9 9 -_M_E _R_E_F_E_R_E_N_C_E _M_A_N_U_A_L _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _2._2_7 _E_r_i_c _P. _A_l_l_m_a_n* Project INGRES Electronics Research Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 This document describes in extremely terse form the features of the -_m_e macro package for version seven NROFF/TROFF. Some familiarity is assumed with those programs. Specifically, the reader should understand breaks, fonts, pointsizes, the use and definition of number registers and strings, how to define macros, and scaling factors for ens, points, _v's (vertical line spaces), etc. For a more casual introduction to text processing using NROFF, refer to the document _W_r_i_t_i_n_g _P_a_p_e_r_s _w_i_t_h _N_R_O_F_F _u_s_i_n_g -_m_e. There are a number of macro parameters that may be adjusted. Fonts may be set to a font number only. Font 8 means bold font in TROFF; in NROFF font 8 is underlined unless the -_r_b_3 flag is specified to use "true bold" font (most versions of NROFF do not interpret bold font nicely). Font 0 is no font change; the font of the surrounding text is used instead. Notice that fonts 0 and 8 are "pseudo-fonts"; that is, they are simulated by the macros. This means that although it is legal to set a font register to zero or eight, it is not legal to use the escape character form, such as: \f8 All distances are in basic units, so it is nearly always necessary to use a scaling factor. For example, the request to ____________________ 9 *Author's current address: Britton Lee, Inc., 1919 Addison Suite 105, Berkeley, California 94704. |-NROFF and TROFF may be trademarks of AT&T Bell Laboratories. 9-me Reference Manual USD:23-1 USD:23-2 -me Reference Manual set the paragraph indent to eight one-en spaces is: .nr pi 8n and not .nr pi 8 which would set the paragraph indent to eight basic units, or about 0.02 inch. Default parameter values are given in brackets in the remainder of this document. Registers and strings of the form $_x may be used in expres- sions but should not be changed. Macros of the form $_x perform some function (as described) and may be redefined to change this function. This may be a sensitive operation; look at the body of the original macro before changing it. All names in -me follow a rigid naming convention. The user may define number registers, strings, and macros, provided that s/he uses single character upper case names or double character names consisting of letters and digits, with at least one upper case letter. In no case should special characters be used in user-defined names. On daisy wheel type printers in twelve pitch, the -_r_x_1 flag can be stated to make lines default to one eighth inch (the nor- mal spacing for a newline in twelve-pitch). This is normally too small for easy readability, so the default is to space one sixth inch. The -_r_v_2 flag will indicates that this _i_s being output on a C/A/T phototypesetter; this changes the page offset and inserts cut marks. This documentation was NROFF'ed on September 2, 1987 and applies to version 2.27 of the -me macros. _1. _P_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h_i_n_g These macros are used to begin paragraphs. The standard paragraph macro is ._p_p; the others are all variants to be used for special purposes. The first call to one of the paragraphing macros defined in this section or the ._s_h macro (defined in the next session) _i_n_i_- _t_i_a_l_i_z_e_s the macro processor. After initialization it is not possible to use any of the following requests: ._s_c, ._l_o, ._t_h, or ._a_c. Also, the effects of changing parameters which will have a global effect on the format of the page (notably page length and header and footer margins) are not well defined and should be avoided. 9 9 -me Reference Manual USD:23-3 ._l_p Begin left-justified paragraph. Centering and underlining are turned off if they were on, the font is set to _\_n(_p_f [1] the type size is set to _\_n(_p_p [10p], and a _\_n(_p_s space is inserted before the paragraph [0.35v in TROFF, 1v or 0.5v in NROFF depending on device resolution]. The indent is reset to _\_n($_i [0] plus _\_n(_p_o [0] unless the para- graph is inside a display. (see ._b_a). At least the first two lines of the paragraph are kept together on a page. ._p_p Like ._l_p, except that it puts _\_n(_p_i [5n] units of indent. This is the standard paragraph macro. ._i_p _T _I Indented paragraph with hanging tag. The body of the following paragraph is indented _I spaces (or _\_n(_i_i [5n] spaces if _I is not specified) more than a non-indented paragraph (such as with ._p_p) is. The title _T is exdented (opposite of indented). The result is a paragraph with an even left edge and _T