
I'm a huge fan of music! It's really cool! I think it's neat! Ok, I know I'm not much of a linguist, but I think you get my drift.


These are some of my favorite bands. See if you can guess what kind of music I like.
These guys are spiffy. I especially like their old stuff...Aqualung, Thick As a Brick, etc...
These guys are insane, which is why they're cool. I'm not sure if Apollo 18 is my favorite album of their's, but it's close. One of my favorite songs onthis album is Spider. When I was in high school, most of my friends hadn't heard of TMBG, so I tried to make them listen to this song. Hehehe, I'm so evil.
This music is so funky. Also, my best friend knows the guy who maintains this group's home page. Pretty cool, huh?
I like to listen to this music when I'm in a bad mood. Have you ever read anything about Trent Reznor? Then you know why I say this.
This is a group of many moods. Sometimes it's a happy group, other times it's a depressing as all hell group. That's why it's cool.
I've just recently really started to like Peter Gabriel. He's one of the things that I start looking for whenever I go to the used CD place. I just bought Security really cheap at one of those places. Lucky me!

Not Bands

One of the main reasons I became interested in music is because I've been playing musical instruments my whole life...almost. This is what I can play.
Violin - I've been playing this since I was 8 years old. That means I've been playing for over half my life. Woa. That's really weird. I feel so old!

Piano - Around here this seems like nothing special. I'm not very good, either. I always walk by the piano rooms or something and there's always someone playing this impossible song from memory. I want to shoot them.

Any other instrument - I can actually play almost anything. "Play" here means, "be able to play at least one note." I know that sounds very impressive, but it actually isn't as difficult as it seems.

So, because of all this wonderful musical training, I have learned to love classical music. It's so cool. I especially love Beethoven.

Other Music Databases and Stuff

World Wide Web of Music - pretty cool. Where I found some music stuff.

Well, I had another link, but I decided it was stupid, so I didn't put it here. I like lists, though, so you'll just have to deal with the fact that this list only has one link.

But, now there are 3 items on the list.

Because I'm the one who owns this page, I can make as many of these stupid things as I want. I guess that's enough for now, though.

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