. 1) Create a configuration file for the system. 2) Make a directory for the system to be constructed in. 3) Run _c_o_n_f_i_g on the configuration file to generate the files required to compile and load the system image. 4) Construct the source code interdependency rules for the configured system with _m_a_k_edepend using _m_a_k_e(1). 5) Compile and load the system with _m_a_k_e. Steps 1 and 2 are usually done only once. When a sys- tem configuration changes it usually suffices to just run _c_o_n_f_i_g on the modified configuration file, rebuild the source code dependencies, and remake the system. Sometimes, however, configuration dependencies may not be noticed in which case it is necessary to clean out the relocatable object files saved in the system's directory; this will be discussed later. _3._1. _C_r_e_a_t_i_n_g _a _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n _f_i_l_e Configuration files normally reside in the directory ``/sys/conf''. A configuration file is most easily con- structed by copying an existing configuration file and modi- fying it. The 4.3BSD distribution contains a number of con- figuration files for machines at Berkeley; one may be suit- able or, in worst case, a copy of the generic configuration file may be edited. The configuration file must have the same name as the directory in which the configured system is to be built. Further, _c_o_n_f_i_g assumes this directory is located in the parent directory of the directory in which it is run. For example, the generic system has a configuration file ``/sys/conf/GENERIC'' and an accompanying directory named ``/sys/GENERIC''. Although it is not required that the sys- tem sources and configuration files reside in ``/sys,'' the configuration and compilation procedure depends on the rela- tive locations of directories within that hierarchy, as most of the system code and the files created by _c_o_n_f_i_g use September 2, 1987 - 6 - pathnames of the form ``../''. If the system files are not located in ``/sys,'' it is desirable to make a symbolic link there for use in installation of other parts of the system that share files with the kernel. When building the configuration file, be sure to include the items described in section 2. In particular, the machine type, cpu type, timezone, system identifier, maximum users, and root device must be specified. The specification of the hardware present may take a bit of work; particularly if your hardware is configured at non- standard places (e.g. device registers located at funny places or devices not supported by the system). Section 4 of this document gives a detailed description of the confi- guration file syntax, section 5 explains some sample confi- guration files, and section 6 discusses how to add new dev- ices to the system. If the devices to be configured are not already described in one of the existing configuration files you should check the manual pages in section 4 of the UNIX Programmers Manual. For each supported device, the manual page synopsis entry gives a sample configuration line. Once the configuration file is complete, run it through _c_o_n_f_i_g and look for any errors. Never try and use a system which _c_o_n_f_i_g has complained about; the results are unpredictable. For the most part, _c_o_n_f_i_g's error diagnos- tics are self explanatory. It may be the case that the line numbers given with the error messages are off by one. A successful run of _c_o_n_f_i_g on your configuration file will generate a number of files in the configuration direc- tory. These files are: o+ A file to be used by _m_a_k_e(1) in compiling and loading the system, _M_a_k_e_f_i_l_e. o+ One file for each possible system image for this machine, _s_w_a_p_x_x_x._c, where _x_x_x is the name of the system image, which describes where swapping, the root file system, and other miscellaneous system devices are located. o+ A collection of header files, one per possible device the system supports, which define the hardware configured. o+ A file containing the I/O configuration tables used by the system during its _a_u_t_o_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n phase, _i_o_c_o_n_f._c. o+ An assembly language file of interrupt vectors which con- nect interrupts from the machine's external buses to the main system path for handling interrupts, and a file that contains counters and names for the interrupt vectors. Unless you have reason to doubt _c_o_n_f_i_g, or are curious how the system's autoconfiguration scheme works, you should September 2, 1987 - 7 - never have to look at any of these files. _3._2. _C_o_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_n_g _s_o_u_r_c_e _c_o_d_e _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s When _c_o_n_f_i_g is done generating the files needed to com- pile and link your system it will terminate with a message of the form ``Don't forget to run make depend''. This is a reminder that you should change over to the configuration directory for the system just configured and type ``make depend'' to build the rules used by _m_a_k_e to recognize inter- dependencies in the system source code. This will insure that any changes to a piece of the system source code will result in the proper modules being recompiled the next time _m_a_k_e is run. This step is particularly important if your site makes changes to the system include files. The rules generated specify which source code files are dependent on which include files. Without these rules, _m_a_k_e will not recognize when it must rebuild modules due to the modification of a system header file. The dependency rules are generated by a pass of the C preprocessor and reflect the global system options. This step must be repeated when the configuration file is changed and _c_o_n_f_i_g is used to regenerate the system makefile. _3._3. _B_u_i_l_d_i_n_g _t_h_e _s_y_s_t_e_m The makefile constructed by _c_o_n_f_i_g should allow a new system to be rebuilt by simply typing ``make image-name''. For example, if you have named your bootable system image ``vmunix'', then ``make vmunix'' will generate a bootable image named ``vmunix''. Alternate system image names are used when the root file system location and/or swapping con- figuration is done in more than one way. The makefile which _c_o_n_f_i_g creates has entry points for each system image defined in the configuration file. Thus, if you have con- figured ``vmunix'' to be a system with the root file system on an ``hp'' device and ``hkvmunix'' to be a system with the root file system on an ``hk'' device, then ``make vmunix hkvmunix'' will generate binary images for each. As the system will generally use the disk from which it is loaded as the root filesystem, separate system images are only required to support different swap configurations. Note that the name of a bootable image is different from the system identifier. All bootable images are config- ured for the same system; only the information about the root file system and paging devices differ. (This is described in more detail in section 4.) The last step in the system building process is to rearrange certain commonly used symbols in the symbol table of the system image; the makefile generated by _c_o_n_f_i_g does September 2, 1987 - 8 - this automatically for you. This is advantageous for pro- grams such as _n_e_t_s_t_a_t(1) and _v_m_s_t_a_t(1), which run much fas- ter when the symbols they need are located at the front of the symbol table. Remember also that many programs expect the currently executing system to be named ``/vmunix''. If you install a new system and name it something other than ``/vmunix'', many programs are likely to give strange results. _3._4. _S_h_a_r_i_n_g _o_b_j_e_c_t _m_o_d_u_l_e_s If you have many systems which are all built on a sin- gle machine there are at least two approaches to saving time in building system images. The best way is to have a single system image which is run on all machines. This is attrac- tive since it minimizes disk space used and time required to rebuild systems after making changes. However, it is often the case that one or more systems will require a separately configured system image. This may be due to limited memory (building a system with many unused device drivers can be expensive), or to configuration requirements (one machine may be a development machine where disk quotas are not needed, while another is a production machine where they are), etc. In these cases it is possible for common systems to share relocatable object modules which are not configura- tion dependent; most of the modules in the directory ``/sys/sys'' are of this sort. To share object modules, a generic system should be built. Then, for each system configure the system as before, but before recompiling and linking the system, type ``make links'' in the system compilation directory. This will cause the system to be searched for source modules which are safe to share between systems and generate sym- bolic links in the current directory to the appropriate object modules in the directory ``../GENERIC''. A shell script, ``makelinks'' is generated with this request and may be checked for correctness. The file ``/sys/conf/defines'' contains a list of symbols which we believe are safe to ignore when checking the source code for modules which may be shared. Note that this list includes the definitions used to conditionally compile in the virtual memory tracing facilities, and the trace point support used only rarely (even at Berkeley). It may be necessary to modify this file to reflect local needs. Note further that interdependencies which are not directly visible in the source code are not caught. This means that if you place per-system dependen- cies in an include file, they will not be recognized and the shared code may be selected in an unexpected fashion. _3._5. _B_u_i_l_d_i_n_g _p_r_o_f_i_l_e_d _s_y_s_t_e_m_s It is simple to configure a system which will automati- cally collect profiling information as it operates. The September 2, 1987 - 9 - profiling data may be collected with _k_g_m_o_n(8) and processed with _g_p_r_o_f(1) to obtain information regarding the system's operation. Profiled systems maintain histograms of the pro- gram counter as well as the number of invocations of each routine. The _g_p_r_o_f command will also generate a dynamic call graph of the executing system and propagate time spent in each routine along the arcs of the call graph (consult the _g_p_r_o_f documentation for elaboration). The program counter sampling can be driven by the system clock, or if you have an alternate real time clock, this can be used. The latter is highly recommended, as use of the system clock will result in statistical anomalies, and time spent in the clock routine will not be accurately attributed. To configure a profiled system, the -_p option should be supplied to _c_o_n_f_i_g. A profiled system is about 5-10% larger in its text space due to the calls to count the subroutine invocations. When the system executes, the profiling data is stored in a buffer which is 1.2 times the size of the text space. The overhead for running a profiled system varies; under normal load we see anywhere from 5-25% of the system time spent in the profiling code. Note that systems configured for profiling should not be shared as described above unless all the other shared systems are also to be profiled. _4. _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _F_I_L_E _S_Y_N_T_A_X In this section we consider the specific rules used in writing a configuration file. A complete grammar for the input language can be found in Appendix A and may be of use if you should have problems with syntax errors. A configuration file is broken up into three logical pieces: o+ configuration parameters global to all system images specified in the configuration file, o+ parameters specific to each system image to be generated, and o+ device specifications. _4._1. _G_l_o_b_a_l _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r_s The global configuration parameters are the type of machine, cpu types, options, timezone, system identifier, and maximum users. Each is specified with a separate line in the configuration file. machine _t_y_p_e The system is to run on the machine type specified. No September 2, 1987 - 10 - more than one machine type can appear in the configura- tion file. Legal values are _v_a_x and sun. cpu ``_t_y_p_e'' This system is to run on the cpu type specified. More than one cpu type specification can appear in a confi- guration file. Legal types for a _v_a_x machine are VAX8600, VAX780, VAX750, VAX730 and VAX630 (MicroVAX II). The 8650 is listed as an 8600, the 785 as a 780, and a 725 as a 730. options _o_p_t_i_o_n_l_i_s_t Compile the listed optional code into the system. Options in this list are separated by commas. Possible options are listed at the top of the generic makefile. A line of the form ``options FUNNY,HAHA'' generates global ``#define''s -DFUNNY -DHAHA in the resultant makefile. An option may be given a value by following its name with ``='', then the value enclosed in (dou- ble) quotes. The following are major options are currently in use: COMPAT (include code for compatibil- ity with 4.1BSD binaries), INET (Internet communication protocols), NS (Xerox NS communication protocols), and QUOTA (enable disk quotas). Other kernel options con- trolling system sizes and limits are listed in Appendix D; options for the network are found in Appendix E. There are additional options which are associated with certain peripheral devices; those are listed in the Synopsis section of the manual page for the device. makeoptions _o_p_t_i_o_n_l_i_s_t Options that are used within the system makefile and evaluated by _m_a_k_e are listed as _m_a_k_e_o_p_t_i_o_n_s. Options are listed with their values with the form ``makeop- tions name=value,name2=value2.'' The values must be enclosed in double quotes if they include numerals or begin with a dash. timezone _n_u_m_b_e_r [ dst [ _n_u_m_b_e_r ] ] Specifies the timezone used by the system. This is measured in the number of hours your timezone is west of GMT. EST is 5 hours west of GMT, PST is 8. Negative numbers indicate hours east of GMT. If you specify dst, the system will operate under daylight savings time. An optional integer or floating point number may be included to specify a particular daylight saving time correction algorithm; the default value is 1, indicat- ing the United States. Other values are: 2 (Australian style), 3 (Western European), 4 (Middle European), and 5 (Eastern European). See _g_e_t_t_i_m_e_o_f_d_a_y(2) and _c_t_i_m_e(3) for more information. ident _n_a_m_e This system is to be known as _n_a_m_e. This is usually a September 2, 1987 - 11 - cute name like ERNIE (short for Ernie Co-Vax) or VAXWELL (for Vaxwell Smart). This value is defined for use in conditional compilation, and is also used to locate an optional list of source files specific to this system. maxusers _n_u_m_b_e_r The maximum expected number of simultaneously active user on this system is _n_u_m_b_e_r. This number is used to size several system data structures. _4._2. _S_y_s_t_e_m _i_m_a_g_e _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r_s Multiple bootable images may be specified in a single configuration file. The systems will have the same global configuration parameters and devices, but the location of the root file system and other system specific devices may be different. A system image is specified with a ``config'' line: config _s_y_s_n_a_m_e _c_o_n_f_i_g-_c_l_a_u_s_e_s The _s_y_s_n_a_m_e field is the name given to the loaded system image; almost everyone names their standard system image ``vmunix''. The configuration clauses are one or more specifications indicating where the root file system is located and the number and location of paging devices. The device used by the system to process argument lists during _e_x_e_c_v_e(2) calls may also be specified, though in practice this is almost always selected by _c_o_n_f_i_g using one of its rules for selecting default locations for system devices. A configuration clause is one of the following root [ on ] _r_o_o_t-_d_e_v_i_c_e swap [ on ] _s_w_a_p-_d_e_v_i_c_e [ and _s_w_a_p-_d_e_v_i_c_e ] ... dumps [ on ] _d_u_m_p-_d_e_v_i_c_e args [ on ] _a_r_g-_d_e_v_i_c_e (the ``on'' is optional.) Multiple configuration clauses are separated by white space; _c_o_n_f_i_g allows specifications to be continued across multiple lines by beginning the con- tinuation line with a tab character. The ``root'' clause specifies where the root file system is located, the ``swap'' clause indicates swapping and paging area(s), the ``dumps'' clause can be used to force system dumps to be taken on a particular device, and the ``args'' clause can be used to specify that argument list processing for _e_x_e_c_v_e should be done on a particular device. The device names supplied in the clauses may be fully specified as a device, unit, and file system partition; or underspecified in which case _c_o_n_f_i_g will use builtin rules to select default unit numbers and file system partitions. September 2, 1987 - 12 - The defaulting rules are a bit complicated as they are dependent on the overall system configuration. For example, the swap area need not be specified at all if the root dev- ice is specified; in this case the swap area is placed in the ``b'' partition of the same disk where the root file system is located. Appendix B contains a complete list of the defaulting rules used in selecting system configuration devices. The device names are translated to the appropriate major and minor device numbers on a per-machine basis. A file, ``/sys/conf/devices.machine'' (where ``machine'' is the machine type specified in the configuration file), is used to map a device name to its major block device number. The minor device number is calculated using the standard disk partitioning rules: on unit 0, partition ``a'' is minor device 0, partition ``b'' is minor device 1, and so on; for units other than 0, add 8 times the unit number to get the minor device. If the default mapping of device name to major/minor device number is incorrect for your configuration, it can be replaced by an explicit specification of the major/minor device. This is done by substituting major _x minor _y where the device name would normally be found. For example, config vmunix root on major 99 minor 1 Normally, the areas configured for swap space are sized by the system at boot time. If a non-standard size is to be used for one or more swap areas (less than the full parti- tion), this can also be specified. To do this, the device name specified for a swap area should have a ``size'' specification appended. For example, config vmunix root on hp0 swap on hp0b size 1200 would force swapping to be done in partition ``b'' of ``hp0'' and the swap partition size would be set to 1200 sectors. A swap area sized larger than the associated disk partition is trimmed to the partition size. To create a generic configuration, only the clause ``swap generic'' should be specified; any extra clauses will cause an error. _4._3. _D_e_v_i_c_e _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s Each device attached to a machine must be specified to _c_o_n_f_i_g so that the system generated will know to probe for it during the autoconfiguration process carried out at boot September 2, 1987 - 13 - time. Hardware specified in the configuration need not actually be present on the machine where the generated sys- tem is to be run. Only the hardware actually found at boot time will be used by the system. The specification of hardware devices in the configura- tion file parallels the interconnection hierarchy of the machine to be configured. On the VAX, this means that a configuration file must indicate what MASSBUS and UNIBUS adapters are present, and to which _n_e_x_i they might be con- nected.* Similarly, devices and controllers must be indi- cated as possibly being connected to one or more adapters. A device description may provide a complete definition of the possible configuration parameters or it may leave cer- tain parameters undefined and make the system probe for all the possible values. The latter allows a single device con- figuration list to match many possible physical configura- tions. For example, a disk may be indicated as present at UNIBUS adapter 0, or at any UNIBUS adapter which the system locates at boot time. The latter scheme, termed _w_i_l_d_c_a_r_d_- _i_n_g, allows more flexibility in the physical configuration of a system; if a disk must be moved around for some reason, the system will still locate it at the alternate location. A device specification takes one of the following forms: master _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o controller _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o [ _i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_t-_s_p_e_c ] device _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o _i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_t-_s_p_e_c disk _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o tape _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o A ``master'' is a MASSBUS tape controller; a ``controller'' is a disk controller, a UNIBUS tape controller, a MASSBUS adapter, or a UNIBUS adapter. A ``device'' is an autonomous device which connects directly to a UNIBUS adapter (as opposed to something like a disk which connects through a disk controller). ``Disk'' and ``tape'' identify disk drives and tape drives connected to a ``controller'' or ``master.'' The _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e is one of the standard device names, as indicated in section 