printed in the margin. Any spaces in _T must be unpaddable. If _T will not fit in the space provided, ._i_p will start a new line. ._n_p A variant of .ip which numbers paragraphs. Numbering is reset after a ._l_p, ._p_p, or ._s_h. The current paragraph number is in _\_n($_p. ._b_u Like ._n_p except that paragraphs are marked with bullets (o+). Leading space is eliminated to create compact lists. _2. _S_e_c_t_i_o_n _H_e_a_d_i_n_g_s Numbered sections are similar to paragraphs except that a section number is automatically generated for each one. The sec- tion numbers are of the form _1._2._3. The _d_e_p_t_h of the section is the count of numbers (separated by decimal points) in the section number. Unnumbered section headings are similar, except that no number is attached to the heading. ._s_h +_N _T _a _b _c _d _e _fBegin numbered section of depth _N. If _N is miss- ing the current depth (maintained in the number register _\_n($_0) is used. The values of the indi- vidual parts of the section number are maintained in _\_n($_1 through _\_n($_6. There is a _\_n(_s_s [1v] space before the section. _T is printed as a sec- tion title in font _\_n(_s_f [8] and size _\_n(_s_p [10p]. The "name" of the section may be accessed via _\*($_n. If _\_n(_s_i is non-zero, the base indent is set to _\_n(_s_i times the section depth, and the USD:23-4 -me Reference Manual section title is exdented. (See ._b_a.) Also, an additional indent of _\_n(_s_o [0] is added to the section title (but not to the body of the sec- tion). The font is then set to the paragraph font, so that more information may occur on the line with the section number and title. ._s_h insures that there is enough room to print the section head plus the beginning of a paragraph (about 3 lines total). If _a through _f are speci- fied, the section number is set to that number rather than incremented automatically. If any of _a through _f are a hyphen that number is not reset. If _T is a single underscore ("_") then the section depth and numbering is reset, but the base indent is not reset and nothing is printed out. This is useful to automatically coordinate section numbers with chapter numbers. ._s_x +_N Go to section depth _N [-_1], but do not print the number and title, and do not increment the section number at level _N. This has the effect of start- ing a new paragraph at level _N. ._u_h _T Unnumbered section heading. The title _T is printed with the same rules for spacing, font, etc., as for ._s_h. .$_p _T _B _N Print section heading. May be redefined to get fancier headings. _T is the title passed on the ._s_h or ._u_h line; _B is the section number for this section, and _N is the depth of this section. These parameters are not always present; in par- ticular, ._s_h passes all three, ._u_h passes only the first, and ._s_x passes three, but the first two are null strings. Care should be taken if this macro is redefined; it is quite complex and subtle. .$_0 _T _B _N This macro is called automatically after every call to .$_p. It is normally undefined, but may be used to automatically put every section title into the table of contents or for some similar func- tion. _T is the section title for the section title which was just printed, _B is the section number, and _N is the section depth. .$_1 - .$_6 Traps called just before printing that depth sec- tion. May be defined to (for example) give vari- able spacing before sections. These macros are called from .$_p, so if you redefine that macro you may lose this feature. 9 9 -me Reference Manual USD:23-5 _3. _H_e_a_d_e_r_s _a_n_d _F_o_o_t_e_r_s Headers and footers are put at the top and bottom of every page automatically. They are set in font _\_n(_t_f [3] and size _\_n(_t_p [10p]. Each of the definitions apply as of the _n_e_x_t page. Three-part titles must be quoted if there are two blanks adjacent anywhere in the title or more than eight blanks total. The spacing of headers and footers are controlled by three number registers. _\_n(_h_m [4v] is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the header, _\_n(_f_m [3v] is the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the footer, _\_n(_t_m [7v] is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the text, and _\_n(_b_m [6v] is the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the text (nominal). The macros ._m_1, ._m_2, ._m_3, and ._m_4 are also supplied for compatibility with ROFF documents. ._h_e '_l'_m'_r' Define three-part header, to be printed on the top of every page. ._f_o '_l'_m'_r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every page. ._e_h '_l'_m'_r' Define header, to be printed at the top of every even-numbered page. ._o_h '_l'_m'_r' Define