CTMF Readme File CTMF is a utility that enables users to run programs designed for use with earlier versions of the CyberTrack-II Module (CTM). CTMF will enable you to take advantage of the advanced features available with CTM version 1.11a while maintaining complete compatibility with earlier CyberTrack-II compatible software. If it is not clear to you whether a particular program supports the new tracker, follow the instructions provided with the program to use the CyberTrack-II and do not execute CTMF. If the program does not respond to the CyberTrack-II, you will probably have to use CTMF. CTMF is simple to use. CTMF can be executed from the DOS prompt or in a batch file. CTMF uses several command line arguments (or "switches"). The command structure for CTMF is as follows. CTMF {{/1|/2|/3|/4} {/f|/b} {/q} | /h} /1 through /4 : Specifies COM port number /f : Puts the new CTM into its native mode, with all new functions supported. This mode may be incompatible with some older programs. /b : Puts the new CTM into backward compatibility mode. Use this mode with CyberTrack-II compatible software that does not respond to the CyberTrack-II without use of CTMF. /q : CTMF will not display any messages indicating a successful mode change. Error messages will still be printed. /h : CTMF prints on-line help. Note: if /h is used, CTMF will simply print on-line help and exit WITHOUT implementing any mode changes. A good way to use CTMF is in a batch file. For example, if you have a program called XYZ.EXE that is compatible with the old CTM and you wish to use it with your new CyberTrack-II or CE-200W, the following batch file can be created. CTMF /1 /b /q XYZ CTMF /1 /f /q This little batch file (let's call it XYZRUN.BAT) would be run instead of XYZ and will put the CTM into backward compatibility mode and execute XYZ. Upon exit of XYZ, the CTM will return to its native mode.