4 of the UNIX Programmers Manual, con- catenated with the _l_o_g_i_c_a_l unit number to be assigned the device (the _l_o_g_i_c_a_l unit number may be different than the _p_h_y_s_i_c_a_l unit number indicated on the front of something like a disk; the _l_o_g_i_c_a_l unit number is used to refer to the UNIX device, not the physical unit number). For example, __________________________ * While VAX-11/750's and VAX-11/730 do not actually have nexi, the system treats them as having _s_i_m_u_l_a_t_e_d _n_e_x_i to simplify device configuration. September 2, 1987 - 14 - ``hp0'' is logical unit 0 of a MASSBUS storage device, even though it might be physical unit 3 on MASSBUS adapter 1. The _d_e_v_i_c_e-_i_n_f_o clause specifies how the hardware is connected in the interconnection hierarchy. On the VAX, UNIBUS and MASSBUS adapters are connected to the internal system bus through a _n_e_x_u_s. Thus, one of the following specifications would be used: controller mba0 at nexus _x controller uba0 at nexus _x To tie a controller to a specific nexus, ``x'' would be sup- plied as the number of that nexus; otherwise ``x'' may be specified as ``?'', in which case the system will probe all nexi present looking for the specified controller. The remaining interconnections on the VAX are: o+ a controller may be connected to another controller (e.g. a disk controller attached to a UNIBUS adapter), o+ a master is always attached to a controller (a MASSBUS adapter), o+ a tape is always attached to a master (for MASSBUS tape drives), o+ a disk is always attached to a controller, and o+ devices are always attached to controllers (e.g. UNIBUS controllers attached to UNIBUS adapters). The following lines give an example of each of these inter- connections: controller hk0 at uba0 ... master ht0 at mba0 ... disk hp0 at mba0 ... tape tu0 at ht0 ... disk rk1 at hk0 ... device dz0 at uba0 ... Any piece of hardware which may be connected to a specific controller may also be wildcarded across multiple controll- ers. The final piece of information needed by the system to configure devices is some indication of where or how a dev- ice will interrupt. For tapes and disks, simply specifying the _s_l_a_v_e or _d_r_i_v_e number is sufficient to locate the con- trol status register for the device. _D_r_i_v_e numbers may be wildcarded on MASSBUS devices, but not on disks on a UNIBUS controller. For controllers, the control status register September 2, 1987 - 15 - must be given explicitly, as well the number of interrupt vectors used and the names of the routines to which they should be bound. Thus the example lines given above might be completed as: controller hk0 at uba0 csr 0177440vector rkintr master ht0 at mba0 drive 0 disk hp0 at mba0 drive ? tape tu0 at ht0 slave 0 disk rk1 at hk0 drive 1 device dz0 at uba0 csr 0160100vector dzrint dzxint Certain device drivers require extra information passed to them at boot time to tailor their operation to the actual hardware present. The line printer driver, for example, needs to know how many columns are present on each non- standard line printer (i.e. a line printer with other than 80 columns). The drivers for the terminal multiplexors need to know which lines are attached to modem lines so that no one will be allowed to use them unless a connection is present. For this reason, one last parameter may be speci- fied to a _d_e_v_i_c_e, a _f_l_a_g_s field. It has the syntax flags _n_u_m_b_e_r and is usually placed after the _c_s_r specification. The _n_u_m_b_e_r is passed directly to the associated driver. The manual pages in section 4 should be consulted to determine how each driver uses this value (if at all). Communications interface drivers commonly use the flags to indicate whether modem control signals are in use. The exact syntax for each specific device is given in the Synopsis section of its manual page in section 4 of the manual. _4._4. _P_s_e_u_d_o-_d_e_v_i_c_e_s A number of drivers and software subsystems are treated like device drivers without any associated hardware. To include any of these pieces, a ``pseudo-device'' specifica- tion must be used. A specification for a pseudo device takes the form pseudo-device _d_e_v_i_c_e-_n_a_m_e [ _h_o_w_m_a_n_y ] Examples of pseudo devices are pty, the pseudo terminal driver (where the optional _h_o_w_m_a_n_y value indicates the number of pseudo terminals to configure, 32 default), and loop, the software loopback network pseudo-interface. Other pseudo devices for the network include imp (required when a CSS or ACC imp is configured) and ether (used by the Address Resolution Protocol on 10 Mb/sec Ethernets). More informa- tion on configuring each of these can also be found in September 2, 1987 - 16 - section 4 of the manual. _5. _S_A_M_P_L_E _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _F_I_L_E_S In this section we will consider how to configure a sample VAX-11/780 system on which the hardware can be recon- figured to guard against various hardware mishaps. We then study the rules needed to configure a VAX-11/750 to run in a networking environment. _5._1. _V_A_X-_1_1/_7_8_0 _S_y_s_t_e_m Our VAX-11/780 is configured with hardware recommended in the document ``Hints on Configuring a VAX for 4.2BSD'' (this is one of the high-end configurations). Table 1 lists the pertinent hardware to be configured. 8__________________________________________________________________ Item Vendor Connection Name Reference 8__________________________________________________________________ cpu DEC VAX780 MASSBUS controller Emulex nexus ? mba0 hp(4) disk Fujitsu mba0 hp0 disk Fujitsu mba0 hp1 MASSBUS controller Emulex nexus ? mba1 disk Fujitsu mba1 hp2 disk Fujitsu mba1 hp3 UNIBUS adapter DEC nexus ? tape controller Emulex uba0 tm0 tm(4) tape drive Kennedy tm0 te0 tape drive Kennedy tm0 te1 terminal multiplexor Emulex uba0 dh0 dh(4) terminal multiplexor Emulex uba0 dh1 terminal multiplexor Emulex uba0 dh2 8__________________________________________________________________ 7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| Table 1. VAX-11/780 Hardware support. We will call this machine ANSEL and construct a configura- tion file one step at a time. The first step is to fill in the global configuration parameters. The machine is a VAX, so the _m_a_c_h_i_n_e _t_y_p_e is ``vax''. We will assume this system will run only on this one processor, so the _c_p_u _t_y_p_e is ``VAX780''. The options are empty since this is going to be a ``vanilla'' VAX. The system identifier, as mentioned before, is ``ANSEL,'' and the maximum number of users we plan to support is about 40. Thus the beginning of the configuration file looks like this: 9 September 2, 1987 - 17 - # # ANSEL VAX (a picture perfect machine) # machine vax cpu VAX780 timezone 8 dst ident ANSEL maxusers 40 To this we must then add the specifications for three system images. The first will be our standard system with the root on ``hp0'' and swapping on the same drive as the root. The second will have the root file system in the same location, but swap space interleaved among drives on each controller. Finally, the third will be a generic system, to allow us to boot off any of the four disk drives. config vmunix root on hp0 config hpvmunix root on hp0 swap on hp0 and hp2 config genvmunix swap generic Finally, the hardware must be specified. Let us first just try transcribing the information from Table 1. controller mba0 at nexus ? disk hp0 at mba0 disk 0 disk hp1 at mba0 disk 1 controller mba1 at nexus ? disk hp2 at mba1 disk 2 disk hp3 at mba1 disk 3 controller uba0 at nexus ? controller tm0 at uba0 csr 0172520vector tmintr tape te0 at tm0 drive 0 tape te1 at tm0 drive 1 device dh0 at uba0 csr 0160020vector dhrint dhxint device dm0 at uba0 csr 0170500vector dmintr device dh1 at uba0 csr 0160040vector dhrint dhxint device dh2 at uba0 csr 0160060vector dhrint dhxint (Oh, I forgot to mention one panel of the terminal multi- plexor has modem control, thus the ``dm0'' device.) This will suffice, but leaves us with little flexibil- ity. Suppose our first disk controller were to break. We would like to recable the drives normally on the second con- troller so that all our disks could still be used without reconfiguring the system. To do this we wildcard the MASSBUS adapter connections and also the slave numbers. Further, we wildcard the UNIBUS adapter connections in case we decide some time in the future to purchase another September 2, 1987 - 18 - adapter to offload the single UNIBUS we currently have. The revised device specifications would then be: controller mba0 at nexus ? disk hp0 at mba? disk ? disk hp1 at mba? disk ? controller mba1 at nexus ? disk hp2 at mba? disk ? disk hp3 at mba? disk ? controller uba0 at nexus ? controller tm0 at uba? csr 0172520vector tmintr tape te0 at tm0 drive 0 tape te1 at tm0 drive 1 device dh0 at uba? csr 0160020vector dhrint dhxint device dm0 at uba? csr 0170500vector dmintr device dh1 at uba? csr 0160040vector dhrint dhxint device dh2 at uba? csr 0160060vector dhrint dhxint The completed configuration file for ANSEL is shown in Appendix C. _5._2. _V_A_X-_1_1/_7_5_0 _w_i_t_h _n_e_t_w_o_r_k _s_u_p_p_o_r_t Our VAX-11/750 system will be located on two 10Mb/s Ethernet local area networks and also the DARPA Internet. The system will have a MASSBUS drive for the root file sys- tem and two UNIBUS drives. Paging is interleaved among all three drives. We have sold our standard DEC terminal multi- plexors since this machine will be accessed solely through the network. This machine is not intended to have a large user community, it does not have a great deal of memory. First the global parameters: # # UCBVAX (Gateway to the world) # machine vax cpu "VAX780" cpu "VAX750" ident UCBVAX timezone 8 dst maxusers 32 options INET options NS The multiple cpu types allow us to replace UCBVAX with a more powerful cpu without reconfiguring the system. The value of 32 given for the maximum number of users is done to force the system data structures to be over-allocated. That is desirable on this machine because, while it is not expected to support many users, it is expected to perform a great deal of work. The ``INET'' indicates that we plan to September 2, 1987 - 19 - use the DARPA standard Internet protocols on this machine, and ``NS'' also includes support for Xerox NS protocols. Note that unlike 4.2BSD configuration files, the network protocol options do not require corresponding pseudo dev- ices. The system images and disks are configured next. config vmunix root on hp swap on hp and rk0 and rk1 config upvmunix root on up config hkvmunix root on hk swap on rk0 and rk1 controller mba0 at nexus ? controller uba0 at nexus ? disk hp0 at mba? drive 0 disk hp1 at mba? drive 1 controller sc0 at uba? csr 0176700vector upintr disk up0 at sc0 drive 0 disk up1 at sc0 drive 1 controller hk0 at uba? csr 0177440 vector rkintr disk rk0 at hk0 drive 0 disk rk1 at hk0 drive 1 UCBVAX requires heavy interleaving of its paging area to keep up with all the mail traffic it handles. The limit- ing factor on this system's performance is usually the number of disk arms, as opposed to memory or cpu cycles. The extra UNIBUS controller, ``sc0'', is in case the MASSBUS controller breaks and a spare controller must be installed (most of our old UNIBUS controllers have been replaced with the newer MASSBUS controllers, so we have a number of these around as spares). Finally, we add in the network devices. Pseudo termi- nals are needed to allow users to log in across the network (remember the only hardwired terminal is the console). The software loopback device is used for on-machine communica- tions. The connection to the Internet is through an IMP, this requires yet another _p_s_e_u_d_o-_d_e_v_i_c_e (in addition to the actual hardware device used by the IMP software). And, finally, there are the two Ethernet devices. These use a special protocol, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), to map between Internet and Ethernet addresses. Thus, yet another _p_s_e_u_d_o-_d_e_v_i_c_e is needed. The additional device specifications are show below. pseudo-device pty pseudo-device loop pseudo-device imp device acc0 at uba? csr 0167600vector accrint accxint pseudo-device ether device ec0 at uba? csr 0164330vector ecrint eccollide ecxint device il0 at uba? csr 0164000vector ilrint ilcint September 2, 1987 - 20 - The completed configuration file for UCBVAX is shown in Appendix C. _5._3. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _c_o_m_m_e_n_t_s It should be noted in these examples that neither sys- tem was configured to use disk quotas or the 4.1BSD compati- bility mode. To use these optional facilities, and others, we would probably clean out our current configuration, reconfigure the system, then recompile and relink the system image(s). This could, of course, be avoided by figuring out which relocatable object files are affected by the reconfi- guration, then reconfiguring and recompiling only those files affected by the configuration change. This technique should be used carefully. _6. _A_D_D_I_N_G _N_E_W _S_Y_S_T_E_M _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E This section is not for the novice, it describes some of the inner workings of the configuration process as well as the pertinent parts of the system autoconfiguration pro- cess. It is intended to give those people who intend to install new device drivers and/or other system facilities sufficient information to do so in the manner which will allow others to easily share the changes. This section is broken into four parts: o+ general guidelines to be followed in modifying system code, o+ how to add non-standard system facilities to 4.3BSD, o+ how to add a device driver to 4.3BSD, and o+ how UNIBUS device drivers are autoconfigured under 4.3BSD on the VAX. _6._1. _M_o_d_i_f_y_i_n_g _s_y_s_t_e_m _c_o_d_e If you wish to make site-specific modifications to the system it is best to bracket them with #ifdef SITENAME ... #endif to allow your source to be easily distributed to others, and also to simplify _d_i_f_f(1) listings. If you choose not to use a source code control system (e.g. SCCS, RCS), and perhaps even if you do, it is recommended that you save the old code with something of the form: September 2, 1987 - 21 - #ifndef SITENAME ... #endif We try to isolate our site-dependent code in individual files which may be configured with pseudo-device specifica- tions. Indicate machine-specific code with ``#ifdef vax'' (or other machine, as appropriate). 4.2BSD underwent extensive work to make it extremely portable to machines with similar architectures- you may someday find yourself trying to use a single copy of the source code on multiple machines. Use _l_i_n_t periodically if you make changes to the sys- tem. The 4.3BSD kernel has only two lines of lint in it. It is very simple to lint the kernel. Use the LINT confi- guration file, designed to pull in as much of the kernel source code as possible, in the following manner. $ cd /sys/conf $ mkdir ../LINT $ config LINT $ cd ../LINT $ make depend $ make assym.s $ make -k lint > linterrs 2>&1 & (or for users of _c_s_h(1)) % make -k >& linterrs This takes about an hour on a lightly loaded VAX-11/750, but is well worth it. _6._2. _A_d_d_i_n_g _n_o_n-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _s_y_s_t_e_m _f_a_c_i_l_i_t_i_e_s This section considers the work needed to augment _c_o_n_f_i_g's data base files for non-standard system facilities. _C_o_n_f_i_g uses a set of files that list the source modules that may be required when building a system. The data bases are taken from the directory in which _c_o_n_f_i_g is run, normally /sys/conf. Three such files may be used: _f_i_l_e_s, _f_i_l_e_s.machine, and _f_i_l_e_s.ident. The first is common to all systems, the second contains files unique to a single machine type, and the third is an optional list of modules for use on a specific machine. This last file may override specifications in the first two. The format of the _f_i_l_e_s file has grown somewhat complex over time. Entries are nor- mally of the form _d_i_r/_s_o_u_r_c_e._c _t_y_p_e _o_p_t_i_o_n-_l_i_s_t _m_o_d_i_f_i_e_r_s for example, September 2, 1987 - 22 - _v_a_x_u_b_a/_f_o_o._c optional foo device-driver The _t_y_p_e is one of _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d or Files marked as standard are included in all system configurations. Optional file specifications include a list of one or more system options that together require the inclusion of this module. The options in the list may be either names of devices that may be in the configuration file, or the names of system options that may be defined. An optional file may be listed multi- ple times with different options; if all of the options for any of the entries are satisfied, the module is included. If a file is specified as a _d_e_v_i_c_e-_d_r_i_v_e_r, any special compilation options for device drivers will be invoked. On the VAX this results in the use of the -_i option for the C optimizer. This is required when pointer references are made to memory locations in the VAX I/O address space. Two other optional keywords modify the usage of the file. _C_o_n_f_i_g understands that certain files are used espe- cially for kernel profiling. These files are indicated in the _f_i_l_e_s files with a _p_r_o_f_i_l_i_n_g-_r_o_u_t_i_n_e keyword. For exam- ple, the current profiling subroutines are sequestered off in a separate file with the following entry: _s_y_s/_s_u_b_r__m_c_o_u_n_t._c optional profiling-routine The _p_r_o_f_i_l_i_n_g-_r_o_u_t_i_n_e keyword forces _c_o_n_f_i_g not to compile the source file with the -_p_g option. The second keyword which can be of use is the _c_o_n_f_i_g- _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_t keyword. This causes _c_o_n_f_i_g to compile the indi- cated module with the global configuration parameters. This allows certain modules, such as _m_a_c_h_d_e_p._c to size system data structures based on the maximum number of users config- ured for the system. _6._3. _A_d_d_i_n_g _d_e_v_i_c_e _d_r_i_v_e_r_s _t_o _4._3_B_S_D The I/O system and _c_o_n_f_i_g have been designed to easily allow new device support to be added. The system source directories are organized as follows: September 2, 1987 - 23 - /sys/h machine independent include files /sys/sys machine-independent system source files /sys/conf site configuration files and basic templates /sys/net network-protocol-independent, but network-related code /sys/netinet DARPA Internet code /sys/netimp IMP support code /sys/netns Xerox NS code /sys/vax VAX-specific mainline code /sys/vaxif VAX network interface code /sys/vaxmba VAX MASSBUS device drivers and related code /sys/vaxuba VAX UNIBUS device drivers and related code Existing block and character device drivers for the VAX reside in ``/sys/vax'', ``/sys/vaxmba'', and ``/sys/vaxuba''. Network interface drivers reside in ``/sys/vaxif''. Any new device drivers should be placed in the appropriate source code directory and named so as not to conflict with existing devices. Normally, definitions for things like device registers are placed in a separate file in the same directory. For example, the ``dh'' device driver is named ``dh.c'' and its associated include file is named ``dhreg.h''. Once the source for the device driver has been placed in a directory, the file ``/sys/conf/files.machine'', and possibly ``/sys/conf/devices.machine'' should be modified. The _f_i_l_e_s files in the conf directory contain a line for each C source or binary-only file in the system. Those files which are machine independent are located in ``/sys/conf/files,'' while machine specific files are in ``/sys/conf/files.machine.'' The ``devices.machine'' file is used to map device names to major block device numbers. If the device driver being added provides support for a new disk you will want to modify this file (the format is obvi- ous). In addition to including the driver in the _f_i_l_e_s file, it must also be added to the device configuration tables. These are located in ``/sys/vax/conf.c'', or similar for machines other than the VAX. If you don't understand what to add to this file, you should study an entry for an exist- ing driver. Remember that the position in the device table specifies the major device number. The block major number is needed in the ``devices.machine'' file if the device is a disk. With the configuration information in place, your con- figuration file appropriately modified, and a system recon- figured and rebooted you should incorporate the shell com- mands needed to install the special files in the file system September 2, 1987 - 24 - to the file ``/dev/MAKEDEV'' or ``/dev/MAKEDEV.local''. This is discussed in the document ``Installing and Operating 4.3BSD on the VAX''. _6._4. _A_u_t_o_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _t_h_e _V_A_X 4.3BSD requires all device drivers to conform to a set of rules which allow the system to: 1) support multiple UNIBUS and MASSBUS adapters, 2) support system configuration at boot time, and 3) manage resources so as not to crash when devices request resources which are unavailable. In addition, devices such as the RK07 which require everyone else to get off the UNIBUS when they are running need cooperation from other DMA devices if they are to work. Since it is unlikely that you will be writing a device driver for a MASSBUS device, this section is devoted exclusively to describing the I/O system and autoconfigura- tion process as it applies to UNIBUS devices. Each UNIBUS on a VAX has a set of resources: o+ 496 map registers which are used to convert from the 18-bit UNIBUS addresses into the much larger VAX memory address