header, to be printed at the top of every odd-numbered page. ._e_f '_l'_m'_r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every even-numbered page. ._o_f '_l'_m'_r' Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every odd-numbered page. ._h_x Suppress headers and footers on the next page. ._m_1 +_N Set the space between the top of the page and the header [4v]. ._m_2 +_N Set the space between the header and the first line of text [2v]. ._m_3 +_N Set the space between the bottom of the text and the footer [2v]. ._m_4 +_N Set the space between the footer and the bottom of the page [4v]. ._e_p End this page, but do not begin the next page. Useful for forcing out footnotes, but other than that hardly every used. Must be followed by a ._b_p or the end of input. USD:23-6 -me Reference Manual .$_h Called at every page to print the header. May be redefined to provide fancy (e.g., multi-line) headers, but doing so loses the function of the ._h_e, ._f_o, ._e_h, ._o_h, ._e_f, and ._o_f requests, as well as the chapter-style title feature of .+_c. .$_f Print footer; same comments apply as in .$_h. .$_H A normally undefined macro which is called at the top of each page (after putting out the header, initial saved floating keeps, etc.); in other words, this macro is called immediately before printing text on a page. It can be used for column headings and the like. _4. _D_i_s_p_l_a_y_s All displays except centered blocks and block quotes are preceded and followed by an extra _\_n(_b_s [same as _\_n(_p_s] space. Quote spacing is stored in a separate register; centered blocks have no default initial or trailing space. The vertical spacing of all displays except quotes and centered blocks is stored in register _\_n($_R instead of _\_n($_r. .(_l _m _f Begin list. Lists are single spaced, unfilled text. If _f is _F, the list will be filled. If _m [_I] is _I the list is indented by _\_n(_b_i [4m]; if _M the list is indented to the left margin; if _L the list is left justified with respect to the text (different from _M only if the base indent (stored in _\_n($_i and set with ._b_a) is not zero); and if _C the list is centered on a line-by-line basis. The list is set in font _\_n(_d_f [0]. Must be matched by a .)_l. This macro is almost like .(_b except that no attempt is made to keep the display on one page. .)_l End list. .(_q Begin major quote. These are single spaced, filled, moved in from the text on both sides by _\_n(_q_i [4n], preceded and followed by _\_n(_q_s [same as _\_n(_b_s] space, and are set in point size _\_n(_q_p [one point smaller than surrounding text]. .)_q End major quote. .(_b _m _f Begin block. Blocks are a form of _k_e_e_p, where the text of a keep is kept together on one page if possible (keeps are useful for tables and figures which should not be broken over a page). If the block will not fit on the current page a new page is begun, _u_n_l_e_s_s that would leave more than _\_n(_b_t -me Reference Manual USD:23-7 [0] white space at the bottom of the text. If _\_n(_b_t is zero, the threshold feature is turned off. Blocks are not filled unless _f is _F, when they are filled. The block will be left-justified if _m is _L, indented by _\_n(_b_i [4m] if _m is _I or absent, centered (line-for-line) if _m is _C, and left justified to the margin (not to the base indent) if _m is _M. The block is set in font _\_n(_d_f [0]. .)_b End block. .(_z _m _f Begin floating keep. Like .(_b except that the keep is _f_l_o_a_t_e_d to the bottom of the page or the top of the next page. Therefore, its position relative to the text changes. The floating keep is preceded and followed by _\_n(_z_s [1v] space. Also, it defaults to mode _M. .)_z End floating keep. .(_c Begin centered block. The next keep is centered as a block, rather than on a line-by-line basis as with .(_b _C. This call may be nested inside keeps. .)_c End centered block. _5. _A_n_n_o_t_a_t_i_o_n_s .(_d Begin delayed text. Everything in the next keep is saved for output later with ._p_d, in a manner similar to footnotes. .)_d _n End delayed text. The delayed text number regis- ter _\_n($_d and the associated string _\*# are incre- mented if _\*# has been referenced. ._p_d Print delayed text. Everything diverted via .(_d is printed and truncated. This might be used at the end of each chapter. .(_f Begin footnote. The text of the footnote is floated to the bottom of the page and set in font _\_n(_f_f [1] and size _\_n(_f_p [8p]. Each entry is pre- ceded by _\_n(_f_s [0.2v] space, is indented _\_n(_f_i [3n] on the first line, and is indented _\_n(_f_u [0] from the right margin. Footnotes line up under- neath two column output. If the text of the foot- note will not all fit on one page it will be car- ried over to the next page. .)