MousMaxx General Reality Company 124 Race Street San Jose, CA 95126 408-289-8340 phone 408-289-8258 fax _____________________________________________________________________________ Please note that this driver can be used with other programs that use mouse control. Doom is being used only for illustration. _____________________________________________________________________________ MousMaxx allows you to use your CyberTrack II head-mounted display to play Doom. With MousMaxx and your CyberTrack II you can be IN Doom instead of playing it on your computer screen. Use your head motion to turn left or right and look a full 360 degrees around you. You can use the tilt of your head to move either forward or backward by tilting down or up respectively. The buttons on your joystick are active. Press the joystick's trigger button to fire your weapon and press the joystick's second button to move forward. Additionally, you can use your keyboard to move and fire. To to use MousMaxx eith DOOM: 1. Edit the DEFAULT.CFG file located in your Doom directory and make the following changes: mouse_sensitivity 0 use_mouse 1 2. Run MousMaxx from the DOOM directory. You must tell MousMaxx the COM port that the CyberTrack II is using as well as the name of the Doom program you wish to run. The proper syntax is as follows. MOUSMAXX port [-N] program [parms] port Specifies the COM port the CyberTrack II is connected to (1 - 4). -N Disables forward/backward motion using head tilt. program Specifies the Doom executable you want to run. parms Specifies optional parameters to pass to the Doom executable. For example mousmaxx 1 doom Runs DOOM.EXE with the CyberTrack II connected to COM1. mousmaxx 2 -n doom Runs DOOM.EXE with the CyberTrack II connected to COM2 and with forward/backward motion disabled. mousmaxx1 ipxsetup -nodes 3 Runs IPXSETUP.EXE with the CyberTrack II on COM1 and enables a 3 player Doom network. 5. Play it! For best results, calibrate your CyberTrack II by following these steps: 1. While wearing the CyberTrack II face the computer monitor. 2. Turn your head a full 180 degrees so that you are looking in the opposite direction of the monitor. 3. Press the reset switch on the CyberTrack II. 4. Turn your head a full 180 degress so that you are facing the monitor.