space. o+ Some number of buffered data paths (3 on an 11/750, 15 on an 11/780, 0 on an 11/730) which are used by high speed devices to transfer data using fewer bus cycles. There is a structure of type _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__h_d in the system per UNIBUS adapter used to manage these resources. This struc- ture also contains a linked list where devices waiting for resources to complete DMA UNIBUS activity have requests waiting. There are three central structures in the writing of drivers for UNIBUS controllers; devices which do not do DMA I/O can often use only two of these structures. The struc- tures are _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__c_t_l_r, the UNIBUS controller structure, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e the UNIBUS device structure, and _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__d_r_i_v_e_r, the UNIBUS driver structure. The _u_b_a__c_t_l_r and _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structures are in one-to-one correspondence with the definitions of controllers and devices in the system configuration. Each driver has a _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__d_r_i_v_e_r struc- ture specifying an internal interface to the rest of the system. Thus a specification September 2, 1987 - 25 - controller sc0 at uba0 csr 0176700 vector upintr would cause a _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__c_t_l_r to be declared and initialized in the file _i_o_c_o_n_f._c for the system configured from this description. Similarly specifying disk up0 at sc0 drive 0 would declare a related _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e in the same file. The _u_p._c driver which implements this driver specifies in its declarations: int upprobe(), upslave(), upattach(), updgo(), upintr(); struct uba_ctlr *upminfo[NSC]; struct uba_device *updinfo[NUP]; u_short upstd[] = { 0776700, 0774400, 0776300, 0 }; struct uba_driver scdriver = { upprobe, upslave, upattach, updgo, upstd, "up", updinfo, "sc", upminfo }; initializing the _u_b_a__d_r_i_v_e_r structure. The driver will sup- port some number of controllers named _s_c_0, _s_c_1, etc, and some number of drives named _u_p_0, _u_p_1, etc. where the drives may be on any of the controllers (that is there is a single linear name space for devices, separate from the controll- ers.) We now explain the fields in the various structures. It may help to look at a copy of _v_a_x_u_b_a/_u_b_a_r_e_g._h, _v_a_x_u_b_a/_u_b_a_v_a_r._h and drivers such as _u_p._c and _d_z._c while reading the descriptions of the various structure fields. _u_b_a__d_r_i_v_e_r _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e One of these structures exists per driver. It is ini- tialized in the driver and contains functions used by the configuration program and by the UNIBUS resource routines. The fields of the structure are: ud_probeA routine which, given a _c_a_d_d_r__t address as argu- ment, should attempt to determine that the device is present at that address in virtual memory, and should cause an interrupt from the device. When probing con- trollers, two additional arguments are supplied: the controller index, and a pointer to the _u_b_a__c_t_l_r struc- ture. Device probe routines receive a pointer to the _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structure as second argument. Both of these structures are described below. Neither is normally used, but devices that must record status or device type information from the probe routine may require them. The autoconfiguration routine attempts to verify that the specified address responds before calling the probe September 2, 1987 - 26 - routine. However, the device may not actually exist or may be of a different type, and therefore the probe routine should use delays (via the DELAY(n) macro which delays for _n microseconds) rather than waiting for specific events to occur. The routine must not declare its argument as a _r_e_g_i_s_t_e_r parameter, but must declare register int br, cvec; as local variables. At boot time the system takes special measures that these variables are ``value-result'' parame- ters. The _b_r is the IPL of the device when it interrupts, and the _c_v_e_c is the interrupt vector address on the UNIBUS. These registers are actually filled in in the interrupt handler when an interrupt occurs. As an example, here is the _u_p._c probe routine: upprobe(reg) caddr_t reg; { register int br, cvec; #ifdef lint br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec; upintr(0); #endif ((struct updevice *)reg)->upcs1 = UP_IE|UP_RDY; DELAY(10); ((struct updevice *)reg)->upcs1 = 0; return (sizeof (struct updevice)); } The definitions for _l_i_n_t serve to indicate to it that the _b_r and _c_v_e_c variables are value-result. The call to the interrupt routine satisfies lint that the inter- rupt handler is used. The cod here enable interrupts on the device and write the ready bit UP_RDY. The 10 microsecond delay insures that the interrupt enable will not be canceled before the interrupt can be posted. The return of ``sizeof (struct updevice)'' here indicates that the probe routine is satisfied that the device is present (the value returned is not currently used, but future plans dictate that you should return the amount of space in the device's register bank). A probe routine may use the function ``badaddr'' to see if certain other addresses are accessible on the UNIBUS (without generating a machine check), or look at the contents of locations where cer- tain registers should be. If the registers contents are not acceptable or the addresses don't respond, the probe routine can return 0 and the device will not be considered to be there. One other thing to note is that the action of different September 2, 1987 - 27 - VAXen when illegal addresses are accessed on the UNIBUS may differ. Some of the machines may generate machine checks and some may cause UNIBUS errors. Such con- siderations are handled by the configuration program and the driver writer need not be concerned with them. It is also possible to write a very simple probe rou- tine for a one-of-a-kind device if probing is difficult or impossible. Such a routine would include statements of the form: br = 0x15; cvec = 0200; for instance, to declare that the device ran at UNIBUS br5 and interrupted through vector 0200 on the UNIBUS. ud_slaveThis routine is called with a _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structure (yet to be described) and the address of the device controller. It should determine whether a particular slave device of a controller is present, returning 1 if it is and 0 if it is not. As an example here is the slave routine for _u_p._c. upslave(ui, reg) struct uba_device *ui; caddr_t reg; { register struct updevice *upaddr = (struct updevice *)reg; upaddr->upcs1 = 0; /* conservative */ upaddr->upcs2 = ui->ui_slave; if (upaddr->upcs2 & UPCS2_NED) { upaddr->upcs1 = UP_DCLR | UP_GO; return (0); } return (1); } Here the code fetches the slave (disk unit) number from the _u_i__s_l_a_v_e field of the _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structure, and sees if the controller responds that that is a non- existent driver (NED). If the drive is not present, a drive clear is issued to clean the state of the con- troller, and 0 is returned indicating that the slave is not there. Otherwise a 1 is returned. ud_attachThe attach routine is called after the autoconfig- ure code and the driver concur that a peripheral exists attached to a controller. This is the routine where internal driver state about the peripheral can be ini- tialized. Here is the _a_t_t_a_c_h routine from the _u_p._c driver: September 2, 1987 - 28 - upattach(ui) register struct uba_device *ui; { register struct updevice *upaddr; if (upwstart == 0) { timeout(upwatch, (caddr_t)0, hz); upwstart++; } if (ui->ui_dk >= 0) dk_mspw[ui->ui_dk] = .0000020345; upip[ui->ui_ctlr][ui->ui_slave] = ui; up_softc[ui->ui_ctlr].sc_ndrive++; ui->ui_type = upmaptype(ui); } The attach routine here performs a number of functions. The first time any drive is attached to the controller it starts the timeout routine which watches the disk drives to make sure that interrupts aren't lost. It also initializes, for devices which have been assigned _i_o_s_t_a_t numbers (when ui->ui_dk >= 0), the transfer rate of the device in the array _d_k__m_s_p_w, the fraction of a second it takes to transfer 16 bit word. It then ini- tializes an inverting pointer in the array _u_p_i_p which will be used later to determine, for a particular _u_p controller and slave number, the corresponding _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e. It increments the count of the number of devices on this controller, so that search commands can later be avoided if the count is exactly 1. It then attempts to decipher the actual type of drive attached to the controller in a controller-specific way. On the EMULEX SC-21 it may ask for the number of tracks on the device and use this to decide what the drive type is. The drive type is used to setup disk partition mapping tables and other device specific information. ud_dgo This is the routine which is called by the UNIBUS resource management routines when an operation is ready to be started (because the required resources have been allocated). The routine in _u_p._c is: updgo(um) struct uba_ctlr *um; { register struct updevice *upaddr = (struct updevice *)um->um_addr; upaddr->upba = um->um_ubinfo; upaddr->upcs1 = um->um_cmd|((um->um_ubinfo>>8)&0x300); } This routine uses the field _u_m__u_b_i_n_f_o of the _u_b_a__c_t_l_r September 2, 1987 - 29 - structure which is where the UNIBUS routines store the UNIBUS map allocation information. In particular, the low 18 bits of this word give the UNIBUS address assigned to the transfer. The assignment to _u_p_b_a in the go routine places the low 16 bits of the UNIBUS address in the disk UNIBUS address register. The next assignment places the disk operation command and the extended (high 2) address bits in the device control- status register, starting the I/O operation. The field _u_m__c_m_d was initialized with the command to be stuffed here in the driver code itself before the call to the _u_b_a_g_o routine which eventually resulted in the call to _u_p_d_g_o. ud_addrThis is a zero-terminated list of the conventional addresses for the device control registers in UNIBUS space. This information is used by the system to look for instances of the device supported by the driver. When the system probes for the device it first checks for a control-status register located at the address indicated in the configuration file (if supplied), then uses the list of conventional addresses pointed to be _u_d__a_d_d_r. ud_dnameThis is the name of a _d_e_v_i_c_e supported by this con- troller; thus the disks