_f _n End footnote. The number register _\_n($_f and the associated string _\** are incremented if they have USD:23-8 -me Reference Manual been referenced. .$_s The macro to output the footnote separator. This macro may be redefined to give other size lines or other types of separators. Currently it draws a 1.5i line. .(_x _x Begin index entry. Index entries are saved in the index _x [_x] until called up with ._x_p. Each entry is preceded by a _\_n(_x_s [0.2v] space. Each entry is "undented" by _\_n(_x_u [0.5i]; this register tells how far the page number extends into the right margin. .)_x _P _A End index entry. The index entry is finished with a row of dots with _A [null] right justified on the last line (such as for an author's name), followed by P [_\_n%]. If _A is specified, _P must be speci- fied; _\_n% can be used to print the current page number. If _P is an underscore, no page number and no row of dots are printed. ._x_p _x Print index _x [_x]. The index is formatted in the font, size, and so forth in effect at the time it is printed, rather than at the time it is col- lected. _6. _C_o_l_u_m_n_e_d _O_u_t_p_u_t ._2_c +_S _N Enter two-column mode. The column separation is set to +_S [4n, 0.5i in ACM mode] (saved in _\_n($_s). The column width, calculated to fill the single column line length with both columns, is stored in _\_n($_l. The current column is in _\_n($_c. You can test register _\_n($_m [1] to see if you are in sin- gle column or double column mode. Actually, the request enters _N [2] column output. ._1_c Revert to single-column mode. ._b_c Begin column. This is like ._b_p except that it begins a new column on a new page only if neces- sary, rather than forcing a whole new page if there is another column left on the current page. _7. _F_o_n_t_s _a_n_d _S_i_z_e_s ._s_z +_P The pointsize is set to _P [10p], and the line spacing is set proportionally. The ratio of line spacing to pointsize is stored in _\_n($_r. The ratio used internally by displays and annotations is stored in _\_n($_R (although this is not used by ._s_z). This size is _n_o_t sticky beyond many macros: -me Reference Manual USD:23-9 in particular, _\_n(_p_p (paragraph pointsize) modi- fies the pointsize every time a new paragraph is begun using the ._p_p, ._l_p, ._i_p, ._n_p, or ._b_u macros. Also, _\_n(_f_p (footnote pointsize), _\_n(_q_p (quote pointsize), _\_n(_s_p (section header pointsize), and _\_n(_t_p (title pointsize) may modify the pointsize. ._r _W _X Set _W in roman font, appending _X in the previous font. To append different font requests, use _X = _\_c. If no parameters, change to roman font. ._i _W _X Set _W in italics, appending _X in the previous font. If no parameters, change to italic font. Underlines in NROFF. ._b _W _X Set _W in bold font and append _X in the previous font. If no parameters, switch to bold font. In NROFF, underlines. ._r_b _W _X Set _W in bold font and append _X in the previous font. If no parameters, switch to bold font. ._r_b differs from ._b in that ._r_b does not underline in NROFF. ._u _W _X Underline _W and append _X. This is a true under- lining, as opposed to the ._u_l request, which changes to "underline font" (usually italics in TROFF). It won't work right if _W is spread or broken (including hyphenated). In other words, it is safe in nofill mode only. ._q _W _X Quote _W and append _X. In NROFF this just sur- rounds _W with double quote marks (`"'), but in TROFF uses directed quotes. ._b_i _W _X Set _W in bold italics and append _X. Actually, sets _W in italic and overstrikes once. Underlines in NROFF. It won't work right if _W is spread or broken (including hyphenated). In other words, it is safe in nofill mode only. ._b_x _W _X Sets _W in a box, with _X appended. Underlines in NROFF. It won't work right if _W is spread or bro- ken (including hyphenated). In other words, it is safe in nofill mode only. _s_m _W _X Sets _W in a smaller pointsize, with _X appended. _8. _R_o_f_f _S_u_p_p_o_r_t ._i_x +_N Indent, no break. Equivalent to '_i_n _N. 9 9 USD:23-10 -me Reference Manual ._b_l _N Leave _N contiguous white space, on the next page if not enough room on this page. Equivalent to a ._s_p _N inside a block. ._p_a +_N Equivalent to ._b_p. ._r_o Set page number in roman numerals. Equivalent to ._a_f % _i. ._a_r Set page number in Arabic. Equivalent to ._a_f % _1. ._n_1 Number lines in margin from one on each page. ._n_2 _N Number lines from _N, stop if _N = 0. ._s_k Leave the next output page blank, except for headers and footers. This is used to leave space for a full-page diagram which is produced exter- nally and pasted in later. To get a partial-page