things that need to get set up... 1. decide where server will run. modify lert.h to reflect. build server for platform. 2. change hesiod info (lert/sloc) to real server location 3. change /etc/services for port info? 4. decide where database will reside. modify lert.h. build database. 5. write up good lert0 file and first notification file (lerta) e.g. tell them how to stop getting messages and what to do about the account being deactivated. 6. modify dotfiles to run lert when starting up. 7. kerberos keys and so forth--set up and make lert.h match. 8. clients for all platforms 9. correct version, etc. info in files 10. makefile/imake/whatthehell... 11. quick course for whoever is going to run this mess