on a SC-21 controller are called _u_p_0, _u_p_1, etc. That is because this field con- tains _u_p. ud_dinfoThis is an array of back pointers to the _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structures for each device attached to the controller. Each driver defines a set of controllers and a set of devices. The device address space is always one- dimensional, so that the presence of extra controllers may be masked away (e.g. by pattern matching) to take advantage of hardware redundancy. This field is filled in by the configuration program, and used by the driver. ud_mnameThe name of a controller, e.g. _s_c for the _u_p._c driver. The first SC-21 is called _s_c_0, etc. ud_minfoThe backpointer array to the structures for the con- trollers. ud_xcluIf non-zero specifies that the controller requires exclusive use of the UNIBUS when it is running. This is non-zero currently only for the RK611 controller for the RK07 disks to map around a hardware problem. It could also be used if 6250bpi tape drives are to be used on the UNIBUS to insure that they get the bandwidth that they need (basically the whole bus). ud_ubamemThis is an optional entry point to the driver to September 2, 1987 - 30 - configure UNIBUS memory associated with a device. If this field in the driver structure is null, it is ignored. Otherwise, it is called before beginning to probe for devices when configuration of a UNIBUS is begun. The driver must probe for the existence of its memory, and is then responsible for allocating the map registers corresponding to the device memory addresses so that the registers are not used for other purposes. The ud_ubamem returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. A return value of 1 indicates that the memory exists, and that there is no further configuration required for the device. _u_b_a__c_t_l_r _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e One of these structures exists per-controller. The fields link the controller to its UNIBUS adapter and contain the state information about the devices on the controller. The fields are: um_driverA pointer to the _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e for this driver, which has fields as defined above. um_ctlrThe controller number for this controller, e.g. the 0 in _s_c_0. um_aliveSet to 1 if the controller is considered alive; currently, always set for any structure encountered during normal operation. That is, the driver will have a handle on a _u_b_a__c_t_l_r structure only if the configura- tion routines set this field to a 1 and entered it into the driver tables. um_intrThe interrupt vector routines for this device. These are generated by _c_o_n_f_i_g and this field is initialized in the _i_o_c_o_n_f._c file. um_hd A back-pointer to the UNIBUS adapter to which this con- troller is attached. um_cmdA place for the driver to store the command which is to be given to the device before calling the routine _u_b_a_g_o with the devices _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structure. This information is then retrieved when the device go rou- tine is called and stuffed in the device control status register to start the I/O operation. um_ubinfoInformation about the UNIBUS resources allocated to the device. This is normally only used in device driver go routine (as _u_p_d_g_o above) and occasionally in exceptional condition handling such as ECC correction. um_tabThis buffer structure is a place where the driver September 2, 1987 - 31 - hangs the device structures which are ready to transfer. Each driver allocates a buf structure for each device (e.g. _u_p_d_t_a_b in the _u_p._c driver) for this purpose. You can think of this structure as a device- control-block, and the buf structures linked to it as the unit-control-blocks. The code for dealing with this structure is stylized; see the _r_k._c or _u_p._c driver for the details. If the _u_b_a_g_o routine is to be used, the structure attached to this _b_u_f structure must be: o+ A chain of _b_u_f structures for each waiting device on this controller. o+ On each waiting _b_u_f structure another _b_u_f structure which is the one containing the parameters of the I/O operation. _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e One of these structures exist for each device attached to a UNIBUS controller. Devices which are not attached to controllers or which perform no buffered data path DMA I/O may have only a device structure. Thus _d_z and _d_h devices have only _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structures. The fields are: ui_driverA pointer to the _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__d_r_i_v_e_r structure for this device type. ui_unitThe unit number of this device, e.g. 0 in up0, or 1 in dh1. ui_ctlr The number of the controller on which this device is attached, or -1 if this device is not on a controller. ui_ubanumThe number of the UNIBUS on which this device is attached. ui_slaveThe slave number of this device on the controller which it is attached to, or -1 if the device is not a slave. Thus a disk which was unit 2 on a SC-21 would have _u_i__s_l_a_v_e 2; it might or might not be _u_p_2, that depends on the system configuration specification. ui_intr The interrupt vector entries for this device, copied into the UNIBUS interrupt vector at boot time. The values of these fields are filled in by _c_o_n_f_i_g to small code segments which it generates in the file _u_b_g_l_u_e._s. ui_addrThe control-status register address of this device. ui_dk The iostat number assigned to this device. Numbers are September 2, 1987 - 32 - assigned to disks only, and are small nonnegative integers which index the various _d_k_* arrays in <_s_y_s/_d_k._h>. ui_flagsThe optional ``flags _x_x_x'' parameter from the confi- guration specification was copied to this field, to be interpreted by the driver. If _f_l_a_g_s was not specified, then this field will contain a 0. ui_aliveThe device is really there. Presently set to 1 when a device is determined to be alive, and left 1. ui_typeThe device type, to be used by the driver internally. ui_physaddrThe physical memory address of the device control-status register. This is typically used in the device dump routines. ui_mi A _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__c_t_l_r pointer to the controller (if any) on which this device resides. ui_hd A _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_b_a__h_d pointer to the UNIBUS on which this device resides. _U_N_I_B_U_S _r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e _m_a_n_a_g_e_m_e_n_t _r_o_u_t_i_n_e_s UNIBUS drivers are supported by a collection of utility routines which manage UNIBUS resources. If a driver attempts to bypass the UNIBUS routines, other drivers may not operate properly. The major routines are: _u_b_a_l_l_o_c to allocate UNIBUS resources, _u_b_a_r_e_l_s_e to release previously allocated resources, and _u_b_a_g_o to initiate DMA. When allo- cating UNIBUS resources you may request that you NEEDBDPif you need a buffered data path, HAVEBDPif you already have a buffered data path and just want new mapping registers (and access to the UNIBUS), CANTWAITif you are calling (potentially) from interrupt level, and NEED16if the device uses only 16 address bits, and thus requires map registers from the first 64K of UNIBUS address space. If the presentation here does not answer all the questions you may have, consult the file /sys/vaxuba/uba.c September 2, 1987 - 33 - _A_u_t_o_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n _r_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s Basically all you have to do is write a _u_d__p_r_o_b_e and a _u_d__a_t_t_a_c_h routine for the controller. It suffices to have a _u_d__p_r_o_b_e routine which just initializes _b_r and _c_v_e_c, and a _u_d__a_t_t_a_c_h routine which does nothing. Making the device fully configurable requires, of course, more work, but is worth it if you expect the device to be in common usage and want to share it with others. If you managed to create all the needed hooks, then make sure you include the necessary header files; the ones included by _v_a_x_u_b_a/_c_t._c are nearly minimal. Order is impor- tant here, don't be surprised at undefined structure com- plaints if you order the includes incorrectly. Finally, if you get the device configured in, you can try bootstrapping and see if configuration messages print out about your dev- ice. It is a good idea to have some messages in the probe routine so that you can see that it is being called and what is going on. If it is not called, then you probably have the control-status register address wrong in the system con- figuration. The autoconfigure code notices that the device doesn't exist in this case, and the probe will never be called. Assuming that your probe routine works and you manage to generate an interrupt, then you are basically back to where you would have been under older versions of UNIX. Just be sure to use the _u_i__c_t_l_r field of the _u_b_a__d_e_v_i_c_e structures to address the device; compiling in funny con- stants will make your driver only work on the CPU type you have (780, 750, or 730). Other bad things that might happen while you are set- ting up the configuration stuff: o+ You get ``nexus zero vector'' errors from the system. This will happen if you cause a device to interrupt, but take away the interrupt enable so fast that the UNIBUS adapter cancels the interrupt and confuses the processor. The best thing to do it to put a modest delay in the probe code between the instructions which should cause and interrupt and the clearing of the interrupt enable. (You should clear interrupt enable before you leave the probe routine so the device doesn't interrupt more and confuse the system while it is configuring other dev- ices.) o+ The device refuses to interrupt or interrupts with a ``zero vector''. This typically indicates a problem with the hardware or, for devices which emulate other devices, that the emulation is incomplete. Devices may fail to present interrupt vectors because they have configuration switches set wrong, or because they are being accessed in September 2, 1987 - 34 - inappropriate ways. Incomplete emulation can cause ``maintenance mode'' features to not work properly, and these features are often needed to force device inter- rupts. September 2, 1987 - 35 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _A. _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _F_I_L_E _G_R_A_M_M_A_R The following grammar is a compressed form of the actual _y_a_c_c(1) grammar used by _c_o_n_f_i_g to parse configuration files. Terminal symbols are shown all in upper case, literals are emboldened; optional clauses are enclosed in brackets, ``['' and ``]''; zero or more instantiations are denoted with ``*''. Configuration ::= [ Spec ; ]* Spec ::= Config_spec | Device_spec | trace | /* lambda */ /* configuration specifications */ Config_spec ::= machine ID | cpu ID | options Opt_list | ident ID | System_spec | timezone [ - ] NUMBER [ dst [ NUMBER ] ] | timezone [ - ] FPNUMBER [ dst [ NUMBER ] ] | maxusers NUMBER /* system configuration specifications */ System_spec ::= config ID System_parameter [ System_parameter ]* System_parameter ::= swap_spec | root_spec | dump_spec | arg_spec swap_spec ::= swap [ on ] swap_dev [ and swap_dev ]* swap_dev ::= dev_spec [ size NUMBER ] root_spec ::= root [ on ] dev_spec dump_spec ::= dumps [ on ] dev_spec arg_spec ::= args [ on ] dev_spec dev_spec ::= dev_name | major_minor major_minor ::= major NUMBER minor NUMBER dev_name ::= ID [ NUMBER [ ID ] ] /* option specifications */ Opt_list ::= Option [ , Option ]* September 2, 1987 - 36 - Option ::= ID [ = Opt_value ] Opt_value ::= ID | NUMBER Mkopt_list ::= Mkoption [ , Mkoption ]* Mkoption ::= ID = Opt_value /* device specifications */ Device_spec ::= device Dev_name Dev_info Int_spec | master Dev_name Dev_info | disk Dev_name Dev_info | tape Dev_name Dev_info | controller Dev_name Dev_info [ Int_spec ] | pseudo-device Dev [ NUMBER ] Dev_name ::= Dev NUMBER Dev ::= uba | mba | ID Dev_info ::= Con_info [ Info ]* Con_info ::= at Dev NUMBER | at nexus NUMBER Info ::= csr NUMBER | drive NUMBER | slave NUMBER | flags NUMBER Int_spec ::= vector ID [ ID ]* | priority NUMBER _L_e_x_i_c_a_l _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s The terminal symbols are loosely defined as: ID One or more alphabetics, either upper or lower case, and underscore, ``_''. NUMBER Approximately the C language specification for an integer number. That is, a leading ``0x'' indicates a hexadecimal value, a leading ``0'' indicates an octal value, otherwise the number is expected to be a decimal value. Hexadecimal numbers may use either upper or lower case alphabetics. FPNUMBER A floating point number without exponent. That is a number of the form ``nnn.ddd'', where the fractional September 2, 1987 - 37 - component is optional. In special instances a question mark, ``?'', can be substi- tuted for a ``NUMBER'' token. This is used to effect wild- carding in device interconnection specifications. Comments in configuration files are indicated by a ``#'' character at the beginning of the line; the remainder of the line is discarded. A specification is interpreted as a continuation of the pre- vious line if the first character of the line is tab. September 2, 1987 - 38 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _B. _R_U_L_E_S _F_O_R _D_E_F_A_U_L_T_I_N_G _S_Y_S_T_E_M _D_E_V_I_C_E_S When _c_o_n_f_i_g processes a ``config'' rule which does not fully specify the location of the root file system, paging area(s), device for system dumps, and device for argument list processing it applies a set of rules to define those values left unspecified. The following list of rules are used in defaulting system devices. 1) If a root device is not specified, the swap specification must indicate a ``generic'' system is to be built. 2) If the root device does not specify a unit number, it defaults to unit 0. 3) If the root device does not include a partition specifi- cation, it defaults to the ``a'' partition. 4) If no swap area is specified, it defaults to the ``b'' partition of the root device. 5) If no device is specified for processing argument lists, the first swap partition is selected. 6) If no device is chosen for system dumps, the first swap partition is selected (see below to find out where dumps are placed within the partition). The following table summarizes the default partitions selected when a device specification is incomplete, e.g. ``hp0''. Type Partition 8 _________________ root ``a'' swap ``b'' args ``b'' dumps ``b'' _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _s_w_a_p/_p_a_g_i_n_g _a_r_e_a_s When multiple swap partitions are specified, the system treats the first specified as a ``primary'' swap area which is always used. The remaining partitions are then inter- leaved into the paging system at the time a _s_w_a_p_o_n(2) system call is made. This is normally done at boot time with a call to _s_w_a_p_o_n(8) from the /etc/rc file. 9 September 2, 1987 - 39 - _S_y_s_t_e_m _d_u_m_p_s System dumps are automatically taken after a system crash, provided the device driver for the ``dumps'' device supports this. The dump contains the contents of memory, but not the swap areas. Normally the dump device is a disk in which case the information is copied to a location at the back of the partition. The dump is placed in the back of the partition because the primary swap and dump device are commonly the same device and this allows the system to be rebooted without immediately overwriting the saved informa- tion. When a dump has occurred, the system variable _d_u_m_p_- _s_i_z_e is set to a non-zero value indicating the size (in bytes) of the dump. The _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e(8) program then copies the information from the dump partition to a file in a ``crash'' directory and also makes a copy of the system which was run- ning at the time of the crash (usually ``/vmunix''). The offset to the system dump is defined in the system variable _d_u_m_p_l_o (a sector offset from the front of the dump parti- tion). The _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e program operates by reading the contents of _d_u_m_p_l_o, _d_u_m_p_d_e_v, and _d_u_m_p_m_a_g_i_c from /dev/kmem, then com- paring the value of _d_u_m_p_m_a_g_i_c read from /dev/kmem to that located in corresponding location in the dump area of the dump partition. If a match is found, _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e assumes a crash occurred and reads _d_u_m_p_s_i_z_e from the dump area of the dump partition. This value is then used in copying the sys- tem dump. Refer to _s_a_v_e_c_o_r_e(8) for more information about its operation. The value _d_u_m_p_l_o is calculated to be _d_u_m_p_d_e_v-_s_i_z_e - _m_e_m_s_i_z_e where _d_u_m_p_d_e_v-_s_i_z_e is the size of the disk partition where system dumps are to be placed, and _m_e_m_s_i_z_e is the size of physical memory. If the disk partition is not large enough to hold a full dump, _d_u_m_p_l_o is set to 0 (the start of the partition). September 2, 1987 - 40 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _C. _S_A_M_P_L_E _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _F_I_L_E_S The following configuration files are developed in sec- tion 5; they are included here for completeness. # # ANSEL VAX (a picture perfect machine) # machine vax cpu VAX780 timezone 8 dst ident ANSEL maxusers 40 config vmunix root on hp0 config hpvmunix root on hp0 swap on hp0 and hp2 config genvmunix swap generic controller mba0 at nexus ? disk hp0 at mba? disk ? disk hp1 at mba? disk ? controller mba1 at nexus ? disk hp2 at mba? disk ? disk hp3 at mba? disk ? controller uba0 at nexus ? controller tm0 at uba? csr 0172520vector tmintr tape te0 at tm0 drive 0 tape te1 at tm0 drive 1 device dh0 at uba? csr 0160020vector dhrint dhxint device dm0 at uba? csr 0170500vector dmintr device dh1 at uba? csr 0160040vector dhrint dhxint device dh2 at uba? csr 0160060vector dhrint dhxint September 2, 1987 - 41 - # # UCBVAX - Gateway to the world # machine vax cpu "VAX780" cpu "VAX750" ident UCBVAX timezone 8 dst maxusers 32 options INET options NS config vmunix root on hp swap on hp and rk0 and rk1 config upvmunix root on up config hkvmunix root on hk swap on rk0 and rk1 controller mba0 at nexus ? controller uba0 at nexus ? disk hp0 at mba? drive 0 disk hp1 at mba? drive 1 controller sc0 at uba? csr 0176700vector upintr disk up0 at sc0 drive 0 disk up1 at sc0 drive 1 controller hk0 at uba? csr 0177440vector rkintr disk rk0 at hk0 drive 0 disk rk1 at hk0 drive 1 pseudo-device pty pseudo-device loop pseudo-device imp device acc0 at uba? csr 0167600vector accrint accxint pseudo-device ether device ec0 at uba? csr 0164330vector ecrint eccollide ecxint device il0 at uba? csr 0164000vector ilrint ilcint September 2, 1987 - 42 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _D. _V_A_X _K_E_R_N_E_L _D_A_T_A _S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E _S_I_Z_I_N_G _R_U_L_E_S Certain system data structures are sized at compile time according to the maximum number of simultaneous users expected, while others are calculated at boot time based on the physical resources present, e.g. memory. This appendix lists both sets of rules and also includes some hints on changing built-in limitations on certain data structures. _C_o_m_p_i_l_e _t_i_m_e _r_u_l_e_s The file /_s_y_s/_c_o_n_f/_p_a_r_a_m._c contains the definitions of almost all data structures sized at compile time. This file is copied into the directory of each configured system to allow configuration-dependent rules and values to be main- tained. (Each copy normally depends on the copy in /sys/conf, and global modifications cause the file to be recopied unless the makefile is modified.) The rules implied by its contents are summarized below (here MAXUSERS refers to the value defined in the configuration file in the ``maxusers'' rule). Most limits are computed at compile time and stored in global variables for use by other modules; they may generally be patched in the system binary image before rebooting to test new values. nproc The maximum number of processes which may be running at any time. It is referred to in other calculations as NPROC and is defined to be 20 + 8 * MAXUSERS ntext The maximum number of active shared text segments. The constant is intended to allow for network servers and common commands that remain in the table. It is defined as 36 + MAXUSERS. ninode The maximum number of files in the file system which may be active at any time. This includes files in use by users, as well as directory files being read or written by the system and files associated with bound sockets in the UNIX IPC domain. It is defined as (NPROC + 16 + MAXUSERS) + 32 nfile September 2, 1987 - 43 - The number of ``file table'' structures. One file table structure is used for each open, unshared, file descriptor. Multiple file descriptors may reference a single file table entry when they are created through a _d_u_p call, or as the result of a _f_o_r_k. This is defined to be 16 * (NPROC + 16 + MAXUSERS) / 10 + 32 ncallout The number of ``callout'' structures. One callout structure is used per internal system event handled with a timeout. Timeouts are used for terminal delays, watchdog routines in device drivers, protocol timeout processing, etc. This is defined as 16 + NPROC nclist The number of ``c-list'' structures. C-list structures are used in terminal I/O, and currently each holds 60 characters. Their number is defined as 60 + 12 * MAXUSERS nmbclusters The maximum number of pages which may be allocated by the