paste-in display, say ._s_v _N, where _N is the amount of space to leave; this space will be output immediately if there is room, and will otherwise be output at the top of the next page. However, be warned: if _N is greater than the amount of available space on an empty page, no space will ever be output. _9. _P_r_e_p_r_o_c_e_s_s_o_r _S_u_p_p_o_r_t ._E_Q _m _T Begin equation. The equation is centered if _m is _C or omitted, indented _\_n(_b_i [4m] if _m is _I, and left justified if _m is _L. _T is a title printed on the right margin next to the equation. See _T_y_p_e_s_e_t_t_i_n_g _M_a_t_h_e_m_a_t_i_c_s - _U_s_e_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e by Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry. ._E_N _c End equation. If _c is _C the equation must be con- tinued by immediately following with another ._E_Q, the text of which can be centered along with this one. Otherwise, the equation is printed, always on one page, with _\_n(_e_s [0.5v in TROFF, 1v in NROFF] space above and below it. ._T_S _h Table start. Tables are single spaced and kept on one page if possible. If you have a large table which will not fit on one page, use _h = _H and fol- low the header part (to be printed on every page of the table) with a ._T_H. See _T_b_l - _A _P_r_o_g_r_a_m _t_o _F_o_r_m_a_t _T_a_b_l_e_s by M. E. Lesk. ._T_H With ._T_S _H, ends the header portion of the table. 9 9 -me Reference Manual USD:23-11 ._T_E Table end. Note that this table does not float, in fact, it is not even guaranteed to stay on one page if you use requests such as ._s_p intermixed with the text of the table. If you want it to float (or if you use requests inside the table), surround the entire table (including the ._T_S and ._T_E requests) with the requests .(_z and .)_z. ._P_S _h _w Begin _p_i_c picture. _H is the height and _w is the width, both in basic units. _D_i_t_r_o_f_f only. ._P_E End picture. ._I_S Begin _i_d_e_a_l picture. ._I_E End _i_d_e_a_l picture. ._I_F End _i_d_e_a_l picture (alternate form). _G_S Begin _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture. _G_E End _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture. _G_F End _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture (alternate form). _1_0. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s ._r_e Reset tabs. Set to every 0.5i in TROFF and every 0.8i in NROFF. ._b_a +_N Set the base indent to +_N [0] (saved in _\_n($_i). All paragraphs, sections, and displays come out indented by this amount. Titles and footnotes are unaffected. The ._s_h request performs a ._b_a request if _\_n(_s_i [0] is not zero, and sets the base indent to _\_n(_s_i*_\_n($_0. ._x_l +_N Set the line length to _N [6.0i]. This differs from ._l_l because it only affects the current environment. ._l_l +_N Set line length in all environments to _N [6.0i]. This should not be used after output has begun, and particularly not in two-column output. The current line length is stored in _\_n($_l. ._h_l Draws a horizontal line the length of the page. This is useful inside floating keeps to differen- tiate between the text and the figure. ._l_h Print a letterhead at the current position on the page. The format of the letterhead must be defined in the file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_m_e/_l_e_t_t_e_r_h_e_a_d._m_e by USD:23-12 -me Reference Manual your local systems staff. Some environments may require _d_i_t_r_o_f_f for this macro to function prop- erly. ._l_o This macro loads another set of macros (in /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_m_e/_l_o_c_a_l._m_e) which is intended to be a set of locally defined macros. These macros should all be of the form .*_X, where _X is any letter (upper or lower case) or digit. _1_1. _S_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _P_a_p_e_r_s ._t_p Begin title page. Spacing at the top of the page can occur, and headers and footers are suppressed. Also, the page number is not incremented for this page. ._t_h Set thesis mode. This defines the modes accept- able for a doctoral dissertation at Berkeley. It double spaces, defines the header to be a single page number, and changes the margins to be 1.5 inch on the left and one inch on the top. .++ and .+_c should be used with it. This macro must be stated before initialization, that is, before the first call of a paragraphing macro or ._s_h. .