For Clarification: 1. lert used in login may use zephyr or cat should not use -n i.e. put the messages up every time it is run. 2. lert run by hand can use -n this will tell the server you want to be removed the server will remove you from the db, moving your current record to a log db so... (admin view) administrator does lertload b < file_of_names file_of_names alpha beta and makes file lertb (whatever text you like) (user view) alpha logs in, gets shown lertb. when alpha gets tired of seeing lertb, runs lert -n which moves that record to log. (it also shows him all the messages once more--this helps avoid problems with not seeing some message due to time) (added fun) admin can also use lertdump to see who is in the database with what categories lertstop b to remove all the b's in the database lertused name to remove a user from the database lertsaid to see who is in the log database note: lert0 will be shown first to people getting other messages. recommended usage: "To stop seeing these messages, please type lert -n" or whatever other usage notes people want to show the users who are being sent messages... (thanks to Craig for pointing out this documentation horror!)