network. This is defined as 256 (a quarter megabyte of memory) in /sys/h/mbuf.h. In practice, the network rarely uses this much memory. It starts off by allo- cating 8 kilobytes of memory, then requesting more as required. This value represents an upper bound. nquota The number of ``quota'' structures allocated. Quota structures are present only when disc quotas are con- figured in the system. One quota structure is kept per user. This is defined to be (MAXUSERS * 9) / 7 + 3 ndquot The number of ``dquot'' structures allocated. Dquot structures are present only when disc quotas are con- figured in the system. One dquot structure is required per user, per active file system quota. That is, when a user manipulates a file on a file system on which quotas are enabled, the information regarding the user's quotas on that file system must be in-core. This information is cached, so that not all information September 2, 1987 - 44 - must be present in-core all the time. This is defined as NINODE + (MAXUSERS * NMOUNT) / 4 where NMOUNT is the maximum number of mountable file systems. In addition to the above values, the system page tables (used to map virtual memory in the kernel's address space) are sized at compile time by the SYSPTSIZE definition in the file /sys/vax/vmparam.h. This is defined to be 20 + MAXUSERS pages of page tables. Its definition affects the size of many data structures allocated at boot time because it con- strains the amount of virtual memory which may be addressed by the running system. This is often the limiting factor in the size of the buffer cache, in which case a message is printed when the system configures at boot time. _R_u_n-_t_i_m_e _c_a_l_c_u_l_a_t_i_o_n_s The most important data structures sized at run-time are those used in the buffer cache. Allocation is done by allocating physical memory (and system virtual memory) immediately after the system has been started up; look in the file /sys/vax/machdep.c. The amount of physical memory which may be allocated to the buffer cache is constrained by the size of the system page tables, among other things. While the system may calculate a large amount of memory to be allocated to the buffer cache, if the system page table is too small to map this physical memory into the virtual address space of the system, only as much as can be mapped will be used. The buffer cache is comprised of a number of ``buffer headers'' and a pool of pages attached to these headers. Buffer headers are divided into two categories: those used for swapping and paging, and those used for normal file I/O. The system tries to allocate 10% of the first two megabytes and 5% of the remaining available physical memory for the buffer cache (where _a_v_a_i_l_a_b_l_e does not count that space occupied by the system's text and data segments). If this results in fewer than 16 pages of memory allocated, then 16 pages are allocated. This value is kept in the initialized variable _b_u_f_p_a_g_e_s so that it may be patched in the binary image (to allow tuning without recompiling the system), or the default may be overridden with a configuration-file option. For example, the option options BUFPAGES="3200" causes 3200 pages (3.2M bytes) to be used by the buffer cache. A sufficient number of file I/O buffer headers are then allocated to allow each to hold 2 pages each. Each September 2, 1987 - 45 - buffer maps 8K bytes. If the number of buffer pages is larger than can be mapped by the buffer headers, the number of pages is reduced. The number of buffer headers allocated is stored in the global variable _n_b_u_f, which may be patched before the system is booted. The system option options NBUF="1000" forces the allocation of 1000 buffer headers. Half as many swap I/O buffer headers as file I/O buffers are allocated, but no more than 256. _S_y_s_t_e_m _s_i_z_e _l_i_m_i_t_a_t_i_o_n_s As distributed, the sum of the virtual sizes of the core-resident processes is limited to 256M bytes. The size of the text segment of a single process is currently limited to 6M bytes. It may be increased to no greater than the data segment size limit (see below) by redefining MAXTSIZ. This may be done with a configuration file option, e.g. options MAXTSIZ="(10*1024*1024)" to set the limit to 10 mil- lion bytes. Other per-process limits discussed here may be changed with similar options with names given in parentheses. Soft, user-changeable limits are set to 512K bytes for stack (DFLSSIZ) and 6M bytes for the data segment (DFLDSIZ) by default; these may be increased up to the hard limit with the _s_e_t_r_l_i_m_i_t(2) system call. The data and stack segment size hard limits are set by a system configuration option to one of 17M, 33M or 64M bytes. One of these sizes is chosen based on the definition of MAXDSIZ; with no option, the limit is 17M bytes; with an option options MAXDSIZ="(32*1024*1024)" (or any value between 17M and 33M), the limit is increased to 33M bytes, and values larger than 33M result in a limit of 64M bytes. You must be careful in doing this that you have adequate paging space. As normally configured , the system has 16M or 32M bytes per paging area, depending on disk size. The best way to get more space is to provide multiple, thereby interleaved, paging areas. Increasing the virtual memory limits results in interleaving of swap space in larger sections (from 500K bytes to 1M or 2M bytes). By default, the virtual memory system allocates enough memory for system page tables mapping user page tables to allow 256 megabytes of simultaneous active virtual memory. That is, the sum of the virtual memory sizes of all (completely- or partially-) resident processes can not exceed this limit. If the limit is exceeded, some process(es) must be swapped out. To increase the amount of resident virtual space possible, you can alter the constant USRPTSIZE (in /sys/vax/vmparam.h). Each page of system page tables allows 8 megabytes of user virtual memory. Because the file system block numbers are stored in page table _p_g__b_l_k_n_o entries, the maximum size of a file sys- tem is limited to 2^24 1024 byte blocks. Thus no file sys- tem can be larger than 8 gigabytes. September 2, 1987 - 46 - The number of mountable file systems is set at 20 by the definition of NMOUNT in /sys/h/param.h. This should be sufficient; if not, the value can be increased up to 255. If you have many disks, it makes sense to make some of them single file systems, and the paging areas don't count in this total. The limit to the number of files that a process may have open simultaneously is set to 64. This limit is set by the NOFILE definition in /sys/h/param.h. It may be increased arbitrarily, with the caveat that the user struc- ture expands by 5 bytes for each file, and thus UPAGES (/sys/vax/machparam.h) must be increased accordingly. The amount of physical memory is currently limited to 64 Mb by the size of the index fields in the core-map (/sys/h/cmap.h). The limit may be increased by following instructions in that file to enlarge those fields. September 2, 1987 - 47 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _E. _N_E_T_W_O_R_K _C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N _O_P_T_I_O_N_S The network support in the kernel is self-configuring according to the protocol support options (INET and NS) and the network hardware discovered during autoconfiguration. There are several changes that may be made to customize net- work behavior due to local restrictions. Within the Inter- net protocol routines, the following options set in the sys- tem configuration file are supported: GATEWAY The machine is to be used as a gateway. This option currently makes only minor changes. First, the size of the network routing hash table is increased. Secondly, machines that have only a single hardware network interface will not forward IP packets; without this option, they will also refrain from sending any error indication to the source of unforwardable packets. Gateways with only a single interface are assumed to have missing or broken interfaces, and will return ICMP unreachable errors to hosts sending them packets to be forwarded. TCP_COMPAT_42 This option forces the system to limit its initial TCP sequence numbers to positive numbers. Without this option, 4.3BSD systems may have problems with TCP con- nections to 4.2BSD systems that connect but never transfer data. The problem is a bug in the 4.2BSD TCP; this option should be used during the period of conver- sion to 4.3BSD. IPFORWARDING Normally, 4.3BSD machines with multiple network inter- faces will forward IP packets received that should be resent to another host. If the line ``options IPFOR- WARDING="0"'' is in the system configuration file, IP packet forwarding will be disabled. IPSENDREDIRECTS When forwarding IP packets, 4.3BSD IP will note when a packet is forwarded using the same interface on which it arrived. When this is noted, if the source machine is on the directly-attached network, an ICMP redirect is sent to the source host. If the packet was for- warded using a route to a host or to a subnet, a host redirect is sent, otherwise a network redirect is sent. The generation of redirects may be inhibited with the configuration option ``options IPSENDREDIRECTS="0".'' SUBNETSARELOCALTCP calculates a maximum segment size to use for each connection, and sends no datagrams larger than that size. This size will be no larger than that September 2, 1987 - 48 - supported on the outgoing interface. Furthermore, if the destination is not on the local network, the size will be no larger than 576 bytes. For this test, other subnets of a directly-connected subnetted network are considered to be local unless the line ``options SUB- NETSARELOCAL="0"'' is used in the system configuration file. COMPAT_42 This option, intended as a catchall for 4.2BSD compati- bility options, has only a single function thus far. It disables the checking of UDP input packet checksums. As the calculation of UDP packet checksums was incorrect in 4.2BSD, this option allows a 4.3BSD system to receive UDP packets from a 4.2BSD system. The following options are supported by the Xerox NS proto- cols: NSIP This option allows NS IDP datagrams to be encapsulated in Internet IP packets for transmission to a colla- borating NSIP host. This may be used to pass IDP pack- ets through IP-only link layer networks. See _n_s_i_p(4P) for details. THREEWAYSHAKE The NS Sequenced Packet Protocol does not require a three-way handshake before considering a connection to be in the established state. (A three-way handshake consists of a connection request, an acknowledgement of the request along with a symmetrical opening indica- tion, and then an acknowledgement of the reciprocal opening packet.) This option forces a three-way handshake before data may be transmitted on Sequenced Packet sockets. September 2, 1987