++ _m _H This request defines the section of the paper which we are entering. The section type is defined by _m. _C means that we are entering the chapter portion of the paper, _A means that we are entering the appendix portion of the paper, _P means that the material following should be the preliminary portion (abstract, table of contents, etc.) portion of the paper, _A_B means that we are entering the abstract (numbered independently from 1 in Arabic numerals), and _B means that we are entering the bibliographic portion at the end of the paper. Also, the variants _R_C and _R_A are allowed, which specify renumbering of pages from one at the beginning of each chapter or appendix, respectively. The _H parameter defines the new header. If there are any spaces in it, the entire header must be quoted. If you want the header to have the chapter number in it, Use the string _\_\_\_\_n(_c_h. For example, to number appendixes _A._1 etc., type .++ _R_A '''_\_\_\_\_n(_c_h.%'. Each section (chapter, appendix, etc.) should be preceded by the .+_c request. It should be mentioned that it is easier when using TROFF to put the front material at the end of the paper, so that the table of contents can be collected and put out; this material can then be physically moved to the beginning of the paper. -me Reference Manual USD:23-13 .+_c _T Begin chapter with title _T. The chapter number is maintained in _\_n(_c_h. This register is incremented every time .+_c is called with a parameter. The title and chapter number are printed by .$_c. The header is moved to the footer on the first page of each chapter. If _T is omitted, .$_c is not called; this is useful for doing your own "title page" at the beginning of papers without a title page proper. .$_c calls .$_C as a hook so that chapter titles can be inserted into a table of contents automatically. The footnote numbering is reset to one. .$_c _T Print chapter number (from _\_n(_c_h) and _T. This macro can be redefined to your liking. It is defined by default to be acceptable for a PhD thesis at Berkeley. This macro calls $_C, which can be defined to make index entries, or whatever. .$_C _K _N _T This macro is called by .$_c. It is normally unde- fined, but can be used to automatically insert index entries, or whatever. _K is a keyword, either "Chapter" or "Appendix" (depending on the .++ mode); _N is the chapter or appendix number, and _T is the chapter or appendix title. ._a_c _A _N This macro (short for ._a_c_m) sets up the NROFF environment for camera-ready papers as used by the ACM. This format is 25% larger, and has no headers or footers. The author's name _A is printed at the bottom of the page (but off the part which will be printed in the conference proceedings), together with the current page number and the total number of pages _N. Addition- ally, this macro loads the file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_m_e/_a_c_m._m_e, which may later be augmented with other macros useful for printing papers for ACM conferences. It should be noted that this macro will not work correctly in version 7 TROFF, since it sets the page length wider than the phy- sical width of the C/A/T phototypesetter roll. _1_2. _P_r_e_d_e_f_i_n_e_d _S_t_r_i_n_g_s _\** Footnote number, actually _\*[_\_n($_f_\*]. This macro is incremented after each call to .)_f. _\*# Delayed text number. Actually [_\_n($_d]. _\*[ Superscript. This string gives upward movement and a change to a smaller point size if possible, otherwise it gives the left bracket character (`['). Extra space is left above the line to USD:23-14 -me Reference Manual allow room for the superscript. _\*] Unsuperscript. Inverse to _\*[. For example, to produce a superscript you might type _x_\*[_2_\*], which will produce _x[_2]. _\*< Subscript. Defaults to `<' if half-carriage motion not possible. Extra space is left below the line to allow for the subscript. _\*> Inverse to _\*<. _\*(_d_w The day of the week, as a word. _\*(_m_o The month, as a word. _\*(_t_d Today's date, directly printable. The date is of the form September 2, 1987. Other forms of the date can be used by using _\_n(_d_y (the day of the month; for example, 2), _\*(_m_o (as noted above) or _\_n(_m_o (the same, but as an ordinal number; for example, September is 9), and _\_n(_y_r (the last two digits of the current year). _\*(_l_q Left quote marks. Double quote in NROFF. _\*(_r_q Right quote. _\*- 3/4 em dash in TROFF; two hyphens in NROFF. _1_3. _S_p_e_c_i_a_l _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s _a_n_d _M_a_r_k_s There are a number of special characters and diacritical marks (such as accents) available through -me. To reference these characters, you must call the macro ._s_c to define the char- acters before using them. ._s_c Define special characters and diacritical marks, as described in the remainder of this section. This macro must be stated before initialization. The special characters available are listed below. Name Usage Example Acute accent \*' a\*' a' Grave accent \*` e\*` e` Umlat \*: u\*: u Tilde \*~ n\*~ n~ Caret \*^ e\*^ e^ Cedilla \*, c\*, c, Czech \*v e\*v e Circle \*o A\*o A There exists \*(qe EXISTS For all \*(qa FORALL 9 9 -me Reference Manual USD:23-15 _A_c_k_n_o_w_l_e_d_g_m_e_n_t_s I would like to thank Bob Epstein, Bill Joy, and Larry Rowe for having the courage to use the -me macros to produce non- trivial papers during the development stages; Ricki Blau, Pamela Humphrey, and Jim Joyce for their help with the documentation phase; peter kessler for numerous complaints, most accompanied by fixes; and the plethora of people who have contributed ideas and have given support for the project. 9 9 USD:23-16 -me Reference Manual _S_u_m_m_a_r_y This alphabetical list summarizes all macros, strings, and number registers available in the -me macros. Selected _t_r_o_f_f commands, registers, and functions are included as well; those listed can generally be used with impunity. The columns are the name of the command, macro, register, or string; the type of the object, and the description. Types are _M for macro or builtin command (invoked with . or ' in the first input column), _S for a string (invoked with _\* or _\*(), _R for a number register (invoked with _\_n or _\_n(), and _F for a _t_r_o_f_f buil- tin function (invoked by preceding it with a single backslash). Lines marked with are _t_r_o_f_f internal codes. Lines marked with |- or |= may be defined by the user to get special functions; |= indicates that these are defined by default and changing them may have unexpected side effects. Lines marked with 8o9 are specific to _d_i_t_r_o_f_f (device-independent _t_r_o_f_f). NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION \(space) F unpaddable space \" F comment (to end of line) \*# S optional delayed text tag string \$_N F interpolate argument _N \n($0 R section depth .$0 M|- invoked after section title printed \n($1 R first section number .$1 M|- invoked before printing depth 1 section \n($2 R second section number .$2 M|- invoked before printing depth 2 section \n($3 R third section number .$3 M|- invoked before printing depth 3 section \n($4 R fourth section number .$4 M|- invoked before printing depth 4 section \n($5 R fifth section number .$5 M|- invoked before printing depth 5 section \n($6 R sixth section number .$6 M|- invoked before printing depth 6 section .$C M|- called at beginning of chapter .$H M|- text header \n($R R|= relative vertical spacing in displays \n($c R current column number .$c M|= print chapter title \n($d R delayed text number \n($f R footnote number .$f M|= print footer .$h M|= print header \n($i R paragraph base indent \n($l R column width \n($m R number of columns in effect \*($n S section name \n($p R numbered paragraph number -me Reference Manual USD:23-17 NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION .$p M|= print section heading (internal macro) \n($r R|= relative vertical spacing in text \n($s R column indent .$s M|= footnote separator (from text) \n% R current page number \& F zero width character, useful for hiding controls \(_x_x F interpolate special character _x_x .(b M begin block .(c M begin centered block .(d M begin delayed text .(f M begin footnote .(l M begin list .(q M begin quote .(x M begin index entry .(z M begin floating keep .)b M end block .)c M end centered block .)d M end delayed text .)f M end footnote .)l M end list .)q M end quote .)x M end index entry .)z M end floating keep \*_x F interpolate string _x \*(_x_x F interpolate string _x_x \** S optional footnote tag string .++ M set paper section type .+c M begin chapter \*, S cedilla \- F minus sign \*- S 3/4 em dash \0 F unpaddable digit-width space .1c M revert to single column output .2c M begin two column output \*: S umlat \*< S begin subscript \*> S end subscript .EN M end equation .EQ M begin equation \L'_d' F vertical line drawing function for distance _d .GE M8o9 end _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture .GF M8o9 end _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture (with flyback) .GS M8o9 start _g_r_e_m_l_i_n picture .IE M8o9 end _i_d_e_a_l picture .IF M8o9 end _i_d_e_a_l picture (with flyback) .IS M8o9 start _i_d_e_a_l picture .PE M8o9 end _p_i_c picture .PF M8o9 end _p_i_c picture (with flyback) .PS M8o9 start _p_i_c picture .TE M end table .TH M end header of table .TS M begin table USD:23-18 -me Reference Manual NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION \*[ S begin superscript \n(.$ R number of arguments to macro \n(.i R current indent \n(.l R current line length \n(.s R current point size \*(' S acute accent \*(` S grave accent \(' F acute accent \(` F grave accent \*] S end superscript \^ F 1/12 em narrow space \*^ S caret .ac M ACM mode .ad M set text adjustment .af M assign format to register .am M append to macro .ar M set page numbers in Arabic .as M append to string .b M bold font .ba M set base indent .bc M begin new column .bi M bold italic \n(bi R display (block) indent .bl M blank lines (even at top of page) \n(bm R bottom title margin .bp M begin page .br M break (start new line) \n(bs R display (block) pre/post spacing \n(bt R block keep threshold .bx M boxed \c F continue input .ce M center lines \n(ch R current chapter number .de M define macro \n(df R display font .ds M define string \n(dw R current day of week \*(dw S current day of week \n(dy R day of month \e F printable version of \ .ef M set footer (even numbered pages only) .eh M set header (even numbered pages only) .el M else part of conditional .ep M end page \n(es R equation pre/post space \f_f F inline font change to font _f \f(_f_f F inline font change to font _f_f .fc M set field characters \n(ff R footnote font .fi M fill output lines \n(fi R footnote indent (first line only) \n(fm R footer margin -me Reference Manual USD:23-19 NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION .fo M set footer \n(fp R footnote pointsize \n(fs R footnote prespace \n(fu R footnote undent (from right margin) \h'_d' F local horizontal motion for distance _d .hc M set hyphenation character .he M set header .hl M draw horizontal line \n(hm R header margin .hx M suppress headers and footers on next page .hy M set hyphenation mode .i M italic font .ie M conditional with else .if M conditional \n(ii R indented paragraph indent .in M indent (transient, use .ba for pervasive) .ip M begin indented paragraph .ix M indent, no break \l'_d' F horizontal line drawing function for distance _d .lc M set leader repetition character .lh M8o9 interpolate local letterhead .ll M set line length .lo M load local macros .lp M begin left justified paragraph \*(lq S left quote marks .ls M set multi-line spacing .m1 M set space from top of page to header .m2 M set space from header to text .m3 M set space from text to footer .m4 M set space from footer to bottom of page .mc M insert margin character .mk M mark vertical position \n(mo R month of year \*(mo S current month \n_x F interpolate number register _x \n(_x_x F interpolate number register _x_x .n1 M number lines in margin .n2 M number lines in margin .na M turn off text adjustment .ne M need vertical space .nf M don't fill output lines .nh M turn off hyphenation .np M begin numbered paragraph .nr M set number register .ns M no space mode \*o S circle (e.g., for Norse A) .of M set footer (odd numbered pages only) .oh M set header (odd numbered pages only) .pa M begin page .pd M print delayed text \n(pf R paragraph font \n(pi R paragraph indent USD:23-20 -me Reference Manual NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION .pl M set page length .pn M set next page number .po M page offset \n(po R simulated page offset .pp M begin paragraph \n(pp R paragraph pointsize \n(ps R paragraph prespace .q M quoted \*(qa S for all \*(qe S there exists \n(qi R quote indent (also shortens line) \n(qp R quote pointsize \n(qs R quote pre/post space .r M roman font .rb M real bold font .re M reset tabs .rm M remove macro or string .rn M rename macro or string .ro M set page numbers in roman \*(rq S right quote marks .rr M remove register .rs M restore spacing .rt M return to vertical position \s_S F inline size change to size _S .sc M load special characters \n(sf R section title font .sh M begin numbered section \n(si R relative base indent per section depth .sk M skip next page .sm M set argument in a smaller pointsize .so M source input file \n(so R additional section title offset .sp M vertical space \n(sp R section title pointsize \n(ss R section prespace .sx M change section depth .sz M set pointsize and vertical spacing .ta M set tab stops .tc M set tab repetition character \*(td S today's date \n(tf R title font .th M set thesis mode .ti M temporary indent (next line only) .tl M three part title \n(tm R top title margin .tp M begin title page \n(tp R title pointsize .tr M translate .u M underlined .uh M unnumbered section .ul M underline next line \v'_d' F local vertical motion for distance _d -me Reference Manual USD:23-21 NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION \*v S inverted `v' for czeck ``e'' \w'_S' F return width of string _S .xl M set line length (local) .xp M print index \n(xs R index entry prespace \n(xu R index undent (from right margin) \n(yr R year (last two digits only) \n(zs R floating keep pre/post space \{ F begin conditional group \| F 1/6 em narrow space \} F end conditional group \*~ S tilde 9 9